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Really? No one brought up Nazi's....? I was told that I would have been marching proudly with my right hand up...

Do you read these posts? Whatever...


Scott, you are  totally right,  as I forgot about this post (yes, I did read it at the time) and I stand corrected. True to form, Godwin had reared it's ugly head. Thanks for pointing this out.

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I was not familiar with that name or his statement.

You made me look it up, I checked with you and now I'm better for it.

That effect can be applied to many atrocities...

I'm sure there is a similar Twanna Brawley effect or the guy she erroneously made infamous effect...?

How would you like that guy supporting your needs?

A community that binds together is strong.

A divisive community is lacking the power to help itself in a timely fashion.

wish I could explain myself better...


The ultimate compliment is:

When your wife says "NICE landing". Heard that twice today. It's ALL good.

Go Bucky!


My wife is usually oblivious, unless it's really bad.


Sorry about the Badgers, Scott.

Full disclosure- I did grow up in Columbus, OH.

But at least I didn't fly helicopters when I was in the Army.

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Sorry about the Badgers, Scott.

Full disclosure- I did grow up in Columbus, OH.

But at least I didn't fly helicopters when I was in the Army.


Not sure who my to root for, I just graduated one from FSU and have another in Tuscaloosa.

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So this is why I'm sick of the liberal view;

I want solar panels for my house, and someone else to pay for it.

---even though, it's not my money. It will take 100k of solar panels to run a toaster. Batteries to run at night with a replacment cost of $1,500 every 2 years. A thousand fastners to secure these to the roof. What happens when a fastners leaks? When it's re-roof time who pays for R&R of the panels?

It seems every idea like solar panels that the liberal agenda (democrats) are coming up with are at someone else's expense and long term issues that were never thought of?

What happened to I pay for my stuff you pay for yours?

-they want to kill 100ll

-they are responsible for the increased regulation on GA aircraft, thus driving the cost up and killing GA future.

-enabling frivolous lawsuits, driving costs up

-mandating I wear a seat belt, even though I would anyways, most of the time

-driving the cost of vehicles up by requiring airbags instead of making it my choice

-overburdening building developers with ridiculous regulation and long approval process for constructing a new building, killing jobs in every growing city in the US.

-not allowing parents to choose which school their child attends unless they forfeit the state money allocated for their child's schooling

-enabling unions to protect looser employees.

-breeding a generation of kids who are taught to be average because it creates pain for the kid that looses.

-crucifying a parent who over-punishes a child but does nothing to parents who don't discipline at all.

-overpopulating prisons by not allowing a swift path to not execute those who are evil.

-backing college loans and therefore allowing young students to be able to access to much money for college, driving them into debt, raising college tuition (because so much money is available) and in the end manipulating these debt burdened graduating students to vote for democrats because they are going to "help reduce your student debt by 50%". A platform AL Franklin ran on in MN.

-blocking the keystone pipeline

-hurting our union employees financially by not giving us the option of paying them a non-union rate in the winter time to sweep our floors, or do busy work to keep them employed. Instead they they have to go on a liberal unemployment program that is barely audited at best.

These are a few reasons why I can not agree with democrats, liberals or progressives.

My message to these people is: go to work, work hard, don't expect me to pay for your stuff.....USA JUST TOOK A back seat to China and its the Left's fault!


Flyboy4 44 will have an answer and the real culprit aaronk25, he will enlighten all of us shortly. You are obviously misguided like the rest of us.


I have read and viewed various studies on the value or net costs vs gains on many of the technology being developed to save the planet. Most show that the added cost both in terms of financial and material that the green tech ends up using more resources than they save. I am also realistic to understand this is new technology and as we get better this will likely change. But power has to come from some where and when every one is driving plug in electric cars and even boats and possibly airplanes (there are even a couple of nice sport bikes that are electric) and at the same time coal is dead fossil fuels being eliminated wind generation under attack from the bird lovers well I'm sorry solar panels won't be enough. For example I'm my job I have many regulatory tariffs that apply to customers that are installing electric service upgrades to their homes to accommodate plug in vehicles and we have to upgrade our distribution system to accommodate the added load an example is Tessla's charging load if the user wants to do a fast charge it draws

17KVA load that's more than 3 medium size homes. That power has to come from somewhere and when you factor in line loss from the point of generation to load it is even greater. If even 25% of the U.S. when to plug in green cars our electric infrastructure would not be able to handle it. Tech will improve efficiency but physics is physics and it takes power to move mass at any given velocity.


