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Everything posted by Hector

  1. Awesome photos!! You have a beautiful bird!
  2. Agree 100 percent. I joined this group about a year ago when i purchased a Mooney because of the wealth of information available here from some very experienced pilots, mechanics, and long time Mooney owners. I don't agree with everything I read here, but enjoy the lively discussions and in the end make up my own mind on what suggestions/recommendations to accept. That being said, I don't see any scenario in which I would purposely disrespect a member of this community simply because I thought their point was off, plain wrong, or even bordering on stupidity. At some point you have to accept that there are different points of view, you should not expect others to see things your way just because you think you are right, and under no circumstances should any of us allow a discussion to degrade into personal attacks. If you can't help yourself, then take it off the forum and go to PM and duke it out there and spare the rest of us. Some of us also need to grow a little thicker skin. You don't need to go off the deep end because of a little poking!! It may not have been intended as a personal attack, and even if it was, take the high road brother, it just ain't worth it!!
  3. Wow! $85 per month for a hanger? I pay $230 for a run down piece of crap built in the 40s with a two inch clearance on the tail. Consider yourself lucky. O course, there are some guys in south Florida who probably think I'm lucky.
  4. At St. Augustine! Wow I don't know about that. That may be too far for me. I'm at based out of Craig (CRG). That would be like a 10 minute flight.
  5. Did not, but indeed very nice feature. Look forward to using it. This product continues to get better and it's obvious the developers are quite busy improving the performance and functionality.
  6. It would be nice if we could get some Mooney's in there. I'm willing to go if more of the Mooney drivers here are willing.
  7. Shot the ILS 32 at CRG today with the overlay. I like it!!! And they have now incorporated one of my favorite features of fltplan.com. They will send you your clearance as soon as the FAA gets it into their computers. No last minute surprises.
  8. OK, consider this an interim PIREP (I'll explain later). Went flying after work today in an attempt to see if my carbureted C could be run LOP with my relatively new JPI 730. Leveled at 6500, 22" MP, and 2400 RPM ( this is my typical cruise setting). As a baseline I first tried leaning to my usual 20 degrees ROP which yielded around 9.6 GPH. I repeated this three more times with the same results regarding fuel flow, however, in three of the four attempts a different cylinder peaked first. I had noticed this in the past but was not sure what to make of it. Not sure what it means but I would rather think that my fuel distribution is probably pretty good for a carburetor. Next, I set the JPI in LOP mode and started leaning. The first cylinder peaked and went lean quickly followed by two more cylinders, but before the last cylinder went lean I started to feel a little roughness. By the time the last cylinder went LOP my fuel flow was 7.3 GPH. I had to enrich to a fuel flow of 8 GPH to eliminate all signs of roughness. I tried this 3 more times with similar results, just before or at the same time the last cylinder goes LOP I start to feel some roughness between 7 and 7.5 GPH, enriching to about 8 GPH clears the roughness AND CHTs were about 20 degrees cooler than when leaned to 20 degrees ROP (350 vice 370). So what does this all mean???? Well for one thing it looks like the method I was using before I got the JPI (lean to roughness and enrich a little) is probably the best method and I just wasted a bunch of money on a 730. Just kidding, glad to have the engine monitor for many obvious reasons. Now for the really stupid lapse of memory, I completely forgot to use carb heat in an attempt to make that last cylinder go lean without roughness. It was late and I was getting tired. So this is an interim PIREP until I try this again this weekend.
  9. I recall reading somewhere that cleaning solutions containing alcohol can promote crazing (micro-cracking) of acrylic surfaces.
  10. Promise will give it a try within next 48 hours. Tried to do it today, but wife had other ideas.
  11. My 730 is on the avionics bus as well
  12. Congrats! She looks great!!
  13. Harbour Freight hoist nailed to the back of my hanger. I sacrificed a long extension cord to rewire/extend the range of the hand controller so I can steer with the tow bar while operating the controller with the other hand. Been using it for a year now. This is how the previous owner of my bird got the Mooney in and out of the hanger and I simply copied his idea as my hanger also has an upslope. I personally inspected the tail ring attach area during my annual 2 months ago and did not see any evidence damage.
  14. I have not tried but intend to do so shortly. I typically cruise high and so I lean to about 20 degrees rich of peak. If I try to lean beyond peak the engine lets me know its not happy, but I have not tried to use carb heat or pull slightly back from WOT to see if I can push it further. I've been meaning to give it try and now that I have installed a JPI 730 (less than two months ago) I can finally do this correctly.
  15. We probably need a bit more info to see what is going on. At a minimum give us altitude and power setting you were using while trying to lean at cruise. I have a C and I lean aggressively for all ground ops and very rarely have issues with plug fouling. I just came back from Key West and at 8000 with full throttle (22 inches) and 2400RPM my JPI 730 was showing 9.1 GPH just rich of peak.
  16. Well, I did go there made a low pass over the runway and decided it looked fine. Narrow runway indeed but perfectly manageable. It was really no big deal. The Sugar Loaf Lodge owns the runway and they charged me $10 per day. Since I stayed for 15 days I asked for and they gave me a monthly rate of $100. They have no fuel there so just make plans accordingly. They do have tie downs. The only business operating out of the field is a parachute jumping outfit. Friendly folks. While I was there I checked on my airplane a few times and saw other folks come and go (Cherokee 6, C-182, Archer). I will definitely use again next year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  17. I have the Whelen Parmetheus replacement for the PAR 46 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  18. Also have the LED light in my C. Easy to install and bright. Used to have the 250 watt bulb and would use it sparingly. Now I use the landing light anytime I'm in congested airspace. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  19. I don't have an issue with him being in the left seat, after all the pilot did have over 10k hours on other aircraft including 747. But the check pilot that was there to be make sure he was doing ok, what the hell was he doing? How did they let this unstabilized approach continue this far? I suspect this will be another interesting case of cockpit resource management.
  20. For those of you who frequent the Florida Keys, I need a PIREP on this private strip located between Marathon and Key West. I contacted the owner and he said no problem at all if I want to use it. It is literally within walking distance of a house I'm renting there starting in the middle of July for vacation. My concern is the owner said the 20 feet in the center of the runway is nicely paved, but outside of that the runway is not in great shape with loose gravel. My other option is Marathon Key, been there before lots and its fine but 20 miles from Sugar Loaf Key and not as convenient. If any of you guys have used this strip I would sure appreciate your comments. Regards, Hector
  21. Yes it will given that you have someone who knows Mooney's and its corrosion prone areas.
  22. 67C in JAX Florida. I keep it in a T- hangar, corrosion-x with every annual, ZERO corrosion. Inside of the wing looks like new! Like everything else, if the owner has taken care of the airplane it will likely be fine, but a pre-buy will answer your question.
  23. Do you have the Accuflite piece as well? If you do I would be interested in buying that from you. Already have Accutrak.
  24. Over the door on top of fuselage
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