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1964-M20E last won the day on November 24 2021

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    New Orleans
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  1. Replaced the battery in mine and now I can't get it to turn off. I guess I will either buy a new one or send it in to be calibrated, needs it anyway.
  2. When I shutdown for fuel like that I set the throttle 1200 to 1300 rpm then shut down. Hopefully with the nose facing into the wind. Also as I'm in the pattern I open the cowl flaps too get little extra cooling before shutdown. After fueling or other activities and ready for the hot start I don't touch anything turn on the boost pump and turn the key to start. Usually works good for me.
  3. People need to lean to keep their mouth shut.
  4. Not sure if anyone from FL wants to move their plane as far west as New Orleans but we can provide space at LS40 just south of New Orleans International, KMSY. It's a grass strip and you would tied down outside but well away from the effects of Helene. I affectionately call it the trailer park of airports but it's home and doesn't cost much to be there. PM me if you are interested. I can rearrange some things and get one plane under a hangar roof.
  5. Mine is in the garage with corrosion X on it. Well I probably need to reapply.
  6. I have a crank from an IO360A1A left over from my overhaul. The cylinders and mags were exchanged. Crank is red tagged due to corrosion on the prop flange not usable in certified but maybe someone else might want one.
  7. I would suspect that they are different. Either would probably be hard to find. Call an MSC to check for availability and order the correct one.
  8. how about these people you can get a custom webbing size to your specification. Little expensive but if secured to the cargo area properly would provide good containment. I'd stay away from anything metal that may dislodge. https://www.usnetting.com/cargo-netting/cargo-nets/1-inch-webbing-cargo-nets/loops/
  9. You say the door is not moving then say movement is slow going up????? pop the gear box cover off and see what is and isn't moving. Then as above make sure everything, gear box, wheels, strap roller bearings (pillar blocks probably about 10 of them the length of the door) are well lubricated.
  10. When I was flying to KORL on Dec 26 I was delayed and was told by ATC to slow down because there were 5 jets ahead off me and I was #6 to land. First time that ever happened but KORL is always busy and we were all flying the approach. Yes the biz jets are delaying air traffic.
  11. What about a field overhaul other shops?
  12. I agree the process is flawed. Where are the STCs for 100LL?? Somewhere in time 100lLL began production and that is what we are using today. We had other fuels that were out there with more lead and more octane.
  13. There should be no STC needed. The FAA needs to blanket approve an appropriate replacement. As far as GAMI goes I'd take $0.02 to $0.05 licensing fee per gallon for research and profit.
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