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Hi all,

I just got back from a nice flight in my 231 and I was wondering if that ever happened to anyone on here.

After cruising for 1 hour, when I started the descent and pulled on the throttle,I noticed that the EDM900 wasn’t doing anything, everything was on but the numbers seamed to be frozen as I could clearly ear the engine sound changing but the numbers never did.

I then pulled the breaker for it and pushed it back in, everything went straight back on and worked perfectly.

I’ll call the JPI guys tomorrow but I just wanted to know if I was the first one to experience that??




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I’ve owned both the 900 and the 930 over 7 years and have never had it happen.  Depending on how old the unit is, it may need a software/firmware update.  Agree it’s worth a call to JPI and/or your shop in the morning.  Curious as to what you find out.



I was over water exporting an Aircraft to Costa Rica and had my Garmin 396 do that, Took me awhile to figure it out. I couldn’t even turn it off, so I took out my 296 backup and it worked.

‘I had to remove and reinstall the battery in the 396 to get it to work again.

‘I used it for years and it never did that again

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