flyboy0681 Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 Dude ... I think I almost connected with you on this one .... ? I largely agree with this ... starts at family level! Difficult answer. Criminal culture and values slowly moving up the food chain to our government. (In addition to the "legal criminals" who seem well rooted at the top of our government) .. except I am not sure the "conservative solution is always more Jesus" ... ???? Maybe that is your perception or abbreviation for it? I like to think it is more like personal responsibility and accountability? Saving a person over and over from the consequences of their poor (attitude, work ethic) decisions creates monsters. Sometimes you must ... Must let persons reap what they have sown. That's life. That's how we learn. That's part of being human. Part of life's journey. (Jesus would help you to have the humility at the right moment, and yet determination to continue and change at the right moment. So I would submit to you that South Chicago doesn't have Jesus ... I'll stop there! ) I too am pretty much with the both of you. But what I can't reconcile is the kid that is born into a home on the south side of Chicago, single mother, growing up in the projects and on the streets, would like to get a decent education but the quality of the schools prohibits it and by the time he gets into high school it's way too late. Where does personal responsibility fit into the equation? I'm not saying this kid should find his way to the nearest welfare office and blame his circumstances for his predicament, but what's the solution? And how do you implement it a few million times over?
flyboy0681 Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 Might be some good spots in Costa Rica ... or Belize ... with Mooney friendly landing strips? Wondering if those may be good places to live out our years in peace ... after America finishes destroying itself? The demise of America has been greatly exaggerated. If it didn't happen during the Depression, it never will.
flyboy0681 Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 like astelmaszek says ... It's the family. No school can replace that. No government teacher who see hundreds of students a day can replace a good father and mother. Not sure what the answer is? Like he said ... difficult ... Your thinking a better public school is the solution ... (Mine were probably same as yours?) ... I'm not with you there ... Let's say for a minute that some divine intervention comes streaking down from the sky and there is a family unit for every kid born. Now lets say the schools are just as piss-poor as they are now. How does that change the equation? Will the doting, caring parents drive the kid to another school an hour away? Let's say the mother stands over the kid as he does his Cabrini middle school homework, but the classroom is out of order and the teacher, whose credentials aren't exactly exemplary, has no control of the class.
PTK Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 Was this thread to get Timmy to like airplanes?? Just wondering because surely he's gone bazerks by now!!! Personally I think Timmy left this room...a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago!!!
jetdriven Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 Might be some good spots in Costa Rica ... or Belize ... with Mooney friendly landing strips? Wondering if those may be good places to live out our years in peace ... after America finishes destroying itself? Interesting that both those countries you picked have universal heathcare. Actually it goes farther than ours, its single-payer and government-provided.
flyboy0681 Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 Interesting that both those countries you picked have universal heathcare. Actually it goes farther than ours, its single-payer and government-provided. I guess some people here can strike that one off the list.
AndyFromCB Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 Dude ... I think I almost connected with you on this one .... ? I largely agree with this ... starts at family level! Difficult answer. Criminal culture and values slowly moving up the food chain to our government. (In addition to the "legal criminals" who seem well rooted at the top of our government) .. except I am not sure the "conservative solution is always more Jesus" ... ???? Maybe that is your perception or abbreviation for it? I like to think it is more like personal responsibility and accountability? Saving a person over and over from the consequences of their poor (attitude, work ethic) decisions creates monsters. Sometimes you must ... Must let persons reap what they have sown. That's life. That's how we learn. That's part of being human. Part of life's journey. (Jesus would help you to have the humility at the right moment, and yet determination to continue and change at the right moment. So I would submit to you that South Chicago doesn't have Jesus ... I'll stop there! ) Laying tile in my new bathroom, fun project. I'll get back to it later on, but no, more money thrown at public schools is not the answer. At least not in Iowa. As Scott can attest to, we already pay thru our nose here in property taxes. $6K a year on $240,000 house. Can't wait to get reevaluated since we did a tear down to studs renovation. Actually, the assessor was here last week. Didn't let her in. Forgot to mention, 7% income tax too. I feel like I pay more than enough, I just don't think Romney does ;-) 1
bonal Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 Tried to slay little Timmy but I guess you can't keep a good post down. This debate will never be resolved. Both sides think the other is wrong sadly our government has successfully devided the people now it's time for them to destroy the constitution and bill of rights. I used to think I would not live to see it but sadly I fear I may just. Transformation you hear the term used more and more.
flyboy0681 Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 Tried to slay little Timmy but I guess you can't keep a good post down. This debate will never be resolved. Both sides think the other is wrong sadly our government has successfully devided the people now it's time for them to destroy the constitution and bill of rights. I used to think I would not live to see it but sadly I fear I may just. Transformation you hear the term used more and more. Give it just a little more time, I think Scott is close to coming over to my way of thinking.
