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Found 15 results

  1. Hello! I'm trying to rent a hangar in the Austin area for a Mooney and am looking for any recommendations, advice, or leads. I came across this helpful thread from 2016 but figured it would be good to start a new topic since I'm sure the situation has changed in the last 6 years - but if anyone else is looking in Austin, there's some good info there. A little more info: I'm actually not the person who owns or is going to be flying the Mooney but I'm trying to help my family by looking for a hangar space. My dad owns a Mooney from the '60s that he loves and has flown regularly and babied for the last couple decades but now he can't fly it anymore. My brother is licensed to fly it and has trained in it specifically but has never owned and stored his own plane. They came to a deal where as long as my brother pays for a hangar down here (it's currently in a different state) and all the upkeep, he can keep the Mooney down here and fly it for a year or two until my dad sells it. So that brings us to trying to find a hangar space in the Austin area to rent, which if you live here, you know - that's tough. We live in North Austin so I immediately looked at the Georgetown Airport and they're on an 8-year-waitlist. Yikes! The previous thread I linked mentioned a bunch of small airports in the area so I'm going to check them all out but I'd love some up-to-date insight and advice if anyone has any to spare. Because this will be a temporary situation - probably a year or two - getting on a really long waitlist or buying a hangar space really doesn't make sense for us. If it's possible to sublet a space from someone who maybe has a hangar space but no plane at the moment and doesn't want to lose their spot, that could be ideal. If y'all know anyone in that situation or know a place where I could look into that, please let me know. Any leads are appreciated! Thanks!
  2. What do you cold-country people who don’t have heated hangars do when you want to spend some quality time with your airplane in the hangar? I only have 15 or 20 amps of electricity available, so the only thing I can think of is a propane heater (or two), or possibly one of the jet types. I don’t want to gas myself, so hoping for a suggestion that’s not too stinky.
  3. I am in the process of building two large buildings which will be divided into a total of 10 hangars here in central Florida on a public use airport that participates in the AIP program. I have signed my lease and am currently waiting for my lease to be ratified by the full city commission but I am trying to get a jump on the administrative process.A lot has changed with the FAA requirements since I built my last hangar in the mid 90’s. I don’t need help with site engineering or submitting anything to the city nor do I need help with site prep, construction or permitting. What I do need help with and would like to hire someone knowledgeable to perform is to prepare me a list of everything that I need to submit to the FAA for approval as well as a review of my existing site utilization plan to confirm that my set backs and the height of my hangars are in compliance. I also need someone that is familiar with filling out and submitting FAA Form 7460-1. I also understand that there is a new requirement which began in January 2020 for an environmental assessment or possibly a categoric exclusion from the environmental assessment. I want to get this FAA process right the first time and not do a learn as I go application process. I have reached out to two different aviation consulting firms with little success. They want the entire package including the engineering and applying for the city permits etc. or they don’t want to be involved at all. Being a licensed FL GC and mechanical contractor we have a great in house engineer as well as two in house permit technicians, so we don’t need any help on that end. If anyone is familiar with this process and can tell me exactly what forms are needed and what all is involved in getting the FAA approval And would be willing to consult with my company for a reasonable fee I would like to hear back from you. I am also very open to paying someone to fill out the required FAA documents and I guess walk me through this process from the beginning to the end. I have heard from the two different consultants that this takes anywhere from 30 to 45 days with the FAA. I would like for this to coincide with my plans review with the city if at all possible. I am NOT looking for anyone to do this for free. I am not a CSOB and am willing to pay a fair price for this service. If you have the knowledge and experience needed to provide what I need and are willing to help, please shoot me a PM. If you know of someone else that has this knowledge and would be willing to help me out then please PM me with their information. I have always found this forum to be very helpful and suspect that there may very well be members of this forum who have the info that I am looking for or can at least steer me in the right direction. Thanks in advance for any assistance. Frank
