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Everything posted by marky_24

  1. Ask and ye shall receive, http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=218&ad=31750370&cat=151&lpid=&search=&ad_cid=1
  2. I know I have seen a Mooney partnership pop up that's located at U42, maybe try placing an ad on ksl, its free, and see what comes up.
  3. It's too bad I'm on the other side of the state, as I have a 1/4 share for sale in a 201. But check here and see whats in valley. http://www.ksl.com/?nid=231&cat=151&category=142 Also there are a few clubs around the area.
  4. I thought that's how the Acclaim "s" came about. They worked with LoPresti to get 10 knots over the regular Acclaim.
  5. How many is several? 2-3 seconds? 10 seconds? if it just took a few seconds to die after the mixture was pulled i would think it could be vapor/heat related but if it was more like 10 seconds then you have to look at the injection system.
  6. I would check for proper idle mixture, and mag timing. My bet is your idle mixture is way rich. Why I think that is because you said it went away and is now coming back. I assume it's getting warmer where you are and that is resulting in a higher DA giving you a richer mixture than before. A quick way to check is to pull the throttle all the way to idle, and slowly kill the engine with the mixture Knob, as you get close to the cut off point the engine rpms should rise 50 rpm before the engine dies.
  7. For hot starts on an IO-360 all you need to do is set your rpm to 1200, lock the throttle and kill the engine with the mixture. When you go to start don't touch ANYTHING. Just turn the key It should fire in about 2-3 blades as soon as it fires push in the mixture. Easy as pie.
  8. Your right I didn't mean for this to sound like a bashing of the partner. I was just venting about a band new engine was being flown this way and to ask if there was potential for damage to have all ready occurred. He is a really good partner other than this one issue,albeit a large issue $$$
  9. I am the maintenance manager of the group, when we got the engine overhauled I talked them into a 730 so we can keep this engine alive for a long time. At that time we had a group meeting and all sat down and watched Mike bush's webinar on engine monitors. Its chocked full of very useful information about how the tensile strength of aluminum goes down over 400 degrees, how to do a run up with them and so on. After the video we discussed how to operate our plane. Start the engine, check for oil pressure, then lean for ground opps. Then how in to summer we have to lean for takeoff as our DA is around 5-6000 most days. I think he must be getting confused between leaning for ground opps and take off. I have had this discussion before with him, and i even moved the GPH to the top left of the parameters on the 730 display so its easy to check on take off roll. He does see the 730 flashing CHT overtemp and oddly enough he does react to that properly, increasing mixture and lowering the nose. Im just hoping that no damage has occurred yet, like a burnt valve or something along those lines.
  10. Yes I set the limit at 400 Based on Mike Bush's webinar . I'm just worried about donation, and burnt exhaust valves running that lean at full power. I hope no damage has been done all ready.
  11. I'm in a 3 person partnership on a 201, today after my flight i downloaded the data from our JPI 730. Only to see this: https://www.savvyanalysis.com/flight/487497/99090076-8d55-4142-b114-085579357b64 https://www.savvyanalysis.com/flight/487500/461544be-bee8-4d68-a638-5d0274ba4dbb It was flagged for a high CHT. looking at the fuel flows on take off, a partner took off with 13.5 GPH!! I found 2 other flights where it was around 10 GPH!!!!! Mind you this is on our 50 hour SMOH engine that ran us $32000 to rebuild and hang!!! How much damage do you think this is doing/done all ready? I have tried and tried to teach him how to manage the engine, but it doesn't seem to sink in.
  12. I'm in St George with a 201, if you want to make the trip to warmer weather I would be glad to take you for a ride and talk your ear off about the virtues of a Mooney.
  13. I'll be there on the 12th at 1900z
  14. If you read all the way through the thread I "think" it's happening on the 12th at least that's when I'm going. I work the 11th.
  15. This is kind of short notice, but hey that's what GA flying is all about. Some of us on the AOPA forum are planning a Fly-in lunch at L06 on 1/12/14 at 1900z. Planning on lunch at the ranch. Come on out.
  16. I'm thinking this http://www.airgizmos.com/795796-Panel-Dock_p_49.html +this would be great in the air. http://www.airgizmos.com/695696795796ACE-Angle-Adapter_p_13.html
  17. My MX-20 is on its way out. I dont think its worth trying to find a replacement for it, lots of $$ for not much capability. So im debating on pulling the mx-20 and and replacing it with a Aera 560 or Aera 795 in a panel dock and a GDL39 to go with it. Also they would be crossfilled with a g430w. With the 560 i could mount it in the same space the mx-20 resides in the the center stack, but im not sure if the screen is big enough to get much use out of the weather and traffic. Do any of you have one mounted in that position that can comment on how useful the screen is in flight? If i went with the 795 i would have to move the transponder and nav/com 2 into the center stack and mount the 795 with an angle mount. Is the extra cost worth the bigger screen on the 795? Any added capability the 795 has over the 560? Or should I just pull the mx-20,slap a cover plate over the hole and just fly with my tablet and have to enter my flight plan twice?
  18. Yeah I check it when i reach down to put on my seat belt, but yeah I don't think he will forget again!
  19. One of my partners on our 78 201 took off the other day and when he tried to retract the gear, it popped the cb for the gear. He reset the cb and tried the gear handle again and it popped the cb again. He then over flew the airport with our mechanic watching to insure the gear was down. After landing he he noticed the manual extension latch was undone. They put the plane on jacks and swung the gear, and all was well. So does having the manual extension latch undone pop the cb or is something else going on?
  20. Here are the Mooney part numbers,AN507-632r3 screw, 914071-005 for the "nut" end. So far i have a quote for the low low low price of $9.79 for both. I think ill look locally before i give in to the airplane tax on this one.
  21. I lost one of the bottom screws on the hinge to the storm window. Does anyone know were to source a replacement? Or even what size and type it is? It's on a78 201.
  22. Where did you guys run the wires thew the hat rack, mine has no holes. Did you drill one?
  23. marky_24


  24. marky_24


    From the album: N4328H

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