bonal Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 I'm sure that will never happen, little Timmy will live on until big brother stops descent and our first amendment is removed or modified by the PC police. As one who considers himself a conservative I must say for the liberals not to worry your team is winning I only hope that when you get the world you wish for your not surprised by how (explative deleated) it ends up being. One of the first things that will go is the thing that most of us love the most Our ability to fly.
jetdriven Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Dang, avgas is 3.90 a gallon in some places, you can buy a hot Bonanza or Mooney for 60K, heck my buddy flew his winglet Aerostar 601P back from Vegas yesterday at 301 knots groundspeed. Paid 125K cash money for it... yet some people are so doom and gloom it's quite astounding. But put a Republican president in the white house and all is well with 120$/bbl oil....I remember 5$ a gallon to fill up my Honda, then I lost my job for a year. turn off Fox News, folks. Take a broad look, life ain't bad. 1
flyboy0681 Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Dang, avgas is 3.90 a gallon in some places, you can buy a hot Bonanza or Mooney for 60K, heck my buddy flew his winglet Aerostar 601P back from Vegas yesterday at 301 knots groundspeed. Paid 125K cash money for it... yet some people are so doom and gloom it's quite astounding. But put a Republican president in the white house and all is well with 120$/bbl oil....I remember 5$ a gallon to fill up my Honda, then I lost my job for a year. turn off Fox News, folks. Take a broad look, life ain't bad. Things are looking up for me. For a long while I was alone in my thoughts then astelmaszek, rob, carusoam and now you started contributing towards the left.
bumper Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Things are looking up for me. For a long while I was alone in my thoughts then astelmaszek, rob, carusoam and now you started contributing towards the left. Misery loves company. 1
jetdriven Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Misery loves company. Misery? You guys (Right wing) are preaching doom and gloom, and life as we know it is ending. I'm a rather critical, and more negative, than neutral person. But I have never seen more fear, uncertaintay, and doubt about the future than on forums such as these, and on Fox News. They never have to be right. They never have to fulfil their claims, but the drum beat goes on, low and steady. And repeated as many different ways as possible. You own an airplane, and you are moderately wealthy by your own claim. You're doing better than 95% of the ciitizens of this, the greatest nation in the history of the earth, and better than 99.xx percent of the world's population. Yet you rant on and on about the unfairness of it all. Probably cheered on Cliven Bundy as his group pointed weapons at the agents of the United States Federal Government (the very definition of Treasonous) yet cheered when he wraps himself in a flag and calls himself a patriot. Then a few weeks later two of those disciples waltzed into a pizza joint and murdered two cops, then killed another at a Wal-mart. But here in Post racial America, a black guy says "dont touch me" and gets choked to death on the street and he deserved it. He wouldnt have died if he wasn;t so fat. Thanks Fox News for poisoning a generation. 1
flyboy0681 Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Misery? You guys (Right wing) are preaching doom and gloom, and life as we know it is ending. I'm a rather critical, and more negative, than neutral person. But I have never seen more fear, uncertaintay, and doubt about the future than on forums such as these, and on Fox News. They never have to be right. They never have to fulfil their claims, but the drum beat goes on, low and steady. And repeated as many different ways as possible. You own an airplane, and you are moderately wealthy by your own claim. You're doing better than 95% of the ciitizens of this, the greatest nation in the history of the earth, and better than 99.xx percent of the world's population. Yet you rant on and on about the unfairness of it all. Probably cheered on Cliven Bundy as his group pointed weapons at the agents of the United States Federal Government (the very definition of Treasonous) yet cheered when he wraps himself in a flag and calls himself a patriot. Then a few weeks later two of those disciples waltzed into a pizza joint and murdered two cops, then killed another at a Wal-mart. But here in Post racial America, a black guy says "dont touch me" and gets choked to death on the street and he deserved it. He wouldnt have died if he wasn;t so fat. Thanks Fox News for poisoning a generation. Exactly what I've been saying all this time, but I was outnumbered by those that felt that if Ebola and ISIS weren't going to kill them, Obama's policies would. If you search this site for the words "paranoia" and "kinks", my posts will instantly appear.
flyboy0681 Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Exactly what I've been saying all this time, but I was outnumbered by those that felt that if Ebola and ISIS weren't going to kill them, Obama's policies would. If you search this site for the words "paranoia" and "kinks", my posts will instantly appear. And heaven forbid I should make mere mention of the previous administration. Holy cow.