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So this is why I'm sick of the liberal view;


 Here it is...


It seems every idea like solar panels that the liberal agenda (democrats) are coming up with are at someone else's expense and long term issues that were never thought of? This is a subject which I don’t know a thing about, so I’m assuming that you are referring to federal subsidies to stimulate the industry in the hopes that it would drive prices down as a result of economies of scale. Subsidies of this type are nothing new and I think we all know by now that this is exactly how the GPS industry was built. Can I assume you would not have been in favor of it, that it was (excuse the pun) a pie in the sky project with no potential use to the average American other than aiding our national defense system? There are many more examples where your government paid large sums for technology which eventually became mainstream and available to the consumer. Look no further than the byproducts of the Apollo program, which brought us digital electronics and navigation systems with precision down to the foot. And then there is the granddaddy of all government sponsored projects, ENIAC. Every computer in use today owes its DNA to that system, which the government paid the University of Pennsylvania to design and build. Would you have voted against funding that as well, especially since it was stuff of science fiction at the time and a totally unproven concept?


What happened to I pay for my stuff you pay for yours? If your government didn’t subsidize a lot of this stuff in the early phases you would not have any access to it because it would be prohibitively expensive. That Garmin GPS receiver sold in a blister pack near the checkout stand at Walmart would  likely cost several thousand dollars.


-they want to kill 100ll The banning of 100LL has been on the EPA’s agenda since the 1980’s. Since environmentalists and tree huggers tend to be liberal, I’ll agree and give you this one.

-they are responsible for the increased regulation on GA aircraft, thus driving the cost up and killing GA future. Wasn’t aware the war on GA was entirely a leftist movement and that GOP members are totally against user fees. I've been ostracized here in the past (and just last week) for merely mentioning past administrations, but I would suggest that you read up on the first time that user fees were proposed. Hint: it reared its ugly head in 2006.  

-enabling frivolous lawsuits, driving costs up The largest group advocating these types of suits are the trial lawyers of America, a group with tremendous lobbying power. It is disingenuous of you to blame this subject on liberals. If all trial lawyers were liberal then you would certainly have a case.


-mandating I wear a seat belt, even though I would anyways, most of the time This is actually a pretty funny assertion. Right now there are 49 states which have mandatory seat belt laws on the books. Would it surprise you to learn that most of these 49 states (the only holdout oddly is a blue state) are RED states based upon a political map? Do your research before making assumptions.


-driving the cost of vehicles up by requiring airbags instead of making it my choice. Anyone that has read my posts here knows that I go both ways, sometimes feeling that mandated requirements are justified while others simply are not. As a person who knows two people that were saved by airbags, I most certainly advocate its requirement. If they weren't required, I wonder how many people would pay an extra grand for them as an option when purchasing their car. Probably not many, resulting in a lot of lives being needlessly lost. As long as its happens to someone else, you won’t be an advocate for it.

-overburdening building developers with ridiculous regulation and long approval process for constructing a new building, killing jobs in every growing city in the US. This subject is beyond my pay grade.

-not allowing parents to choose which school their child attends unless they forfeit the state money allocated for their child's schooling

-enabling unions to protect looser employees. I assume you mean “loser” employees.  I've been up in arms over this one for decades and if it’s entirely supported by liberals, as you say, then I agree with you.

-breeding a generation of kids who are taught to be average Breeding? Didn’t Jimmy The Greek get fired over a statement like that? All kidding aside, this has been the norm in this country for decades, not sure why you believe it’s a recent development.

