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1966 M20E, SN 1022
I bought this one two years ago and invested a lot in upgrades and upkeep. Paint is still crummy but the rest is really nice. A pilot on a budge could get it vynil wrapped to keep it looking good as the whites are still in good shape.
New interior 2021
New gear pucks 2021
No fuel leaks. Tanks sealed 2001 by wet wingologist.
Prop re-sealed 2020
1300 hrs SMOH,  airframe TT 5660
GNC 355 WAAS GPS/Com with two AV-30Cs. Fuel flow and totalizer (very accurate!!) and 4-cylinder CHT/EGT.
GNX 335 ADSB transponder
No corrosion, SB 208 performed fall 2020 and the rest of the airframe was corrosion X sprayed 2021.
Located in the greater Seattle area.

DM me for questions, or contact me at 206-218-9867 (txt preferred, I get a lot of spam calls)
Reason for sale: I had twins last year and will need a bigger ride for the family trips. This has been a fantastic airplane for me and ownership has been a joy. I hope that will be the same for the future owner. What a treat!








  • Like 1

Invite @bcg to this thread…

The M20E is  a very evolved version of the M20B…

A popular forever plane for the retired crowd…

If you start with the M20E, and have to hold onto it for a while…

It will be a more ‘liquid’ investment for short term ownership… than the M20B…


PP thoughts only…

Also drawing attention to a very nice M20E…


Best regards,


  • Like 2
  On 7/26/2022 at 1:04 AM, McMooney said:

looking at trade a plane and barnstormers, why is this price so low ?


I posted it on trade-a-plane, not barnstormers.
I personally don't find it priced too low given comparable mooneys on trade-a-plane. Comparing value is difficult, but I think this one is worth  ~60k. I'm hoping for a quick sale as I have my eye on a successor so need the mooney gone.
This is a great plane, but paint is old and to some that matters. If it doesn't matter to you, then this is a good deal.

  On 7/27/2022 at 4:20 PM, geoffb said:

Vince, love what you did with the interior.  Congrats on the twins, but sorry it means 11W won't work for you any more.


Hey, thanks Geoff. I thought about pinging you here. I'll be sorry to see it go too, it has really been a joy to operate and fly. We're currently looking at Twin Comanches and baby barons (a55 or b55). Hope you are enjoying your 262!!!

Posted (edited)
  On 7/27/2022 at 4:23 PM, VinceCB said:

A TON of commercial airplanes are vinyl wrapped. I would like to see an FAR quote confirming your statement.


I’ve talked to aviation wraps. You can’t do it. They will tell you themselves. I’ve also asked the FSDO. 

from the FAA major repair or alteration data approval page 67-  (it’s copied and pasted from a pdf so some things didn’t copy/paste properly)

The installation of vinyl covering shrink wraps on part 23 airplanes, gliders, and airships should be made only by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Type Certificate (TC), Amended Type Ce11ificate(ATC),andSupplementalTypeCertificate(STC). Thismemorandumisnot applicable to vinyl decals or logos that are placed on limited areas of the fuselage or empennage.
Although the end result of a vinyl shrink wrap installation appears on the exterior like a fresh coat of paint, vinyl shrink wrap material is different in that it is applied in large sheets that are bonded to the exterior of aircraft by use of heat shrinking and chemical interaction.
The following are safety concerns with the installation of vinyl shrink wrap coverings that must be evaluated. by the applicant for any TC/ATC/STC application:

