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Found 14 results

  1. Have a basic stupid question regarding flap extension speeds. I am getting ready to fly an Ovation for the first time, and my Mooney trained CFI and I were discussing flap speeds. I have always waited to add any flaps at Vfe which is 109 kts in my F. My CFI mentioned that this speed in the Ovation (110kts) is the maximum extended flap speed and partial flaps can be dropped at a faster speed. Furthermore, this quote from the POH pp 2-3 says: "Vfe, Do not exceed this speed with flaps in full down position." Elsewhere in the POH it indicates in Figure 2.2 White arc range 59-110 as the "flap operating range." Other high performance aircraft I have flown have an approach flap setting of approximately 10 degrees. So the question is, can I safely extend say 10 degrees at a faster airspeed than 109 or 110 kts? If so, what speeds are commonly used for an approach flap setting? Thanks
  2. gun986

    Ground Speed

    From the album: GJ Flying

    © Gunnar Jeannette

  3. I’m gonna try this with the girlfriend next trip out west. I'll be a hero when we arrive 30 minutes early. https://www.cntraveler.com/story/airlines-are-padding-flight-times-to-avoid-being-late
  4. i'm bummed it's that time of year again, 1 whole week without my birdy. I'm thinking of adding a lasar speed mod or two this annual, other than the 201windshield( i'll never hurt my girl in this way) what is the best bang for the buck? I'm thinking this is the best order 1. cowl enclosure 2. flap hole cover, don't actually know the name of this one but there are large spaces for the flaps to move which have to be causing lots of drag 3. gap seals 4. long range tanks Lasar no longer makes the landing light cover for my plane, is it legal for me to fabricate one ? one other thing, my pc system is starting to go, seems there are times when the plane really wants to turn left. Is there Anyone that still works on the system? one other other thing, what brand of tires are you guys using? my nose wheel tire is on it's last leg.
  5. What kind of CHT, EGT's and Cruise speeds do yall get up at elevation? What RPM setting do you use? Mooney Zoom's with a tail wind and LOP - 8.6GPH SAD HEADWIND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. My 1979 M20J has a step. I am thinking of removing it. I don't need it because I fly by myself 95% of the time. I'd rather have more speed. Has anyone removed their step? How do you do it? Did it increase your speed at all and if so how much?
  7. Hi everyone, My wife and I made our first long cross-country this weekend: 1600 NM round-trip to Colorado and back from Alabama. On the return with favorable winds we did the 800 miles in 5.0 hours. The trip out took 6.5. With the PC system and properly trimmed, it almost acted like there was an autopilot on board. Sweet. My only complaint- cold knees. My wife had a heavy coat she used for a blanket. I didn't. The central duct put out a nice jet of hot air, as did the two ducts pointing towards the rudder pedals- just not enough of it. The door seal is pretty leaky in the bottom front corner. Probably need to look at that before the next long cold flight. We think we really like this aircraft. Smiles all around.
  8. My partner and I own a 1978 J model and in a couple of years (maybe sooner depending on flying times) we will need to overhaul our io360 A3B6D and prop. My question to all out there is : what would performance gains be verses dollars spent for upgrading to a 210 hp io390 non turbo, also with adding a power flow exhaust system (which will be needed at time of overhaul)? We currently have every LoPresti speed mod on the aircraft now and we cruise at 153 kts @ a planned 10gph (exact is 9.7) 50 degrees ROP
  9. We all know that airplanes are faster with a more rearward CG. There is less elevator trim necessary for level flight. I was surprised at the difference in my 231. I fly +/- 10,000 ft in cruise on just about every flight. Rarely do I cruise below 9,500 ft and I don't go above 12,500 ft very often either. The vast majority of my flights are solo, occasionally with one other person and with 2-3 others a few times a year. So my day in and day out flight regimen is to take off with full fuel, solo and climb to +/- 10,000 ft for cruise. I fly LOP at 59% power. That very consistently gives me 160 KTAS on 9.0 GPH. I see it on every flight. Today I flew from Tucson to LA, climbed to 10,500 ft to cruise, solo, departed with full fuel. The usual. It was hot, over 100ºF on the ground and still 22ºC at 10,500 ft. I twist the true airspeed dial just for fun on most cross countries; it gives me something to do. I consistently see about 133 KIAS (the OAT is generally lower than today) which generally means 160 KTAS. Today I saw 137 KIAS which based on the temperature was about 167 KTAS. It seems I picked up about 7 kts today. I had a fairly heavy backpack, medium sized piece of hard sided luggage and my B-Kool fully loaded with two large blocks of ice. The rearward CG must have given me an extra 7 kts. I expected 2-3 kts but 7kts ??
