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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Interesting! I apologize for my ignorance what baffling strip are you referring too? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Ok, once you hit the 50 mark things start to go downhill. I mean the vision of the course. Hank asked me about the numbers on my electronic tach... It seems to me that the numbers and letters in these wonderful screens that we spend our money on become smaller and harder to read... So you revert to glasses... and here is my question to you. Daylight: What sunglasses do you use? I bought some that incorporate correction lenses for nearsightness. But what options to you use? Night: What do you do when you fly at night or when it is cloudy? I use my reading glasses... But it feels strange in particular when you break out at night after an ILS approach. So advice? Oscar
  3. I bought my M20C more than 14 years ago... At that time it was not cheap but I got all the logbooks and I thought I knew the full history of the bird. To my surprise about two years ago somebody mentioned that it had stuck a dear several years ago... would I buy her again. Definitely. Since I got her I invested a lot of money in the plane. Engine overhaul among other things. How I look at it: logbooks are important, but more than anything a good PPI and the impression you get when you see the plane and you fly it. Think that you will transport your familiy in it.
  4. thank you Hank, indeed since I have a glass panel and with age, I need to wear glasses to be able to read the panel... classic steam you don't. Daylight I found some sun glasses with near sighted inserts, but what do you use for night flying and when you don't need sunglasses? any suggestions?
  5. I use the taped mounts provided by the camera manufacturer.
  6. Guys, It has been a while since I posted a video of one of my flights. So here goes another one. This is a video of the ILS 02 Z into MGGT. http://youtu.be/B18pLsi9rm8
  7. Thanks! Me too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. They must have been really distracted! http://www.wesh.com/news/2-planes-collide-while-taxiing-in-daytona-beach/32863752#.VXpdyZEwWjo.facebook
  9. Interesting...I have my transponder incorporated into my GTN 750... how do I keep it on Alt mode...I don't remember having seen a ground mode..
  10. I fly out of higher altitude field quite often. My home base is at 5,000 feet with a density altitude of about 6,000 to 7,000. My M20C has a full fuel capacity of 64 gallons. I fly out of the field with my two sons (4 and 6) and sometimes a copilot and full tanks. The runway is about 9,000 feet long, which helps. In my M20C I face two main problems: a) high CHT and b ) lackluster climb capacity. The latter is particularly important when it comes to SIDs... but that is a different story. My procedure: Before take off I put 15 degrees of flaps, lean to best power, using my JPI 830 (EGT) and then I apply power being careful to keep the CHTs in line. During the take off role my AOA is also very helpful. I am attaching two videos I made for entertainment purposes but that show me using my M20C in high altitude fields. Hope it helps. Oscar https://youtu.be/fL8Iro5x3xA https://youtu.be/QNJfqyytuwM
  11. I have flightstream 210 with a GTN 750. I like it a lot. You can do your flight planning at home. Modify your clearance on your IPAD in the FBO, without having to start your engine or your avionics and then you transfer the filghtplan to your GTN. I also like the redundancy. I only would like to have the chance of having my Jeppview charts displayed on the Garmin Pilot... but then that my be too much to ask.
  12. Happened to me too. Until today I am not sure why. What I make sure now is that the door is really locked and secure. Once it happened while I was by myself. I returned to the field and closed the door. Not a big deal. On another occasion I was with my instructor and we used the procedure outlined I don't remember where... slow plane to 100 miles open storm window slip the plane and try to close it. It worked, but I would not have done it if I had been by myself or with a non pilot passenger. Easier to return and land.
  13. Thank you for your compliment... I really try to take care of the plane and keep it up as well as I can... I bought the plane in 2002 and since then I have been upgrading it step by step. Obviously it does not make any sense financially... only for the guy who one day may buy it from me. Overhauled engine, new magnetos, repositioned oil filter, lightweight starter, new alternator, vortex generators, Led landing lights, strobes and nav lights, new autopilot 55x, GTN 750, WAAS 430, JPI 830, 795, ADSb with GDL 88, connect 210, WX500, AOA... new leather... but... I don't plan to sell it for the time being...:=)
  14. Not an easy strip to land on. But the pilot shop is really worth while the effort!
  15. I change oil every 25 hours and Filter every 50
  16. Why do we fly... pictures of various flights.. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/36204-2014-11-22-110056/ http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/36207-2014-11-22-110103/ http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/album/13599-m20cn9341v/ http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/36678-volcanos/ http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/36677-/ http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/36680-mooney-m20-spdf/
  17. What joke and rudder do you use? Saitek too?
  18. Two in the whole country (Guatemala) one flying and the other not.
  19. Works for me too, as long as you follow Bob's instructions.
  20. After more than 1000 hours flying Mooneys I still think that it is a great experience. Our planes are fast, efficient and people look at us as if we were contortionists when they ask us how do we get in and out. Despite our explanation that once you are seated in the plane it is actually comfortable, many just shake their heads. However,once you know how to fly them they are at least for me the best plane on the market. I would say: ride them with the hands of a lady, the posture of a king and the manners of a gentleman and you will be happy.
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