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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Lately something strange has been happening, when I extend the flaps my left wing drops. The flaps seem to extend at the same time and pace... any other ideas why this is happening?
  2. Amazing trip!!! Looking forward to watching the videos!
  3. Another issue that may affect your fuel flow at take off. Is your electrical fuel pump on? In my case it makes a big difference. 16 gph without electrical fuel pump 17.3 with fuel pump on.
  4. Interesting, I am having a very similar problem. My CHTs are way to high on my JPI. I tried everything, I even got a new carburetor. I start wondering if there is something wrong with the the installation of the probes. It does not make any sense that the CHTs are that high.
  5. I use " storm" an iphone app, similar to weather.com
  6. What electronic ignition system do you have?
  7. I don't think I will be able to make it this weekend...April...
  8. Happy to help Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Happened to me, reduced power to 95 kts, opened the storm window slipped the plane and closed the door. Luckily I was with somebody that closed the door for. Alone... I don't know would have been much harder to do.
  10. Joe, Nice... congratulations!
  11. yes, GPSS Aspen is critical!
  12. Has somebody done the upgrade in your GTN 650/750 to the new software version 6.11? PIREPs are welcome!
  13. Wonderful!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Would love to meet you guys! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Yes, daytime it is great but at night, it starts being a problem, but I was told that that would happen. Like reading glasses Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I use a Garmin Virb attached to the belly with the pad provided by Garmin.
  17. I have not flown in Kansas, but I flew out of an airport where wind rarely slowed down to less than 15 knots. Normally, winds were around 15 to 20 knots, in a valley surrounded by mountains. Was it bumpy? You bet it was. Was it hard to land the plane, actually not that much, considering that the wind most of the times was blowing right down the runway. So at the end, once you got through the bumps over a ridge close to the airport, your landing were actually pretty nice... and easy.
  18. Actually, there is no contact information available.
  19. My serial number is 70006
  20. I tried to contact Aeroresources Inc.. They have tons of interesting mods for our Mooneys, and it seems that they are out of business... Anybody knows anything about this? Oscar http://aeroresourcesinc.com/proj98-ci/WebContent/product_category/product_list/1/107
  21. If you find it, please let me know. I have the older version myself.
  22. Thank you, I like the nose cowl. It looks much better than the original. I guess it must help with the cooling...
  23. Bob, what cowling enclosure do you have?
  24. Nice! Very different from Guatemala al 5000 feet with 90 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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