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Thank you for signing up for our mailing list.

The holidays are upon us and as expression of our appreciation we have sent Friend's Gift Bag to our customers which they may gift any three of their friends. Friend's Gift Bag has in it:

  • $100 off the purchase of their own SkyRadar system.
  • A free, one-year subscription to SkyRadar's software, $65 value, which provides a moving map, free weather, approach plates, charts, flight planning and much more.

We'd also like to take a moment to remember our brave troops, who continue fighting for our freedom everyday. While many remain deployed overseas, others have come back home severely wounded. We would like to do our part to help them and their families. To that end, we've also included in the Friend's Gift Bag:


If you are thinking about purchasing SkyRadar ask your friend who owns one to gift you a Friend's Gift Bag.

On behalf of Radenna's team, I would like to wish you and your family a happy holiday season and safe flying.

Thank you,

Vladimir Geisberg

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