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Everything posted by N33GG

  1. I have often wondered about people flying regularly out in west Texas, such as Lubbock. The dust storms can be unbelievable, and sand gets in everything. If I lived out there, I would be very concerned about any issues with my filters.
  2. I bet it would be shocking if we really knew how many renegade pilots there are out there flying without credentials in aircraft without proper maintenance. I don't think it is a small number.
  3. Norbert: What prop do you have on your C?
  4. I understand the theory of parametric analysis and differential equations. Convolution integrals and wave equations are fine. Theory of special and general relativity, check. We can even discuss tensor math and matrix operations. But operating off of grass as it relates to engine wear? I might need help here... Doesn't sound good. If you have to ask the question, you probably don't want to know the answer. Sorry! Good luck.
  5. Welcome to the C Club! An excellent choice!
  6. Bummer!!! So sorry you are going through this.
  7. Oil and/or gas pad sites. Parts of East Texas look like that as well now. Absolute checkerboard from the sky. Not so great if they discover oil or gas under your property that you have worked hard to make your dream retirement place.
  8. Thanks for the post Bill. I enjoyed reading every word. George
  9. I put a 700 in my J Model several years ago and liked it very much. I am currently considering putting one of these two in my C Model, and will ve very interested in the comments. Some EI people seem to be pretty brand loyal.
  10. That really sucks Bob. So sorry for you. The two airports I operate out of the most have some crappy taxi areas and it really makes me nervous in my Mooney, especially at night. Good luck with the repair. If it was my aircraft, I would definately have the engine torn down. But that's just me.
  11. The last time I flew in and out of Meigs Field was shortly before it was destroyed. It was a very cool runway to operate from. That last flight I made into there was in a Navion. Really was a shame to lose that airport!
  12. So sorry to hear about your misfortune. I have deer all over my airport, and I have come sooooooo close a few times. I put a scimitar on my plane about a year ago. I don't know about approvals or performance results for an F-Model, but it is amazing on my C-Model. Highly recommended. Keep us posted on your progress, glad nobody was hurt, and good luck!
  13. I feel your pain Joe. Your post really hits a nerve with me. I did the same thing after I had been flying 30 years. Then I bought another airplane because I went into flying withdrawal. Now I am at the 40 year mark, and have this debate in my head every day. One of the options I am considering is an LSA. I have had a great run of flying during the best of times in many awesome aircraft, and the Mooney C-Model I own now is way down on the back side of the curve in both performance and expense. But the fact is, I have no reason to own a Mooney for any mission reasons at this point in my life, and the reality of costs does not make much sense for me. Good luck Joe, and I won't be far behind you. On the other hand, if you reverse course like I did at the 30 mark, I will certainly be exiting before you. You always have that option...
  14. FYI... It is my understanding that it takes an E Model engine mount and cowl. And certainly a lot of other things as well...
  15. I am pretty sure Don Maxwell has done this before. If I ever decide to do this, and I might, I would go straight to Maxwell to get it done right. In answer and support of the above posts... Yes, it's not worth it. But I would really like the IO-360 engine. My airframe is perfect, one of the straightest flying aircraft I have ever flown. And I have spent quite a bit getting it like I want it mechanically, and avionically (if that's a word) as well. Simply stated, I know what I've got, and all I would want is to change the engine. Might cost more that it's worth, but debugging another aircraft to this level could be expensive as well. FWIW
  16. Come on guys.... I see lots of threads where many of you go on and on about how a gear up is no big deal if it was repaired right. Rarely do you get pictures of the plane before the repair like the OP has provided. Ah, the power of a picture! This is exactly why I run from planes with damage history. It may look OK, it may get inspected by the best of the best, but you still don't really know what happened and what has been left out of the logs. Especially in this Buyer's market, there are plenty of NDH aircraft to choose from. But as nice as this one looks on eBay, I may have to make an exception. As pretty as that paint job is, what could be wrong???
  17. If you fly enough, there may come a day when you get into ice, in spite of your best efforts to avoid it. There was one flight I remember that I would have paid anything for de-ice capability of any kind.
  18. I'm with Hank on this on. Every point absolutely on target. My C Model is a fine airplane. But after decades of flying injected engines, it is hard to go back to carburetors.
  19. No problem, I am used to being blamed for lots of things. MooneySpace is one strange microcosm. That's all I have to say about that...
  20. I don't have a specific court decision, statute, or regulation. But the person that told me has a legal background in aviation law for many decades. Sorry, I wish I did know the source of his statement, but I do not. Next time I see him, I will ask. Without regard to whether or not flying is a privilege or right, as my question is stated, hypothetically, if true, how would that change your position, if at all? That is all I was trying to ask. Thanks. Also, FIRC stands for flight instructor refresher clinic.
  21. As some have said, the courts view your airman certificate as a privilege, not a constitutional right, so it can be taken from you more easily, without constitutional safeguards. During a recent FIRC, we were told that it has been determined that flying is a right, and not a privilege. If true, how would this change your position, if at all? I appreciate you sharing your legal expertise on this matter. Thank you.
  22. And further, I agree with the OP, in that this and other forums are incredible sources of information, debate, and learning. With decades of flying and thousands of hours in my log books, I continue to learn a great deal right here at MooneySpace, right along with the newest pilots. Thanks to everyone!
  23. As an instructor (CFII/MEI/AGI/IGI), I am supposed to support and promote the Wings Program. But when I really look at it, it seems to be another example of government trying to do something in a big government manner, and it just misses the mark. And the sad part is that a program like Wings could be excellemt, but the delivery of the current program just misses the target, IMHO. Sigh...
  24. You and I will surely agree and disagree with things AOPA does or does not do. However, there is one fact that will forever keep my membership; AOPA is the only real firewall between GA and government opposition. In this department, they are the only game in town. Let AOPA know how you feel, but please don't abandon them. We need all the members we can get.
  25. I was told recently that flying has been determined to be a right, and not a privilege. If true, what bearing would this have, if any, on this issue? Just curious. Thanks everybody. Very interesting.
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