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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. I have a EDM 900 installed and I like it. I was able to replace all my original gauges (including fuel) and beyond reliability I freed up a lot of panel space.
  2. Let the process work out. I did the Caravan two years ago and I have to say that they take safety very seriously. At some point during the training they felt that I was not up to the par and thus they provided me with additional training gave me a clear set of instructions on how to proceed if something went wrong. I always felt safe. Now having said that if we have more than 50 planes in close quarters things can always go wrong.
  3. At last I have been able to balance out my work and my life. So I was able to get to fly a bit around the country. Enjoy. https://youtu.be/sYyg_h5SE_U
  4. I am looking for the calibration instructions for my ASPEN AOA. The dealer provided them to me, but unfortunately I misplaced them. So if anybody can help me... thank you
  5. Nice !!! Yeah, ATC confuses call sign more often than we think. However, we as pilots also believe that we are hearing something based on our expectations and not on what is really being said.
  6. Why does a Proplock cost US$ 279 while a bike lock made of the same materials costs US$ 41... https://www.amazon.com/Kryptonite-New-U-KryptoLok-Standard-Bicycle/dp/B06XCLTVPQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=IGVPFGZYWTRR&keywords=bike+lock&qid=1559055190&s=gateway&sprefix=bike%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1 https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pspages/proplock.php Any difference... to my knowledge I don't need any FAA approval for this... Oscar
  7. Some comments on the cameras and the mounts. I use the sticky mounts all the time and my experience is that they don't damage the paint and they don't fall off... if and that is a BIG IF the temperatures are below 100... above 100 anything can happen. I lost a camera because I did not realize that the temperature had gone above 100 and the sticky mount just fell off... On stabilization.. I have mixed feelings. In principle it is OK, but the end product does not always look good. It seems "wavy". But may be newer software versions have addressed this issue. Multiple cameras help produce a more interesting video by alternating the cameras and giving different perspectives to the story line. However, one of the most important aspects of these videos is the story line. The best video I have seen in a long time was a video of a Mooney produced by Kurt Snyder with background music of Imagine Dragons. Great music, great story line and wonderful shots.
  8. I use a yoke mount for my mini iPad 5 and connect it via flight stream to my Garmin 750. Amazing. I use Garmin Pilot, but I have been looking at ForeFlight and it looks very tempting. Any views? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. Wow, DEA! Happy to hear that it went well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. I just got the new mini. It is much faster and the larger storage allows me to save my iTunes library on it and the play it through the audiopanel. It did fit into my yoke mount, so I am a happy camper... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. I really don’t know... my Aspen works great, it looks fine, it does what I need and want it to do... including with SV... So I am really having a hard time deciding Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. this Dardono"s flight
  13. Ok, here I am back in the saddle. After flying my Mooney down to El Salvador about three weeks ago, I was finally able to go flying again. I wanted to fly with somebody who knows the area and can show me around. I had met Carlos Dardano, Avianca Captain some time ago. He is the pilot who landed a TACA 737 after losing power some years ago (you can google him or watch the video below). Very nice and interesting guy. So, we took off on Friday for a short 1.5 hours flight. Nothing special, but nice. So I am trying again to share with you some of the beauty I find around here. Oscar
  14. On the yoke Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. I fully agree. I installed the system about three years ago and I love it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. I am flying from Ilopango to San Jose Costa Rica on Wednesday. So I should be able to get you some pics from the flight and hopefully some video... Stay tuned... I am back on the ground.
  17. Disconnect it, but about the 400... most likely that is the CHT you are getting... see previous discussion about CHT. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  18. I bought my M20C in 2002. N9341V is a 70 model build in 1969. Since I bought the plane I must have invested at least twice the purchase price in upgrades. I also have a three blade prop. Great speed brake, runs smoothly but I would love to get a two blade to get more performance out of it. However, I must say that the airplane did serve me well. Although it is not the fastest Mooney around, nor the most confortable (specially for the backseat passengers) it is a great plane. I flew from the US to Central America, doing for example Key West to San Salvador 811 miles non stop at 13,000 feet in 7 hours (headwind of 10 miles/h). After 7 hours I was ready to arrive but I was not exhausted. Annuals and maintenance are mostly reasonable. The only issue I had (and still have) are my CHTs. They are high and although I have been able to tame them, they are still high. So, I am a big fan of M20Cs. Oscar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  19. I went south again, indeed! Last Friday I arrived with my Mooney in Ilopango MSSS where I will stay for the next three years. However, my homebase continues to be KGAI. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  20. Actually, the mini iPad is the central element of the panel. Through the Garmin pilot app I prepare my flight plan and modify it if needed. Key is the Bluetooth connection I have in the cockpit that integrates everything Oscar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  21. I have a Apple Watch and some automatics analog ones. From an aesthetic point of view I love my analog watches... however, the information that my Apple Watch provides me is amazing. It even facilitated my medical check up as I was able to provide my Doc with information about my health... Now, owning a mini iPad that I use exclusively in the cockpit I am looking forward to getting the new one. Mine fits perfectly well on the yoke, without interfering with anything. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  22. Aviation consumer just came out with a LED landing and taxi light reciew Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  23. In my Mooney a similar switch was for the strobes... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  24. Yes, that was my main problem with my old carb. I checked with the guys from savvyanalisys and they told me that the acceptable fuel flow was between 16 and 18.5. With my old carb I hardly got 15 on take off!!! Then overhauled carb got me 16.5 and often even 17.5. So big improvement. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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