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Everything posted by M20F

  1. And when he dies the next one maybe from Venus. Get a lawyer to guide you.
  2. Intent is to go Friday after it reopens and duck out Sunday for vintage camping. Depends on the weather. Camping 90F and or rain is no go. KSJX afterwards perhaps.
  3. American Airlines, they make a great Bloody Mary.
  4. I know what you mean and glad we both agree 67 F hits all the numbers.
  5. Haha that is the truth. It could be missing a wing and somebody on this forum would be like no really, best plane ever. We all know the 67F is the best though deep down.
  6. What does that have to do with an O360 being a decent engine that runs mogas?
  7. There is a huge difference between a $6K install and a $25K install. You could buy 4x430 and still come out ahead.
  8. No but with augmenter tubes they really put on a spectacle at nights landing. That makes up for a lot. O360 is a decent engine that does mogas.
  9. People are still flying with KX170B’s. The 430 will be around long after we are dead. In the end it’s all about the wallet and it is the cheapest option for the OP versus the $25K set ups people are recommending.
  10. Haha I have known you long enough, it’s all good. Like many things we agree to disagree. You are always the gentleman.
  11. I may have flown a AC560 for years on auto fuel and a slight shot of 100LL for the valves. There are numerous solid low compression engines out there today that can run auto fuel. This was 1940’s tech, believe we could do better today.
  12. I mean like anything, the main issue with airplane engines is the need for octane to offset detonation. A lower octane engine that could run on auto fuel would be the win.
  13. Unless you are flying at 18000’ then just pulling the throttle back and going will get you the appropriate stoichiometric ratio. I disagree with your assertion. Enjoy the flight though.
  14. India just started a 100LL refinery and intend to export. The whole deal with aviation fuel is the temp extremes coupled with it not degrading. You can toss 100LL in a plane and 5yrs later start it at -40F. Try doing that with car gas. I would rather the effort be spent on engine technology than a new gas myself.
  15. Garmin 430 and a new head if yours won’t suffice. I would have to read the FARs to determine minimum legally for IFR but a 430 is a solid radio/GPS.
  16. I have more hours upside down in a Decathlon then I suspect most of this forum has right side up. Pull out till rough and then push in. For the most part though it is a plane to fly full rich and generally full power doing fun stuff. LOP has its places I remain to be convinced a Decathlon would one of those places.
  17. I am not delving into the whole IRAN, TBO, TSMOH, etc. debate (other than IRAN). I will say both the lead times are suspicious at best.
  18. Why would you want to run LOP in a Decathalon?
  19. This I feel is highly dependent on how you learned. Give me a stopwatch, enroute chart, pencil, and a ruler, and I can achieve the world. I do ok on the automation though and like my 650+GPSS I do find it harder (as an older pilot) because the automation is 99% easier but that 1% difference of where I know it’s wrong and I want something else jacks me up at times. But truth be told for 35yrs my radio call has been can I get a vector for that :-)
  20. How much money would you like to spend?
  21. What is the best Mooney?
  22. I am not particularly tall at 6’ 9” but find it a little tight.
  23. This is why I advocate not pulling vacuum. I have G5, vacuum instruments, and a standby vacuum. In a single about as solid as you can get for redundancy.
  24. This is really the way. Take the car mileage which will cover gas in a Mooney and keep it to yourself. 99% of all businesses are never going to sign off so just don’t bring it up and take the car reimbursement you would have gotten for driving.
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