-crucifying a parent who over-punishes a child but does nothing to parents who don't discipline at all. The crucifixion comes from the courts. Are you saying all of the judges in this country are liberals and passing down light or no sentences? And what would you propose to do with those parents that don’t discipline? How would you identify them, using what standards, and what would you do with them? This one I can’t wait to hear.

-backing college loans and therefore allowing young students to be able to access to much money for college, driving them into debt, raising college tuition (because so much money is available) and in the end manipulating these debt burdened graduating students to vote for democrats because they are going to "help reduce your student debt by 50%". A platform AL Franklin ran on in MN. Franken’s bill from earlier this year was to reduce the interest rate down to 3.8%. As one who just got one kid through college and has another one half way through, I can see firsthand how American’s would not be able to pay for four years without loans. I don't know what to say about this one.


-blocking the keystone pipeline Since I’m all for Keystone, I’ll take your side of the argument.

-hurting our union works financially by not giving us the option of paying them a non-union rate in the winter time to sweep our floors, or do busy work to keep them employed. Instead they they have to go on a liberal unemployment program that is barely audited at best. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

These are a few reasons why I can not agree with democrats, liberals or progressives.

My message to these people is: go to work, work hard, don't expect me to pay for your stuff.....USA JUST TOOK A back seat to China and its the Lefts fault! If you believe that the rise of China is to be blamed on liberals, you have an awful lot of history to catch up on. You could start your research in 1972 when Nixon met with Chairman Mao, but save your brain and fast forward to when they really took off during the mid to late 80’s. Look who financed it and supported trade bills.


Your message came in loud and clear, this country has been destroyed by liberals and will continue to do so. Now let me turn the subject on you. Other than giving the wealthy, ahem, sorry – job creators - of this country tax breaks, what conservative policies over the past two decades have come back to reap us many rewards. In other words, which ones were spot on and fulfilled their promise? Please start with deregulation, more specifically, deregulation of the savings and loan industry and work your way forward from there. You can end it with Phil Gramm's repeal of Glass-Steagall. Whatever happened to him anyway? Oh yea, he makes a few million a year working in the banking industry.


Lastly, a few months ago I asked Scott a question, which he elected not to answer. In that question I asked whether this country was founded on conservative ideals or liberal. I said it was founded on liberal ideas and gave the example of a central government not ruled by a monarchy but – gulp - a president elected by the people. Blasphemy!


You guys are getting a lot of practice writing...

How far could a Smart Car go if it used a similar electric drive system to the Tessla?

Could I charge it daily from roof mounted solar panels?

Driving at highway speeds amidst Tahoes would still be intimidating...?

Is anyone this self-sufficient generating your own energy and using it?

Our great founders also turned a cold shoulder towards slavery...

They did a great job, but were clearly imperfect people.

Still a great country


I think if an electric car can work for you then that's great what people don't think about is you need to charge it and someone has to generate the electricity. For me the perfect solution is a diesel electric. Not a hybrid run a small generator into a bank of deep cell lead acid batteries to an electric motor that drives the wheels. Same as a train or ship old tech but works great no lithium ion BS simple recyclable batteries. When accelerating or climbing you draw from the batts when cruising or going down hill the batts recover from the generator. Design works great and is so F ing simple. Reason not being done is that people will figure out they get better mileage by driving faster.

And don't forget the government produces nothing they just decide how to spend yours and my money.

And the big issue I have with the libs is they want to force me to live the way they think is best. EPA is the big stick right now.


I would MUCH rather have the private sector create. The government primarily funds the research because they see an advantage for military. Ultimately the research, supported by DOD has civilian application.


Excellent response Scott, but it begs the question, how much would the private sector have done without the initial government push and financing? Would McDonnell, Northrup, Grumman and Boeing created the GPS constellation entirely on their own? No way.


Would Delco have financed the Carousel family of  Inertial Navigation Systems that was adapted from the Apollo guidance systems for use on the 747 in 1968 on its own had its development not been paid for by the government? Doubtful, highly doubtful in my opinion.


