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  1. Northern I had my trim servo overhauled a three years ago by a firm at the Calgary international airport ($800 cdn). Cant remember the name off hand, but it might be worth a few calls. Ive sold the plane since then so I dont have the data. Northern Avionics (Springbank) sent it out for me, they would know.
  2. There was very old footage of a C or E model landing in the Ocean on you tube that I saw a couple of years back. Can’t find it anymore but the plane floated long enough to get a raft out, although in this case he was rescued by a boat that film the ditching.
  3. Different circumstances but it did run out of fuel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Transat_Flight_236
  4. Couldn't say enough good things about the people down there, I would highly recommend them. They seem to get the whole GA thing, I really appreciate the recommendation you gave me, in a world where things very seldom work out as planned, this exceeded my expectations, by a long shot.
  5. Just wanted to let everyone know what a great positive experience I had at Pietsch in Minot ND last week. I had been having trouble with my 231 banking to the left and decided I would take it down to Pietsch, a three and a half hour flight to get things done by some one how knows Mooneys. Jay the new own made time for me even after I got weathered out and was a day late in arriving. We took the plane out for a demo flight, he took the controls to get the feel and then wen back to the shop, used the travel boards, made some adjustments, we went up again, made some more adjustments and then flew it again...straight as an arrow, after 8 years of the auto bank. Great shop, there where Mooneys, war birds and others all being worked on. The mechanic were all very nice guys as well. The Air Museum was not open for the season yet but Jay said he would give the manager (and one of the co founders) a call and ask if he could give us the tour. We had a private tour, very impressive, three Mustangs, a Spitfire and many more great planes (all flyable I might add), just parked in the museum and get pull out regularly..unbelievable. Also on one of the demo flights the Canadian Snow Birds came into the airport, I landed between two of the sorties..I now tell people I few with the Snow Birds. This airport was by far the best GA experience I have had in my 13 years since I started flying. If all GA was done like this, GA would not only be surviving, it would thriving. I'd like to say thank you Jay for everything, cant say enough about the experience. https://minotaerocenter.com/
  6. Extremely busy road at an time during the day, at 5:30am not so bad but yes, they where very lucky there really no other place to land, it’s all built up in that area. Maybe 3 mile to the international airport. Was only one hour from it’s home base, it would be shocking if it was fuel related as fuel is much cheaper at its home base. Take a wait and see on this one.
  7. PM sent to N231BN.
  8. Had te same issue with Paypal a month ago, discovered it at 8:00pm call them and they were closed, unbelievable that an international financial outfit would just be closed. Call the next morning said no money would come out of my bank account, by the end of the day the money was missing, they took a very cavalier attitude about the whole thing, I told them to remove my banking info asap. Never like them as a firm, used them for 15 years.
  9. I have a 231, but a turbo and Continental, when I put the fine wires in it did make a difference in LOP operations. It saved fuel as it allowed my plane to fly LOP without a stumble when LOP (13.5GPH to 10.8GPH), Mag drop if 50 RPMs at the most, allows lean on Taxi. Here in Canada they cost me $100 per plug, I still though it was worth it having a smoother and happier engine.
  10. I have an 1981 231 with the Myrlyn Waste-gate and turbo plus inter-cooler and experience the same thing. May not to quit as fast as yours, but I find when it starts to move its not a linear move up. I can tell by the speed of the plane, a small move in fuel on the LOP side translates to a great difference in speed and hence HP. I dial the mixture back and all is good. Not a lot of work, but it is something I monitor in cruise.
  11. Lots of good stuff on You Tube, these gents all have their own Channels on You Tube, some of it is very good in promoting GA, Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/user/FlightChops https://www.youtube.com/user/steveo1kinevo https://www.youtube.com/user/MrAviation101 https://www.youtube.com/user/LimitlessHz
  12. Thanks, I guess that's where the extra 10 hp comes from.
  13. I look down and my MP is near 36” instead of the normal WOT (wide open throttle) 39” (Encore 252 ) Shouldn't the max for a 252 be 36 inches?
  14. Going the thunder bay - north bay does take you over some isolated areas that why I us the Duluth route and then go under Superior. My borther actaully lives in North Bay and works for Ratheon for NORAD. Never flown in there though, but it does look like a nice airport. Looks like we might be heading that direction around the same time.
  15. Nothing real special required (except a lot of money if your planning to do it though Canada), I did the trip a couple of years ago from Calgary to Halifax. My route was Calgary to Duluth, Duluth to Ottawa, Ottawa to Halifax. Ottawa International was outrageous, Halifax was fine. Do you have a route planned, Im doing it again this summer as well?
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