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rbridges last won the day on July 19 2020

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    Perry, GA
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    65 M20C

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  1. Oh that’s right. So I basically don’t have to do anything special with the panel. That’s easy enough. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I’m considering a redo of my panel. I have a 2500 MAX. I’d like to remove my vacuum gauge. Do you need it legally if you have a vacuum step? I don’t want to cut a hole for it only to remove it later. When the electric step is added, what spots are needed on the panel? Im thinking I could create a blank that can be removed. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I have the 2500MAX system for that reason. I was able to take small bites. Also, the G3 system wasn't out when I started installing the Aspen panels. If I was doing it all over, I would likely go Garmin, especially if I were getting a new AP. I have an STEC which is working well, and I have to admit I've been very pleased with the Aspens.
  4. This thread made me look up my emails. My battery was purchased 5/2018. I feel like I may have jinxed it, but it's working well. I keep it hooked up to a simple 12v battery minder.
  5. I missed my left turn at Albuquerque for that exact reason.
  6. Haha. Stupid spellcheck got me again.
  7. Thanks! I may give them a try if they keep pushing my order back.
  8. I'm not hurting for one, but I was wanting to change the tires on my mains. I placed an order with Spruce in October. Date for shipment has been pushed back from October to November to December to (you guessed it) now January. I'm at the point where I'm hoping it's in my hands by the time my annual is due in September. I checked Desser and a few other places with no luck online. Should I just hold my place in queue, or is there somewhere else I can try?
  9. I used a 1A float charger on my old Gill battery when I first bought the plane. Laster 2-3 years until it croaked. I think it was 5 years old at that time. I've used Concordes since then, and they have lasted 5-6 years using the same charger. Just make sure it's a float charger and not a trickle charger.
  10. I know for oil stains, you need a degreaser and something to absorb it. Concrete is porous, so something needs to pull out the dissolved material. Otherwise it settles back in and stain persists. Something that dissolves fuel, doesn't evaporate super fast and covered with kitty litter would be my recommendation.
  11. Yeah, it came out when trutrak was announced.
  12. I ordered 2 recently. Only took a few weeks to get them. Still waiting on my inner tubes though…
  13. I think that's going to change in the midst of the financial aid fiasco. Many people with trade school education are making better than those with college degrees and without the crazy debt.
  14. Flew to Greenville, SC this weekend. CAVU both ways! My wife started chemo earlier in the year, and this was my first flight with her in months. Great time at Fall for Greenville.
  15. They just added a clause to our hangar leases. No air conditioners or heaters. Apparently the guy at the end of my hangar row had two units and the airport noticed the electric bill for the hangars had shot up substantially.
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