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Everything posted by Wildhorsesracing

  1. I agree, there are many "hangar queens" out there that are more dangerous than ugly planes that get flown regularly.
  2. The older 'C's are valued at far less than $40k - even the ones that aren't a project. It's a buyer's market, planes are losing value faster than a new car.
  3. From the album: N6233U exterior upgrade

    Still have a little paint left to strip - she's looking good, might just go with polished!
  4. I talked with the airport owner and he indicated that the owner plans to restore it as soon as his health gets better. It's been sitting there 12 yrs...
  5. Wildhorsesracing

    Rotting Mooney

    After a comment I made about a Mooney rotting away at a local airport many folks asked me about it. I finally got a chance to get over there and take some pics.
  6. Why did they not just replace the powerplant with the jet engine? It reminds me of something you'd see at the circus like the bearded lady or siamese twins, just a freak show.
  7. I would be happy with this as well.
  8. I have fully participated in every one of my annuals and am fairly mechanically inclined. I enjoy working on all things mechanical and am not afraid to seek help/expert advice/extra pair of eyes when I am not sure about what I am looking at. My '62 C is a mechanically sound but ugly (butt ugly?) old Mooney. According to the calculators she is worth roughly $19k, I paid $29k cash for her years ago and have loved every minute in her. I am not worried about the value lost since I lose more than double that every time I buy a new truck/car. I doubt I'll ever sell her, but who knows, I might get tired of her someday. There is a Mooney literally rotting away at a local airport (8A6 - Wilgrove) that is probably going to waste because the owner can no longer afford the costs of a "certified" aircraft and probably can't sell it for 1/2 of what he/she has in it. There are two very active local EAA chapters with members literally building and selling aircraft as fast as humanly possible. I have no qualms with converting my Mooney to "Experimental" status and seriously think it might even increase in value based on what I have seen the local EAA members sell their planes for. Experimental aircraft still require annual inspections, it just means you can use non certified parts and do much of the work yourself. I think many older aircraft would benefit from going to an experimental status and you'll see a whole new market of restored older ex-certified now experimental aircraft.
  9. Great article about Canadian owner maintenance: http://generalaviationnews.com/2015/05/24/frugal-pilots-imagine-full-owner-maintenance/
  10. I washed my plane last week and left a puddle full of paint flakes so I decided to start stripping the paint this week. Not sure if the stripper gets into the anti-corrosion. My tanks have bladders. Not sure what I am going to do - right now I am just getting rid of the flaking paint.
  11. Will do - it will be a slow process as I can only get a day every other week or so to work on her. I am hoping to either leave her with the aluminum look or possibly look into getting her "wrapped" instead of painted.
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