bumper Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Exactly what I've been saying all this time, but I was outnumbered by those that felt that if Ebola and ISIS weren't going to kill them, Obama's policies would. If you search this site for the words "paranoia" and "kinks", my posts will instantly appear. Besides being illogical, you exaggerate what the right is saying. Neither Fox News nor any of my conservative friends have said that the poor soul in New York deserved to die, quite the contrary. While Ferguson, from the evidence I heard about, seems clear cut enough, NY certainly seemed to beg more questions. The looting and violence was completely inappropriate and criminal, though your president said he, " . . . understands the anger". "Hands up Don't Shoot" reminds me of "Hope and Change", all BS, and shows the ignorance of the electorate or the mob mentality of the demonstrators. If you don't think almost half of this country not paying any Fed tax, and most of those being on the take from the government, the national debt passing 18 trillion, much of our manufacturing done in China (those would be the blue collar jobs many of those suckling the teat should be working), all means we're heading in the wrong direction . . . then I guess there's no convincing you and this conversation is pretty much pointless. I've never said we are doomed, and life as we know it will come to an end. What I do truly believe is that if we don't stop this stupidity, be fiscally responsible and stop the deficit spending, change course and dramatically so, we will see our free market capitalistic society collapse. Basically undermined by our Jabba the Hutt government that has grown into a self-feeding, self-perpetuating out of control monster. It's just not sustainable. If we don't turn it around, what will come after may first be chaos, and then from the ashes - - who knows? I'm old enough that I may not be here to cry. I do worry for my grandchildren. And I miss the morality and family values of growing up in the 50's.
flyboy0681 Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Besides being illogical, you exaggerate what the right is saying. Neither Fox News nor any of my conservative friends have said that the poor soul in New York deserved to die, quite the contrary. While Ferguson, from the evidence I heard about, seems clear cut enough, NY certainly seemed to beg more questions. The looting and violence was completely inappropriate and criminal, though your president said he, " . . . understands the anger". "Hands up Don't Shoot" reminds me of "Hope and Change", all BS, and shows the ignorance of the electorate or the mob mentality of the demonstrators. If you don't think almost half of this country not paying any Fed tax, and most of those being on the take from the government, the national debt passing 18 trillion, much of our manufacturing done in China (those would be the blue collar jobs many of those suckling the teat should be working), all means we're heading in the wrong direction . . . then I guess there's no convincing you and this conversation is pretty much pointless. I've never said we are doomed, and life as we know it will come to an end. What I do truly believe is that if we don't stop this stupidity, be fiscally responsible and stop the deficit spending, change course and dramatically so, we will see our free market capitalistic society collapse. Basically undermined by our Jabba the Hutt government that has grown into a self-feeding, self-perpetuating out of control monster. It's just not sustainable. If we don't turn it around, what will come after may first be chaos, and then from the ashes - - who knows? I'm old enough that I may not be here to cry. I do worry for my grandchildren. And I miss the morality and family values of growing up in the 50's. Not sure if you were responding to me directly or the left leaners here. While I don't condone what the officer in Ferguson had done, I did say that the bruises on his face did indicate that there was a struggle, something the eyewitnesses did not remember seeing, and that he feared for his life. I didn't make any comments about NYC, but the guy wasn't a threat to anybody. I'm on record as saying that the debt is a major concern and that the average American is oblivious about it and could really care less. Maybe if one of the Kardashian's brought up the subject, it would come to the surface. But until then... As far as China and manufacturing is concerned, that train left the station a long time ago and I concede defeat. I'm not sure what can be done at this point. Maybe cheap energy here will help get some factories started up.