  4. Couldn't figure out which forum to put this in, but in one of the threads, I had mentioned I was thinking about creating some aviation-themed (this being MooneySpace - obviously MOONEY THEMED) items for the home/office/Hangar. * apologizing in advance if this is the wrong part of the forums. These are what my friend and I created over the weekend. ** on the butcher block I used the wrong kind of rag/towel when applying the Wood oil so some lint is currently trapped in the grooves etched out by the laser. It will eventually come out. Trying to gauge if there would be any demand 1. from Mooney Space and 2. For other aircraft makers and their followings (don't know why anyone would want to own something other than a Mooney though) Also --- if anyone has the inside to get official Licensing from Mooney (Beechcraft/Cessna/Piper/Cirrus) please let me know. I'd like to know 1. What you like 2. What you don't like The cutting board was one I have used for a long time and probably wasn't thoroughly cleaned properly too.
  5. What techniques/rigs does everyone use to try and prevent hangar rash? I spray painted some lines from where my MLG was sitting in the hangar out the door. They weren't that straight so entry when putting the AC up might eventually cause some damage down the road. Anyone have chalks permanently in place in their hangar or a rope down? Maybe tennis balls hanging from the ceiling or mirrors at the sidewalls ?
  6. I just got this new paint professionally applied. Hopefully it will make my Mooney look better too.
  7. This obviously is not an aircraft part.......but wasn't sure where else to post this item? Enclosed private hangar for sale at KUZA (Rock Hill, SC). Approximately 1130 sq feet.....plenty of room for any Mooney. Electric lift door. Lighting and electrical outlets. Available immediately. $45,000. PM me for more details.
  8. Can someone please justify a several hundred dollar per month rent of a hangar in a dry climate like southern California for a Mooney that is already covered in anti corrosion by the manufacturer? Other than the paint what could be affected to justify that compared to a tie down with a good canopy cover?
  9. I have a T hangar with an attached storage area at Laconia Airport (KLCI), New Hampshire. Steel building, sliding steel doors. Please call or e-mail if interested. Cell (617) 877-0025 or e-mail at john.breda@gmail.com Thanks, John Breda
  10. I have been on the hangar wait list forever at KART. One just opened up. It is $325 a month which I believe is highway robbery. A tie down is $75 a month. I would say go with the tie down except it snows a LOT in upstate NY. However, $3900 a year is a lot. Sitting outside would not cause $3900 worth of damage to the plane per year. I could get a new paint job every 3 years! This is for a T-hangar. Only other benefits I see would be not having to brush snow off, being able to preheat in the hangar vs outside (hangar is unheated, but at least out of the wind), and potentially working on the plane/storing plane stuff at the airport. How does everyone deal with this?
  11. Hello - My wife and I are moving to Portland, OR in September and I'm looking for a new home base. There seem to be quite a few options from Hillsboro and Troutdale to Aurora State and Twin Oaks (although that looks a bit short for comfort). Can anyone suggest a good place to start looking for a new hangar? I have an M20F, so just need a small T-Hangar at a decent price. Thanks! Rags
  12. From the album: #rubixcube2k3's album

    "Victor" after a flight and a bath

    © Abe L. Harper, Jr.

  13. From the album: #rubixcube2k3's album

    Toys at the Hangar!

    © Abe L. Harper, Jr.

  14. I have a 1966 M20E that I would optimistically value at $40k. Obviously a hangar is better than a tie down. A T-hangar costs $225 vs $75 for a tie down. That's a difference of $1800 a year. Will having the plane outside on average cause an additional $1800 of deterioration to the plane each year? If not then it seems a tie-down is the best way to go. If so then a hangar would be the better value. I just don't know what problems I can expect, how fast they occur, and the cost to fix them in a tie-down vs hangar comparision.
  15. Own part of your own airport! Easy commute into Houston Large 60X60 hangar on 1.0 acre Over 2500 sf spacious living space Custom cabinets and over 100 square feet of granite counters and island in kitchen Upstairs master bedroom, fully carpeted. Large master bath with shower and jacuzzi tub. Spacious walk in master closet. 4100 turf runway with PCL lighting Concrete apron for easy access to runway 44 foot wide hangar door opening. Price $269,000 Call Carl for details and pics 281-799-8487 cficarl@texasits.com
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