Without proper engineering evaluation and/or tests, vinyl shrink wrap cannot be placed on any control surface or control surface tab:
a. withoutconsiderationoftheeffectonthefluttercharacteristics(whetherthe surface is mass balanced or not) and
b. where that installation would change the existing clearance between adjacent surfaces with and without loading.
Scoring the skin of aircraft when cutting the vinyl sheets to fit, which can start cracks, particularly in pressurized aircraft.
Blocking of fuel vents, static ports, hinges, drain holes etc., making them inoperative or changing the airflow over static po1ts.
Use of an open flame from a blowtorch to apply the material. This is a concern around fuel tanks and vents, sensitive antennas, and especially on composite parts, which have cure temperatures we!l below the temperature of a blowtorch.
Covering required exterior aircraft markings and emergency exits. Vinylsheetslosingadhesiononthesurfaceoronrotatingpartsandjammingcontrol surfaces or compromising engines.
Static build-up causing electrical discharges in or around fuel tanks and causing radio/navigation interference.
Tinting of windows and windshields with transparent vinyl, which compromises the view of pilots.
The impact on removal of ice build-up on critical surfaces.
Flammability of the material, including lightning strikes, and especially near engine exhausts and around engine nacelles. Flammability test specimens should be built-up from the cowling/nacelle with the vinyl shrink wrap applied.
Peeling of the wrap from rain or hail.
Masking of cracks and corrosion in structure and skin.
Lifetime of a vinyl shrink wrnp installation. How long before mandatory removal. Effects of de-ice fluids on the film.
 Rev 5.6 09/25/2017
Page 67

boots. Theseissuesincludehazardsthataremajortocatastrophic,sotheinstallationbyFAA Field Approval is not acceptable. Only Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Type Certificate (TC), Amended Type Certificate (ATC), 

Edited by chriscalandro

"This memorandum is not applicable to vinyl decals or logos that are placed on limited areas of the fuselage or empennage". I think that is what we are talking about here, as I noted the white is still in good condition. Anyways, subject for another thread. The future owner can do as they please :). If anybody want to read up on the memorandum, you can find it here:

  On 7/27/2022 at 8:55 PM, Bolter said:

Making sure that @VinceCB saw this post:  



Thanks @Bolter, I just signed a pre-purchase agreement and have 2 or 3 people in line to sign a PPA if this one should fail, so I'll refrain from further advertisement. I appreciate the thought though!

  • Like 1
  On 7/26/2022 at 12:03 AM, carusoam said:

Invite @bcg to this thread…

The M20E is  a very evolved version of the M20B…

A popular forever plane for the retired crowd…

If you start with the M20E, and have to hold onto it for a while…

It will be a more ‘liquid’ investment for short term ownership… than the M20B…


PP thoughts only…

Also drawing attention to a very nice M20E…


Best regards,



I wish I'd seen this before today, I would have probably paid a deposit to give me some time to get up there and look at it.  This is a real deal and the paint really doesn't look bad in the pics.

I'm going to look at a C Saturday morning and we're trying to setup a time to go look at a B as well but, I'm having a hard time getting any logs from the seller.  I'd like to at least see the last few years worth before flying an hour to look at something.  There was another C on my list also, it's at 1800 SMOH though and when I looked at the logs and FlightAware, it hasn't moved in 2 years so that's a no for me.  I would be willing to risk the hours on something that was flying regularly but high hours and not flying sounds like more of a project than something to fly.  I already have too many projects.

  • Like 2

@bcg, just because it's not on FlightAware doesn't mean it hasn't moved. Very few of my Alabama flights show up there, mostly just IFR flights, while the bulk of mine have been VFR.

  On 7/29/2022 at 11:24 PM, Hank said:

@bcg, just because it's not on FlightAware doesn't mean it hasn't moved. Very few of my Alabama flights show up there, mostly just IFR flights, while the bulk of mine have been VFR.


The last log entry was also in 2020, so it hasn't had an annual since then. 

  • Sad 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Closed the sale yesterday to an involved owner who will take good care of N2711W. The new owner was the first person to reach me, 1 hour after I posted it up for sale here!!! I'm sure Tom will get involved on this forum in the near future.

  • Like 1
  • VinceCB changed the title to (SOLD) M20E for sale $52,000

MS indicates…

1 hour from first post to first call…

About 24 days from first post to closing the sale…

That was a quick one!

PP thoughts only, not a sales guy…

Go MS!

Best regards,


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