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Everything posted by Wildhorsesracing

  1. Howdy all, My wife and I want to fly into Charleston, SC this week for a mini vacation and a wedding this weekend. I was looking at KLRO Mount Pleasant, SC, KJZI - Charleston Exec or KCHS Charleston International. Any advice would be appreciated! PS. we need a sticky thread that we can all post good/bad/ugly about airports and FBO's...
  2. Add me to the list - mixture rich, no carb heat, prop forward I have only used carb heat on landing when temps are near freezing and humidity is high
  3. FWIW - I don't retract my manual flaps until I reach Vx (80 mph) and that usually doesn't happen until I am well off the runway and have sufficient altitude. YMMV
  4. I did the same thing a while ago - posted the pics here: http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/album/13732-going-solar/ FYI - I have since upgraded the connection to the battery to be a small plug that doesn't require the battery cover to be removed every time I make the connection.
  5. How do we put this info in our profiles?
  6. More iPad's used for Avionics... I am seeing a pattern here...
  7. Having sold my software company and retired years ago (2007) I can vouch that ALL software has it's bugs. Even the most tested Gn000 has bugs in it. I think the best thing to come from all of the tablet software is COMPETITION - because it not only improves the breed but lowers the cost of involvement. True Story: I started a software company in 1996 to fill a niche for medium sized manufacturing companies. We developed and introduced a completely new product in 2001 at a new low introductory price. Every sales call drew great feedback and all prospective clients loved it but felt that the price was too low to be any good. We raised the price 500% and suddenly everybody considered us more seriously - same software - same features - 500% more! We suddenly had sales that overwhelmed our staff. So, keep believing that a $500 piece of software isn't as good as a $30,000 piece of software - it's just that type of thinking that allowed me to retire at such a young age...
  8. I did this and am extremely happy with the PCU 5000 - much cheaper/easier/lighter and you can't beat the warranty! Works perfectly!
  9. I wonder how long it'll be before we start seeing this in our Mooneys? Twin iPads for all avionics...
  10. Wildhorsesracing


  11. From the album: Avionics

    I think we are seeing the future of avionics - I wonder how long it'll be before we'll be able to use it in certificated aircraft?!?!
  12. +1 - we have tried synthetic and dino oils in our racecars for years - both work fine - synthetic if you need more power, dino if you want to save $$
  13. I have found filling it over 6 qts on the dipstick will simply end up on the belly until it drops to the 6 qt level. The oil consumption is roughly ~1 qt between oil changes poured in gradually to keep it at the 6 qt level over the 50 hrs between oil changes. FWIW - my A&P fills it to the 7 qt level at oil changes to fill the filter with the extra qt.
  14. I just did mine last year - definitely taller, stiffer and smoother landings - less bouncy*! *or that could be because I am getting better at landing a Mooney - who knows?!?!
  15. From the album: Assorted Flying Pics

    These were outside the door at Fernandina Beach (KFHB)
  16. Anyone going? http://virginiaflyin.org/
  17. Not to get off topic but when I was getting a tailwheel endorsement my instructor took me up for crosswind practice. Sadly the day we went was no wind so we approximated it by landing on one wheel and "flying" down the runway with only the one wheel touching the whole time and then taking off as if you needed to go around. It was a fine balance of rudder, aileron, elevator and throttle to keep the one wheel down and the others in the air. It was an awesome experience and teaches you total aircraft control - especially coordinating your hands with your feet!
  18. I like the look of the new interior parts, we removed my interior when we went all thru the plane for an extensive annual. When it came time to put it all back in I elected not to put the armrest back in as I am tall enough to use the window sill as an armrest. It added a few inches on each side for comfort. I flew it this week on the longest x-country I have ever done since the annual and realized I need more padding in the old seat. The 51 yr old seat frames in my Mooney seem to become uncomfortable after a while to my 51 yr old 5'10" 225 lb body!
  19. During my initial flight training my instructor would make make do "high speed taxis" both ways on the runway with just enough power to get the nose wheel off of the ground but not enough to get airborne. He had me do it to get the feel of the proper landing speed and sight picture of what a landing should be like. Whenever I start having issues landing then I do a few of them again to get the feel and sight picture back. It also taught me to fly the plane all the way until you reach the taxiway...
  20. I thought this was required for the Johnson bar club!
  21. +1 - and I try to get the gear down on downwind as soon as I get the speed below 120 mph - helps slow the plane down and one less thing to worry about when things get busy.
  22. I had a similar problem, it seemed that the lead to the retard points was grounding out on an Adele clamp. Replaced the wire and it starts easily now.
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