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Everything posted by marky_24

  1. marky_24


    From the album: N4328H

  2. Does the Go around button HAVE to be installed up and to the right of the throttle? I would like to move the storm scope up and move the engine monitor down and replace 700 with a 730, but that would interfere with the button, so I would like to move the button to the left of the throttle.
  3. Yeah i do have full control of the gov, I finally got 2.5 hours in today and it felt great to get back in the air!
  4. Well my long drawn out story of buying a 1978 201 in February of this year, only to have a valve seat fail 14 hours later and cause an overhaul of the engine is coming to an end. But i need a few little things to get this buttoned up. First I could use a picture of the routing of the control cable to governor, from the firewall to the governor, as the shop that installed the engine has mine rigged so full forward still leaves about 3" of rod showing and it wasn't like that before. Second how do you tighten up the over head vent? It will open all the way but with a few seconds slip back down to about 1/2 way. Thanks
  5. If you just want a generic manuals I get mine from here, http://dragonwagonivaircraftmanuals.com/mooney-manuals/mooney-m20-manuals
  6. Curious on what you paid for the plane, we offered $100,000 and were turned down.
  7. Trying to stay around 90-100k
  8. My thinking was people change there offer based on a Engine hours with out knowing the REAL condition of the engine, just going off a number. So why not build a little buffer in the price for a large expense that IS going to happen sooner or later?
  9. My partners and I have narrowed our search down to 3 Mooney 201's. But I have some things I'm wondering about. Sb m20-208 is this a one time or should it be done regularly? One plane I'm looking at had it done in 1987, corrosion was found and tubing was replaced, then again in 1988 with no corrosion and then in 1993 the tubes were "cleaned and treated and kit 208b was installed". Would you have the SB preformed again during pre purchase? Would you discount your offer for corrosion history? Now what about fuel tank, almost all that I have looked at have NOT had there tanks resealed, I'm assuming that planes I'm looking at, 77-82, will need to have the tanks resealed in the near future? Would you discount your asking price say $4-5000 to cover at least half the cost of a reseal? Any other big things to took for?
  10. I don't own a 201 yet, still shopping. But I found a POH online and its pretty close to the app. App says 60% @8000' 2700 rpm 19 mp 8.8 gph POH says 60%@8000' 2700rpm 18.5 map 8.8 gph I would guess the .5 difference is induction loss
  11. There is an app for android called IO-360 that you enter altitude and tempture and what % of power you desire and it gives you all the possible combos for that % of power
  12. I live out west and a turbo would help for those days when its 90+ degrees out and DA is 5000' For those of you that have the system on a E or F, what are the negatives? What does the system add to the cost of your annual? What are you getting for TAS? what about climb preformance up to say 15000'? Heat issues? I see a few planes for sale with turbos that are not that much more than NA models and would like to learn more about the system.
  13. yeah i think ill pass, ill just wait till jan 2011 when the new KSGU opens 5 miles away and see if i can sang a mooney thats been sitting around that some one doesn't want to ferry to the new airport. still more work than buying one in good shape but i dont mind working on a project, if the price is right
  14. it is very tempting to throw a very low bid at it ($6-7000) and see what happens, it really doesn't look too bad in person, and like others said it has a 62 hour reman.......... but the interior is just so so and radios leave a lot to be desired , so it would have to come up pretty cheap to make it worth while. also how does one prop blade get bent forward and one bent backwards?
  15. http://www.aigaviation.com/aviationsalvage/salvagedetail.aspx?faano=N7106V so i saw this at my airport (ksgu) and just out of curiosity, i was wondering how much it would cost to fix? prop strike teardown new prop new gear doors and belly skins and paint?
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