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It doesn’t look like I’ll make it to the next west coast Mooney formation training in May. But I’m scheduled to be at the C2A formation training in Spokane. It’s put on by Mike Radomsky, and covers the requirements for their Oshkosh formation flight. If I choose to fly to Oshkosh with the Mooney caravan will this training allow me to fly with you guys, or will I still need training with one of the Mooney groups?





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That training should be fine and should qualify you to fly with the Caravan. I would suggest reaching out to Bucko Strehlow, his contact is first dot last at gmail. He's the Flight Ops Director for the Caravan and has the last word on these matters.

I'd also encourage you to go ahead and register for the Caravan on www.mooneycaravan.com.

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Hi Charles,

Any practice is good practice, however, ensure you are conversant with OUR material as primacy is important.  We will also be using our procedures, which track FFI/FAST.  Mike R. is very familiar with ours as well and has flown with us.  As I told you when we last communicated, if you are registered, we will ensure you get qualified as long as you (1) read and study the materials, (2) watch the class video, and (3) show up when able before the Caravan ready to practice.

I have been slammed on other stuff and unable to organize practice sessions, but May and June open up.  Get some practice in and ultimately, if you are registered and demonstrate proficiency (hence why you need to fly with leads from the West Coast, in one of whose sections you will fly to OSH), you will have a slot waiting for you in Madison. 

If you have questions about the materials, feel free to contact me anytime.

Hope to see you soon,






It doesn’t look like I’ll make it to the next west coast Mooney formation training in May. But I’m scheduled to be at the C2A formation training in Spokane. It’s put on by Mike Radomsky, and covers the requirements for their Oshkosh formation flight. If I choose to fly to Oshkosh with the Mooney caravan will this training allow me to fly with you guys, or will I still need training with one of the Mooney groups?





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