And don't get me wrong I have no problem with taxation and appropriation there is a needed role for federal state and local government to do many of the things that we need but it's gotten out of control. EPA FDA DOT FCC FAA all have an important job to do but there is so much redundancy and waist it makes me sick.

Servitude is slavery when one becomes dependant on govt they will do anything to survive. Once a society learns it can vote itself a raise then that society is doomed.


Where do state universities fit in this discussion?

Good for society?

Good for some?

Paid for by some?

It is a discount price compared to private institutions.

Are taxes paying for the other half?

Just wondering how you people feel on this issue?


And don't get me wrong I have no problem with taxation and appropriation there is a needed role for federal state and local government to do many of the things that we need but it's gotten out of control. EPA FDA DOT FCC FAA all have an important job to do but there is so much redundancy and waist it makes me sick.

Servitude is slavery when one becomes dependant on govt they will do anything to survive. Once a society learns it can vote itself a raise then that society is doomed.


My favorite government dependants return to the small screen next month for its 5th season. Frank Gallagher and his troupe of fraudsters return January 11th on Showtime's "Shameless". When it first aired in 2011 it took me most of the season to figure out what it was about, and now I find it to be one of the most brilliant series on cable. Who knew defrauding and bilking the private and public sector could be so much fun?


I will have to check that out on Netflix. I have been enjoying 2nd hand purchased DVD's of Game of Throne's. Two season's behind so I do not listen to entertainment news. Spoilers everywhere.


It's right up your alley. The family does anything and everything they could to defraud the welfare and insurance system, from food stamps to medical care to applying for and cashing welfare checks while working.

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I'll keep this one short watching the evening news and these stupid protestors have shut down major freeways and have vandalized and looted shops even blocked the trains that run through Berkeley. I would bet a weeks pay that if asked most of them would support socialism or some form of communism and I would give you double or nothin that the ones that do vote support Democrats 100%. These people have no idea how good they have it and if they were to do this in many countries around the world they would likely be killed countries like Russia and China . I just don't understand the liberal mind this type of action will do nothing but bring more divisiveness and if the got their wish to have a socialist or communist system the govt that they are protesting would be far far worse

This behavior just pisses me off.


I'll keep this one short watching the evening news and these stupid protestors have shut down major freeways and have vandalized and looted shops even blocked the trains that run through Berkeley. I would bet a weeks pay that if asked most of them would support socialism or some form of communism and I would give you double or nothin that the ones that do vote support Democrats 100%. These people have no idea how good they have it and if they were to do this in many countries around the world they would likely be killed countries like Russia and China . I just don't understand the liberal mind this type of action will do nothing but bring more divisiveness and if the got their wish to have a socialist or communist system the govt that they are protesting would be far far worse

This behavior just pisses me off.




Flyboy4 44 will have an answer and the real culprit aaronk25, he will enlighten all of us shortly. You are obviously misguided like the rest of us.


Alex, I took the time to respond but nothing from you?


I am the product of one. $650 for final semester including books.

I don't know.




Good for the states in that they have quality schools for their states young people. A lot of jobs...a lot of possibly unnecessary infrastructure to support.

They keep building to "compete" for the dollar. Tuition keeps rising and rising and rising. My education was VERY affordable and the repayment in a quality job was well worth the investment.

My two children that I funded through savings from when they were born until now (23+ years) HOPEFULLY was a good investment. At least they will be hitting the streets with minimal debt on graduation...


I too was a product of the public system and seemed to do well for myself. My son recently graduated from Florida State totally debt free, although we had the foresight to purchase a prepaid college plan when he and his sister were younger than 5, which at the time cost $6,500. Has to have been the single best investment I ever made. Other than books and housing, everything was paid in full. That same plan now costs 10x as much.

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Flyboy-"Other than giving the wealthy, ahem, sorry-job creators-of this country tax breaks, what conservative policies over the past two decades have come back to reap us many rewards?"