  10. I have seen where a lot of us Mooney folks have smoothed their wings, hidden their antennae, added mods, etc. I was just walking around the plane and looking at all of the protrusions into the airstream and thought of air hitting these. Looks like one is to add pressure to the battery box. Another is a static drain maybe. Looks like a transponder antennae, mystery antennae?. Anyone have good results or is it even smart and or feasible to clean all this up? I forgot to take a photo of the whisker antennas as well. Jet driven and others have gone the extra mile smoothing wings as well. Just curious and thought it would make for some fun discussion.
  11. Hello Mooney Pilots, I am starting to get serious about purchasing an Acclaim. I live in Los Angeles and would like to meet someone in the area who could show me their plane, answer some questions, and let me buy them lunch. I owned a Bonanza for 10 years, and I am into year 5 of a Cessna 340. I learned about and purchased both airplanes by joining forums like this, asking questions, and meeting owners. I moved up to the 340 because I needed the room, but my mission profile has changed and there is no need to take all that metal with me on every flight now. I have become addicted to the speed, and the only way I could give up the twin is if I could fly faster (with a lot less fuel). I have also become quite fond of pressurization and flying up high, so wanted to get your impressions of using oxygen for hours at a time. After years of owning antique aircraft, I also love the idea of owing a plane built in current century that does not have brittle plastic and wiring. Any other thoughts on Mooney ownership would be welcome. Thank you for your time! Ron Mohrhoff KSMO
  12. Basic question- sorry if it has been covered here ad nauseam- search function was no help. Neither was searching the lycoming O-360 operator's manual. What is the optimal idle speed setting on my carb for my O-360-A1D? On the ground at full rich, mine idles at around 800, goes down to 700 with the carb heat on, and runs pretty smooth at either speed. I ask because lately I seem to be getting long floats even when I nail my speeds, and I wonder if I'm making too much power at idle. I'm not in the habit of checking my gauges when I'm over the numbers, but I did on Saturday- my rpm read 850 after pulling the throttle to idle. I typically turn off carb heat on short final in preparation for possible go around. That float seemed endless though my airspeed was 70-75 as I started the flare. Could have just been the variable and gusting winds, or my being a crappy 250hr pilot...
  13. Pulling Carl's idea out of the "how high have you been" thread, this is the place to put your time to altitude. Please include (at least) the following: Model Prop (2, 3, scimitar, Top Prop, Q Tip, 4 blade; aluminum, composite, carbon fiber; etc.) field elevation altitude climbed to time from brake release to level off You can of course include other pertinent information like OAT, loading, fuel burned, IAS, etc. I'll post my time from 264 to 9000 msl later this week. Carl's original suggestion was "Time to 10,000 msl." It will be a few more days before I'm heading west, but I'll try to put that in, too. Stopwatch on, ya'll! C'mon, bonal! I'll be taking pictures, too.
  14. I'm wondering if anybody out there would like to trade down to a nice M20F? I'm looking to trade up. I'm looking for more speed and longer legs. My machine will be basic IFR by the end of December, runs great, has recently improved radios, and a good half time engine. I'm presently re-doing the pilot side instruments for a better scan and to add an ILS for the new Garmin SL30. Email me at heavycrude@hotmail.com or pm me. I'll look at anything in excellent running condition.
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