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Hey Guys,

i'm looking for some opinions on the following pictures.
one engineer says that there is a burr on the cams and that the shaft
needs to be replaced in near future.
the other one however says that the cams look fine.

what do you think?





best regards,



I'm no mechanic, but it does seem to me there are burrs on the lobes. You might want to look up Mike Busch at http://www.savvymx.com and send him the pictures. If you offer to pay him for his advice he may be more willing to help out. He may be concerned that any advice he gives could open him up to legal liability, but he offers phone consultations to many of his clients and works with them to get repairs done.



Your second picture shows the intake lobe and the exhaust lobe to the right.

The wear pattern on both lobes is not to abnormal yet. Your biggest concern at this point should be

the corresponding tappet bodies. The exhaust tappet body has a wear pattern that is highly unusual. You can see the edges starting to chip.

The wear pattern is not normal and is beginning to damage the corresponding lobe.

In my opinion you need to visually inspect all the lobes. If they are satisfactory, then replace all the tappet bodies with new or

properly overhauled units.

Greg Merrell


The cam lobes are ground at a slight angle so they will turn the lifter bodies. When the cam lobes wear flat as in the picture the lifter bodies stop turning and ride in one spot. You may be looking at some spaling in the future. Watch oil analysis for increase metal.

Best of luck.



lifters removed, lobes inspected, 2 lifters had to be replaced, however as all were removed i decided to replace all of em.


best regards,


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