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Everything posted by 201er

  1. Too much work while flying Either fly the glideslope or just dive and drive!
  2. Come fly out in the NY airspace a few times. Bust your assigned altitude and ATC will read you a lesson you’ll never forget! Heard them nail a Cheyenne for only being a few hundred off.
  3. You can self announce altitudes out loud every 500 or 1000 feet as you descend while reminding where you are going to. For example “5000, descending to 3000” or on the final leg, self announce minimums like 1500 descending to 720”
  4. I don't see the harm in the questions and speculations. Alternative facts can be a bit misleading, but sitting at home we'll never have the absolute facts. The real harm is the character assassinations, "I can't believe this guy was dumb enough to do x, he had it coming from a mile away." Definitely not the place to belittle the pilot/victims.
  5. Sounds like a very good question, doesn't it? It can be self-preserving to learn (even speculate) what would cause someone to "fly on a day like this" and take care to avoid similar reasons to foolishly "fly on a day like this"
  6. A bit of everything. The whole package of responses to how these discussions end up going. There aren't "known facts". It's all based on hearsay and inaccurate news reporting anyway. Most of the Monday morning quarterbacking is posing hypothesis and solutions based on speculated facts. Is that alright? It's what the NTSB does after all. But they do have a little more insight.
  7. How do you feel about Monday Morning Quaterback speculation about aviation and Mooney accidents?
  8. No surprises that Mooney pilots travel with cheap luggage! I prefer backpacks and duffel bags. No hard luggage because of the shape of baggage compartment and baggage door. Duffel bags can mush to shape unlike those roller cases. Plus, when we travel by plane we can leave some of our stuff in the plane and only take what we need for that night or segment.
  9. Still faster than most fixed gear GA airplanes. And a lower fuel flow to boot! I'm pretty sure it will at least stay level on 40% power.
  10. In theory yes. But in practice, Parker goes to bat for his customers and may on occasion do better than some of the others.
  11. The only way that’s going to be a $12k shirt is if it involves a zero time pilot insuring a brand new Acclaim
  12. No regrets selling a Mooney!? The only way that can happen is upgrading to a faster Mooney! Spill the beans, what did you get?
  13. Lame, doesn't even have a Mooney on it
  14. Center usually doesn’t have real time radar. Often times they describe seeing exactly what I see on ADSB. So similar delay. It’s usually just the local approach controllers that have actual real time radar.
  15. Any flying is
  16. Typically, yes. But, not necessarily. Sitting in smooth air in the clouds at 6000+ ft with nothing to hit is a lot less stressful than scud running below 1000-2000ft overcast!
  17. For cross country flying, I find VFR more stressful. Usually it means flying lower with more random direction traffic. This causes you to spend a lot more time looking for traffic. Not only traffic but weather and terrain too. You can’t really get above clouds VFR. Even if you find a hole to get up, you’re never sure how you’ll get back down. The vast majority of IFR flying involves climbing above some kind of cloud layer and then smooth sailing the whole way to destination and then maybe another descent through a layer and a visual approach on the other side. Those couple minutes in the clouds grant a smooth ride in visual conditions with little or no traffic. That’s much less fatigue than getting bounced around below clouds and looking for tons of traffic, birds, and terrain.
  18. What do you find more stressful in real cross country flying VFR or IFR? Like being VFR at 3000ft under 4000ft overcast or IFR above? Or in it for that matter?
  19. Do you get restless before challenging flights? Do you have trouble sleeping before a big flight? Or, do you avoid challenging flights or have a very relaxed schedule that allows greater flexibility? What kind of flights make you feel restless and which ones don't?
  20. I pulled it on when I was coming in with a vac failure but I managed to stay VFR the entire time so it was just in case cause it was murky. It’s not for cruise flight. Obviously at 8000ft, you can’t get the throttle back enough to maintain altitude and run the standby vac. You fly partial panel down to about 4000ft, but at that point you should be able to power back enough in the descent to get it going. You only need it for the approach. You’re easily throttled back 6”MP for the last 2000ft of descent to be able to use it to get on the ground.
  21. Cause most of them have a precise flight standby vac fed off the intake manifold that is lightweight and doesn’t have to stick out. The Venturi sticking out of Jose’s Mooney drives the vac for the piss hose!
  22. Why look that far? Whoever gets Monroy’s Mooney is going to have his used piss tube included no charge!
  23. According to the article, it’s actually “A Cessna plane crashed in the desert just northwest of Buckeye Municipal Airport near Interstate 10 and Palo Verde Road just before 7 a.m. on June 18.”
  24. But then he can camp with the RVs
  25. No. Taking a pass this year. Planning on doing the Summit. You go to every Mooney event of the year, don't you?
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