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Everything posted by Wildhorsesracing

  1. WOW! Your plane was just in the shop next to mine! I hope it doesn't rub off! Sorry to hear it, let me know if I can help at all!
  2. Wildhorsesracing


    Pictures of flybys
  3. True, I also like buildings with the rafters/raw structure/plumbing/electrical showing as well. To each his own. Colin Chapman of Lotus racing fame felt that to win races you "add lightness", surely that applies to aircraft as well?
  4. I talked with Bruce - he is still awaiting approval. Looks like a great interior that will allow more room.
  5. I picked up my plane from windows and avionics upgrades today and went thru the checklist twice to make sure I checked everything and was ready for flight. I checked my fuel selector valve by looking at it and assumed that since it was pointing at the left tank and the engine was running then all was well. I did not actually switch the valve between tanks but simply assumed it was where I left it on the left tank. I was on a 5500 ft runway, took off, started to climb @ 100 mph and raised the gear - the engine stumbled and sputtered like it was going to quit. I leveled off and looked at the boost pump switch: on - so I reached for the landing gear assuming I was going to land in the second 1/2 of the runway. I immediately thought to try the fuel selector to make sure it was in the Left tank detent. It wasn't! Once I clicked it in the engine roared to life and I went around the pattern (three times!). I will always check the fuel selector valve by manually switching it between tanks from now on when my checklist says "Fuel selector: Fullest Tank".
  6. I teach people to drive race cars for a living so spartan interiors look wonderful to me. I can't help but think that saving the weight of an interior would make the plane fly farther, faster... We just took out the old and non-working avionics out of my plane and it was a weight savings of close to 50 lbs!
  7. I agree with dcrogers11 - I got my ECI done last year for $250 at H&H propeller. I fly ~150 hrs a year - at $5k for a used prop I could get over 15 yrs ECI's to recoup the cost. Not worth it to me.
  8. I bought the materials from Aircraft Spruce - who in turn got them from LP Aero Plastics. Flying Leaf Aviation -http://www.flyingleafaviation.com/ - 336-626-3600 in Asheboro, NC is doing the work, I asked him and he said the cost varies by how much corrosion repair is needed and whether new hardware is required. My windows were pretty old and they had never been replaced so it required all new hardware and lots of cleanup. Yours might not need as much.
  9. Having bought and sold many exotic vehicles over the years I have learned two valuable lessons: 1) You can only sell something for what a buyer will give you for it. 2) If you have a buyer willing to pay cash then sell it - you may never find another buyer willing to pay that much again. You can always ask an astronomical price for anything but finding that one fool who will pay that much is usually hard to do! FWIW: Ebay is a good barometer of what things are worth...
  10. Howdy all, I was helping re-install the worn and cracked fiberglass molding after the new windows were installed and wondered what the interior would look like without the old cracked fiberglass parts and headliner. The plane I had before this M20C had no interior whatsoever, it was simply the inside of the exterior panels painted with epoxy paint that had chips/flecks in it similar to the trunk of an old car. Has anyone done this? Any pictures?
  11. I have been watching the value of 'C's since purchasing mine and have only seen them stay flat or decline... :-(
  12. From the album: N6233U Restoration

    The weather is turning warmer and the sun is getting brighter -time to remove old cloudy winshields.
  13. From the album: N6233U Restoration

    While replacing the windshields I decided to remove defunct avionics since there was plenty of room to work.
  14. Wildhorsesracing

    Going Solar!

    Added Solar lights and charger to my T-Hanger
  15. From the album: Going Solar!

    There is one near the peak (battery minder) and two on the back wall (solar motion lights)
  16. From the album: Going Solar!

    The final solar connections to the battery
  17. From the album: Going Solar!

    Added Solar powered motion lights to help with late night arrivals
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