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Everything posted by M20F

  1. Anywhere from the cost of 2 flip/flop nav com's to whatever a G1000 costs installed. I think it is worth a call to the broker to see what they say and go from there. If they are open to negotiating than all the other factors come into play in determining the right price. If they are a firm $55 well than probably doesn't matter.
  2. So I can say my F can carry more hats than your J :-)
  3. And your useful load is what :-)
  4. Previous owner http://napavalleyregister.com/obituaries/norman-gene-alumbaugh/article_3e32234d-8f7f-5191-a4b3-77fdfc78b702.html If you look at registration the broker has owned awhile and I would guess would like to get rid of it (money costs money), given the obituary they probably got it cheap. It would see from just a little Internet research the previous owner took pretty good care of it. Discount a bit for sitting and get a good PPI (LASAR seems ideal) and go for it. I look all the time at what is out there and this is the 2-3 vintage with a Rayjay that I have seen out there since buying mine so if the turbo is desired it is really worth looking at. From my perspective 67 was the best year on the F (flush rivets + manual gear and flaps) and the Rayjay is a very nice bonus. I am a bit biased though.
  5. I have some of these as well which are great for glare but they don't block heat as well as the shades do. To the OP both fold up/roll up to where you can fit about 36362647473 of them in your side pockets. Given the price just order a couple and play around with what works.
  6. Where do you keep your hats then?
  7. Much more realistic than my 67 POH. 7500ft in 1967 POH at 22/26 you get 181mph at 2740# 7500ft in 1975 POH at 22/26 you get 169mph at 2740# I get 168mph at 7000ft at 100ROP at 22/26 in my 67 (+ speed SWTA cowl / - speed Rayjay) on a 20hr engine so would say the 75 numbers are pretty spot on.
  8. I find one or two of these to be very useful. http://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/cockpit-tools/other/suction-cup-collapsible-sun-shade.html Moveable and doesn't fully block vision like a curtain would.
  9. Small bit of info that has worked for me especially as you are traveling solo for awhile. Fasten the co-pilot seat belt and always check the floor for junk (including your seat belt). There is nothing worse than swinging the gear and wondering why it won't lock and see a seatbelt strap underneath the bar (usually in my case the co-pilot belt which I forgot to refasten after the last passenger).
  10. Safe is safe. A safe pilot is one that analyzes risk and plans accordingly like N601RX indicates. I must be in the minority here but every so often things don't work out exactly how I planned even on a perfect zero wind day. On a 10,000ft nice wide runway I can float, bounce, etc and get it onto the ground without much worry. With 2500' if it isn't right you need to be prepared to go around and having a good fixed point for that is a safe thing to do. To the OP I would also check out the runway condition at the strip you are considering. If it has some dips and rolls (i.e. not the best condition) it is a rodeo coming in/out and on landing you will hop a bit before you can brake more than likely which is going to change things around.
  11. I do recall reading somewhere that it was an option not standard. No idea if that is the truth or just hanger talk.
  12. My 67F is zinc chromated.
  13. DPE's can do initial and addon CFI's.
  14. This is the key because getting out of a short strip in a Mooney is a lot easier than getting in especially when it is gusty and you are carrying a bit more IAS.
  15. How long is it missing logs for, a long time ago wouldn't concern me. The last 4yrs missing would some. In the end if I got a good bill of health on PPI probably would buy it.
  16. I love the smell of leather in the morning.....
  17. Not disputing that but really find it hard to believe 3yrs of 200hrs a year is going to have a corrison problem assuming normal oil changes and the hours reasonably spread. There are more than a few shops that will take your good cam to resell and put in one of those three time plus ground cam's right at tolerance in. I think you would agree that some overhaul shops are a bit better than others. Overhauls even when you comply with SB240 can vary greatly. No way to really tell the problem for sure either way with the information the OP gave but just doesn't seem like a corrosion issue (though I have been wrong a lot before!).
  18. The issue didn't develop in 2012 it developed in 2015 after flying 200hrs a year in the last 3 years (600hrs after it sat). Sitting had nothing to do with the issue, the cam just wore out. This is evidenced by the metal coming off it which only occurs at end of life, you can verify that by getting the cylinder inspected as AES highlights. No matter how much cam guard we use, how often we change the oil, and how much we love and baby our engines they eventually wear out and need to be overhauled.
  19. Right in line with this as well http://www.mooneypilots.com/mapalog/M20F%20Evaluation/M20F_Evaluation_Report.html
  20. If the cam is making metal it means the nitrate is shot and once that goes it takes about 20-25hrs till the lobe snaps, I would stop flying it. You will need to split the case and replace the cam at miminmum. This though is where things get tricky as you can chose to do an overhaul which will involve replacing exhaust valves on the cylinders and some other parts, or you can just do a repair and return to service. Depending on the health of the cylinders and whether you intend to sell the plane in the near future just fixing the bottom and reusing the cylinders is a viable and much cheaper route though it sounds in your case that might not be an option. There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the word overhaul. While the engine was overhauled 800hrs ago my guess is they put in the old or a right at tolerance cam in (or a newer one which hanger talk says they suck and you should find an old good one on a shelf somewhere). Overhaul doesn't mean all new stuff and you really need to read any logbook entry concerning engine overhauls, repair and return to service, cylinders, etc. carefully to see exactly what they did. Given the pattern of the hours flown, time, etc. looks to me like the cam just wore out. The sitting early in life might have been an issue if 20hrs after sitting the issue developed but given the times you listed especially in the last 2yrs, just sounds like it wore out.
  21. However you want to define it the requirements are the same.
  22. Didn't say all and you said many, so perhaps we can agree it can be an issue :-)
  23. I encourage people to watch the Busch video. The issue isn't so much multi-grade versus straight as it is synthetic versus oil. It is a really interesting presentation and has some good facts in it. I once asked a guy in Texas who gets cited a lot when it comes to Mooney's he wasn't a big fan of the synthetics (Aeroshell I particular). The biggest thing I find useful is changing it 4 times a year (once every three months) versus what I put in it but I still use the Philips. I have seen some oil analysis posted here where people go 7 months or more on the same oil which just isn't good. For the record no heat issues using 100W Plus or Philips in the Fl's with a Rayjay. I would suspect some of the hot issues people are seeing come from climbing too steep or bad baffling more than the oil.
  24. Peeve and Mike Elliott are correct and below is the reference. http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/agc/pol_adjudication/agc200/interpretations/data/interps/2010/grayson-2%20-%20(2010)%20legal%20interpretation.pdf
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