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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Steve You are right you have to scout the runway before you go fly there. I am always very cautious after II land and the taxi to the tie down. The tie down areas are often not as well maintained as the runway. However I have to say that the most serious nick I got on my prop was from some stone that somehow got onto the runway of a major airport. The prop is within specs but I can still see where the stone hit.
  2. The ground collision between KLM and PANAM.
  3. I use a contour. Very rugged
  4. Thanks I am getting it on monday
  5. There has been some discussion on how to take off and land a Mooney on a grass field. So I thought I could put together a video sharing with you how I do it (it does not mean that this is the right way to do, nor am I implying that you should do it like this). The way to do it is follow the POH and ask a CFI. But nevertheless to fuel the exchange here goes the video. Just as a side note to even fuel the discussion further I mainly use the AOA... Oscar http://youtu.be/wsmSszqt46E?list=UUuBPKyU-fEOZGWKutpVtFKw
  6. I don't know what is the correct way to operate a Mooney out of a grass strip... but here goes a video I shot taking off and landing on a grass strip. hope it helps...
  7. Indeed, not all Mooneys have been created equal and over the years they have been modified...speed mods, VG, panels...autopilot you name it. But having said that and after flying many different airplanes... I really love mine...and would only change it for a 2014 model.
  8. Looks very interesting. I will most likely order it. You always learn something new.
  9. Mikel Great video! I was based out of Caldwell of reveal years until 2008. Congratulations Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. I got the AOA Alpha System. It comes with an external sensor and it is very easy to install.
  11. I have been using my AOA for a while and I really like it. I tried to put together a video to show you how it works. Not easy because the AOA indicator is rather small, but I believe the video may give you at least an idea. Oscar
  12. Wow, I am so sorry for the pilots and their family. It only shows... let's be careful.
  13. You are right, you have a great country and you stand for wonderful principles. Happy Birthday USA
  14. I lived in La Paz, Bolivia, for about three years. The airport is at 13,323 feet and the city at around 12,600 feet. If you read the warning labels on your laptops, PC and Plasma screen, you will see that they are not guaranteed to work...and plasma screens really don't work... You feel really like as if a truck had ridden over you when you arrive and you really understand the meaning of hypoxia. You realize how hard it is to think and to work during the first days. Also, interesting things happen to potato chips bags, to cans, to tooth paste containers and other containers. They simply explode if you open them to fast. It is hard to barbecue and to boil pasta... However, wine tastes as well as at sea level... ron zacapa too...but you get drunk faster.
  15. I use logbook pro. It is over engineered for GA aviation. But it is nice to have back ups on my MAC, iphone and Ipad. However, I still keep my paper logs just in case...
  16. I have been getting crazy with my CHT temperatures on Cylinder 3. It so happens that my LASAR ignition advances the timing of the ignition by 25 degrees. Consequence the CHT is 40 degrees higher than normal!!! There is nothing you can do about it... but try to manage the temperatures to avoid that they go above 440... I talked to Champion who inherited the patent and they said relax it is normal...
  17. Welcome to our great side. You will find a lot of great advice and a lot of fun. It is a great community. Regarding your question about turf and grass fields. Don't worry too much about it (Although I have to say the first time I landed on one I was scared to death). Just be as precise as possible, check you speed and make sure that the field is in good shape. If you want I have some videos of me landing on grass strips... Oscar https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuBPKyU-fEOZGWKutpVtFKw
  18. Welcome back great news
  19. Where I fly there is only one place in the country where you can get avgas. So the 64 gallons were a really important addition.
  20. 3 sometimes 4. However most of the times 1 to 2. Oscar
  21. I like the halos
  22. Well at least it was not a Mooney... http://www.smh.com.au/world/lucky-escape-plane-narrowly-misses-german-sunbather-20140603-zrw11.html
  23. Nice cameras.
  24. Nice video!!! and music. But what really impressed me was the clean belly!!!
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