So, since 1994 what conservative policies have there been? Zero. There have not been any conservatives controlling the executive or legislative branch since RR. The 1980's when taxes and regulation dropped and spending on defense increased were AWESOME...for conservatives.

Conservatives believe in less government spending. More money in hands of consumer. It worked.

Since 1994 there have been progressives and progressive light in the branches of government. Tax and spenders...

Then along comes the tea party. Not a party, but individuals all across the nation that want less government control. Smaller government. Less government spending. Reduction of government. Reduction in taxes. Reduction of regulations. Simplification of the tax code.

Conservativism has not been in place in the Federal Government since 1980's. (and even then it was just a conservative in the Executive branch). I welcome a return to Tea Party/Conservative principles at the Federal Government level.

It worked. It will work again. NOT with Jeb Bush at the helm...


Update on the state of Kansas. They are in a bigger hole than thought and are cutting services and "borrowing" (you know what that means) from the state retirement fund to make ends meet.


What shocks me is that the good people of Kansas re-elected this guy, even after his actions brought the state treasury to its knees and destroyed their credit rating. So much for sweeping tax cuts.




Did you actually read that article? It says zero about cutting pensions. It is called austerity. Cutting budgets. It is EXACTLY WHAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO DO.

IT IS CALLED BEING CONSERVATIVE. When you give back to producers the suckers of the teet have less. they are tightening their belts. A model for D.C.


I read about five articles on the subject but the one I posted didn't mention it (wonder why). I didn't want to paste the URL of a left leaning site since it would be discredited immediately, so I chose the local paper. Here is what one site says about the retirement accounts, among other things:


The Republican governor ordered 4 percent in spending cuts as well as a steep $40.7 million reduction in state contributions to its public employees retirement system to save $78.5 million.


Funny you didn't find any articles in your in-depth research other than Kansas? You know, like Wisconsin? ... or several other states with Republican and DEMOCRAT Governors who cut spending ... and THEIR STATES ARE DOING VERY WELL WITH LESS DEBT (and not going deeper into more and more debt?)

I read it in a USA Today article ...

You know it is a pretty solid principle. Staying out of debt, especially large staggering amounts of debt. "Sound thinking" some wiser than us would say. Discipline, self-control ... learning to say "No." Not popular in today's give everyone everything, big spending, we'll pay it later society - but time tested proven values.

Maybe you should do some more research? I know it is fun finding articles that support your point of view and you just can't wait to post them here. Try being more open-minded? In the time you might otherwise spend searching for articles on Kansas that support your predetermined conclusion ... you might really learn something?


I'm sorry you missed my point, which was, that Brownback's policies were a disaster for the state yet he was still re-elected. It wasn't meant to be a comparison between which governor did a better job.


Fire in the hole!!!

Who would have expected this...? Or is it not done yet?

Nothing screws up the economy more than a government shut-down...

Congress reaches deal for $1.1T US spending bill

Congressional negotiators resolved policy disputes to reach a deal for a $1.1 trillion spending bill on Tuesday but still expected to need a stop-gap extension to avoid a U.S. government shutdown at midnight on Thursday.

Read more: http://www.cnbc.com/id/102254623

Sent from the CNBC app. Available on the App Store


If I don't agree with Progressives repeatedly using Kansas to say that all spending cuts are bad - Then according to you, "I missed the point."

But thank you for taking the opportunity to say that policies that cut spending are "a disaster for the state."

Re-read your own comments.

"Update on the state of Kansas"

"They are in a bigger hole than thought"

"and are cutting services and borrowing ... "

Did you not try to put cutting spending in a bad light? And leaders who cut spending as poor leaders.

Mmmm ... Yes you did!

I think you are the one STILL missing the point sir?


Sorry Dave, when a person runs as governor on a platform of cutting taxes and then takes a solvent state and thrusts it into bankruptcy due to those cuts, yes, they are a poor leader. His calculus of cutting taxes to the job creators didn't work out as he had expected.


I'm sure the state employees, whose retirement accounts are about to be underfunded, didn't bargain for this either.

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