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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Yeah, got them too. I like them, the plane stalls slower and handles better when flying slow. I don't know if I lost one or two knots, but if so, I still like the real (or psychological) benefits they provide me when landing at high altitude fields or on grass....
  2. I check it twice, once when I do my GUMPS before the FAF, and the on final.
  3. They told me that it had a 225 hp turbo engine.
  4. Yes, indeed that is the reason. The noise profile seems to be very different.
  5. I had lunch yesterday with Markus and Ernst. Both are the owners of HB DHA. Wonderful plane. I told them about Mooneyspace and that some of us had seen their plane and that we were interested in knowing more about their flight. They were surprised... and told me that they had flown the route already twice and that it was not too much of a deal. I asked them about the prop, and they told me that thanks to that prop their landing fees at european airports was much lower... They had also done some mods to the plane, in particular to the cowling to improve cooling! It seems that they had worked around the baffling system. My swiss german is not good enough to understand all the technical details... From there they were going to fly to Brownsville and the to the Mooney Factory. From there they would start their flight back to Europe. I told them about our www side and let's see if they sign up.
  6. World Bank Country Manager in Guatemala.
  7. Nice, video. One question about gravel... how do you protect your prop?
  8. I noticed that there was some issues with the www side... I hope it was not a hacker...
  9. I am going to have lunch with the pilots on Monday. It seems that they are going back to via Texas (mooney factory) and Iowa.
  10. I will try to contact them here in Guatemala.
  11. I did not realize that it was the same... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Please... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Happy 4th of July to all of you! Not much flying around here today... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Yesterday at the airport I met the crew of this mooney that had crossed the pond all the way from Switzerland to Guatemala. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Maurader I really like your channel. Each time I watch it I learn a lot! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Slow day at work! So able to post... Solar Impulse has landed in Hawai. Amazing quest!
  17. Nice channel... I believe several of us have now channels and to one degree or another we try to keep them alive by feeding them regurlarly with some video footage from our flights. May be one thing to do would be to just share our channel addresses on youtube here. Mine is oavalle. Second some comments on videos in general. Looking at our demographics... we all seem to have a VERY SHORT attention span. In other words it seems that nobody watches anything longer than 4 min. Second it is always useful to have more than one angle that will help you provide the viewer with some incentives to continue watching... (remember our short attention span). Last but not least, think about a story line... could be a flight, showing a landing on a grass strip, etc. Oscar
  18. Well this was not a stupid reason why I was grounded...but for sure this was a strange reason... Last Tuesday we had a volcano erruption close to the airport... So I drove as close as I could totake a picture. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/36816-volcano/
  19. One reason, why I had to cancel my flight...
  20. Here it goes... Sorry for the delay. It is a Contour. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/36815-contour/
  21. Fernando, I use three Garmin Virbs and two contour. One of the them mounted on the tail and one under the belly. Then I rotate the other ones around the plane on several locations. Some people asked me for a pic on how I mounted the camera. So here it goes... Oscar http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/36815-contour/
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