bumper Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Not sure if you were responding to me directly or the left leaners here. While I don't condone what the officer in Ferguson had done, I did say that the bruises on his face did indicate that there was a struggle, something the eyewitnesses did not remember seeing, and that he feared for his life. I didn't make any comments about NYC, but the guy wasn't a threat to anybody. As I mentioned in a previous post, I was a cop and field training officer in Oakland, CA in the 70's, so I have intimate knowledge of what it's like and what police are up against. One of my rookies (a very liberal individual, wanted to do good and cared for his fellow man) a couple of years after I cut him loose, was killed by an unarmed large black male who took the officer's gun away from him - - one could easily draw comparisons to the size differential between cop and suspect in Ferguson. The point being that a hand to hand struggle that's no longer under the control of the officer, means the suspect IS armed and the situation can instantly become life or death. If it went down the way officer Wilson said, and I was so unfortunate to be in his position, I would have shot Brown too - - no question. 3
flyboy0681 Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 I didn't know that ... if that is correct, and I am assuming it is ... Yeah, like I was just pulling their chains ... If you have been outside the United States at all ... then you realize the USA is pretty hard to beat! We've got it pretty good here. Until progressives ruin it trying to transform it into "Ameritopia." that is. Won't be many places left to go by then ... I have never researched those countries with any real purpose ... which I certainly would do if I ever REALLY considered going there. Panama, (which I have visited) has a more stable banking system and incentives for ex-pat retirees to come ... I am not sold yet ... and haven't seriously looked. (Belize IMHO is not quite a stable place yet ... ? Not for my liking. Costa Rica ... not really what we're looking for. I wouldn't mind seeing Roatan, Honduras ... just for the fun of it. Mexico ... Is Mexico. If it was so great ... we would be sneaking over their border.) I have been extensively outside the US and in my opinion, Australia has us beat. I traveled to three of their six states and they seem to have their act together. Central America, however, is not my cup of tea. Just one man's opinion. 1
flyboy0681 Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 So you are agreeing that we should eliminate government schools and go private schools, or home school? Seems like you are admitting that government schools are a failure? I said in a post many moons ago that I don't see a need for the Department of Education. Maybe if there weren't national standards and protocols that perhaps local school districts could do better. I'm not sure private schools are the answer either, and the last time I looked, the Edison Project wasn't churning out any better students than the overall public system. As a matter of fact, the Cleveland Public School district was performing better than Edison in that city. I'm not saying that government schools are a failure at all, although they seem to be in the inner-city. Are there any countries where the entire school system is privately run and not state?
DaV8or Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Dave, you are just being kooky. Why would we develop biofuels when we have the ability to obtain massive quantities of natural gas and Oil? Because it is very expensive and it's short lived. Shale oil is likely to peak in less than 30 years. Every well must be drilled and redrilled repeatedly because there is only so much we can suck out of the rocks. It's really that bad. We are down to sucking on broken rocks. It's very expensive and it is very finite. As long as crude prices stay high, all is good, but you watch what happens as the Saudis force the prices down. They and they alone can do that. They were gifted with an abundant and easy to get supply. All they have to do is wait it out. North Dakota and Pennsylvania as well as Canada will become a ghost town. All that oil is very expensive to obtain. My point is we should be looking to the future instead of literally sucking blood out of a stone. Sadly, our country has the collective forward looking planning of a 5 year old child. Whatever gets us through this day and only this day is good enough. Kind of pathetic.
AndyFromCB Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Besides being illogical, you exaggerate what the right is saying. Neither Fox News nor any of my conservative friends have said that the poor soul in New York deserved to die, quite the contrary. While Ferguson, from the evidence I heard about, seems clear cut enough, NY certainly seemed to beg more questions. The looting and violence was completely inappropriate and criminal, though your president said he, " . . . understands the anger". "Hands up Don't Shoot" reminds me of "Hope and Change", all BS, and shows the ignorance of the electorate or the mob mentality of the demonstrators. If you don't think almost half of this country not paying any Fed tax, and most of those being on the take from the government, the national debt passing 18 trillion, much of our manufacturing done in China (those would be the blue collar jobs many of those suckling the teat should be working), all means we're heading in the wrong direction . . . then I guess there's no convincing you and this conversation is pretty much pointless. I've never said we are doomed, and life as we know it will come to an end. What I do truly believe is that if we don't stop this stupidity, be fiscally responsible and stop the deficit spending, change course and dramatically so, we will see our free market capitalistic society collapse. Basically undermined by our Jabba the Hutt government that has grown into a self-feeding, self-perpetuating out of control monster. It's just not sustainable. If we don't turn it around, what will come after may first be chaos, and then from the ashes - - who knows? I'm old enough that I may not be here to cry. I do worry for my grandchildren. And I miss the morality and family values of growing up in the 50's. Everything being manufactured in China is free market capitalism at its finest and you guys appear not to like it one bit. I see that both you and Scott always long for the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's. The good old days of socialism, back when we had currency controls, capital controls, massive federal infrastructure projects, massive amount of regulation controlling everything from phones to airlines, minimum wage equivalent to $22 to an hour and massive federal tax rates to support it all that were paid by smaller portion of the population that pays them now with corporation kicking in 33% of the federal budget instead 17% now. Yeah, the good old days of free market capitalism. You don't like free market capitalism one bit, it scares the living crap out of your because we're slowly going back to what it always brings: Ultra wealthy and majority portion of the population poorer than church mice woking 70 hours a week to barely scrap by. 1940's thru 1980's were a blip.
aaronk25 Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 I like oil. We're all set up to burn it now. Emmissions are cleaner than they ever have been. My new chevy pick up gets 23mpg on the highway. Let's worry about what we're gonna consume for the next fuel when we see the end in sight. So far technology keeps allowing us to find an ever increasing supply.
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