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Everything posted by mike28w

  1. Pretty bird !! Congrats ! mike
  2. I'd overhaul that carb before changing planes ! My C doesn't run like your's .....
  3. I saw no change in my oil analysis when I changed from a Brackett to the K&N... Just a data point. mike
  4. The fuel tank selector in my 63 M20C is on the floor.... Has it been moved to the sidewall by 1968 ?? mike
  5. My experience has been different than most, it seems. I owned my "63 C for about 5 years and always had one rivet that would be blue from a gas leak. Never more than a blue color on a rivet, not even a drip. Ended up moving to a grass strip ( not particularly rough ) . No particularly bad landings. Within a year the blue rivet turned into a significant leak that required a strip and re-seal. Could have just been a coincidence....but after spending over $8,000 , I have no interest in landing my Mooney on grass. YMMV....mike
  6. I've always liked the idea , but didn't really think they would fit in a Mooney. I have a C.... How do you get them in and how much room is left over ? Thanks ! mike
  7. Before *I bought my '63 M20C , I owned a "64 Cherokee 235 ( 235 horse) for 6 years and had good luck with it...... Without a doubt the 235 would carry more BUT the Mooney was still faster ! It would be hard to go back to a Cherokee, the Mooney handles so much better. (Like the difference between a Chevy Suburban and a sports car. ) Nothing really wrong with a Cherokee , it just isn't a Mooney. mike PS: My friend had a 180 horse Comanche. It had a larger cabin and was more quiet....but when we flew together, I either had to throttle back or literally make a 360* turn now and then.
  8. Love the photo !! I've eaten at many fast food places that weren't nearly as clean as the inside of that RV !! WOW !
  9. Jeez....If this passes a thorough pre-purchase inspection, I don't know how you could expect any more plane for $48 K. No , I don't know the plane or the seller ( never been to Arkansas, either ! ) ;- ) mike PS: Consider how much time and money can be spent ( wasted) shopping , just to save a couple of thousand bucks. If it's a good plane and it's priced close to market.....I wouldn't make a game out of it. When you find a good one, buy it.
  10. First congratulations on your new bird !!   Did you buy the plane from Skywagons ? (They are based in Placerville.)  If so, how do you feel about how they treated you ??   

    I ask , because I was looking at a plane that they were selling on consignment  ( about a month ago) and had never dealt with a airplane dealer.   It turned out that the plane wasn't what I wanted , so I never did find out what they were like.  Because of my location, I could imagine looking at their inventory some other time.

       Thanks for your time and I apologize for the intrusion !   Congratulations, again !   mike


    1. druidjaidan


      I have another thread on my dealings with them.  The guy running the show (Mark) is a total salesperson so I don't have too much trust in what he says.  Their contract is ridiculous IMO.  It's just absurdly bad and biased. and I had it out with Mark over the contract and got some reasonable concessions, but it still wasn't great in the end.

      They seem to know what they are doing overall.  We had some massive headaches with the title, but they worked hard to get them resolved.  However, it did delay our closing for about a month more than expected and it's likely that them pinching pennies on paying a real title company caused a large portion of the title delay in the end.

      Don't take his advice on mechanics for the prebuy if he offers it, smile nod and do what you feel is best.

      I'm happy to answer any other questions.  I wouldn't seek them out to do business with, but I also wouldn't run away if they had a plane I liked.

    2. mike28w


      That is exactly the kind of info I was hoping for.....  Thank you very much your time !

      Best wishes on your plane !    mike


  11. My thanks to everyone ! Your input is much appreciated ! mike
  12. Hi guys, I'm looking for some wisdom..... I have an M20C but no longer seem to have any need or urge to go cross country like I used to. Not flying it as much as it should be flown :-(..... I'm strongly considering selling my Mooney and buying a 172 ( or similar). Something that I can "putt" around in on a nice sunny day. It occurs to me that I should try that approach with my Mooney ( before I sell a perfectly good airplane). Seems that I could accomplish these speeds by either using slow RPMs/ low MP or higher RPM / with an even lower MP. (My plane is not supposed to be run continuously between 2100-2300 RPM. ) I'm thinking that I could "putt" around with settings ~ 2500-2600/18-19" .....Can anyone see any harm with this approach ? Anyone using this approach ? Any other suggestions or should I just consider selling my plane? All opinions welcome ! Thanks, mike PS: Always assuming proper leaning and keeping a close eye out for carb ice.
  13. My turn.... 15,000 in a 1954 Piper TriPacer ( 135 horse engine) near Wind River Mountains in Wyoming. Only been to 14,000 in my M20C, but she would go higher..... Both planes handled sloppily at those altitudes.... I wouldn't go that high for fun.... mike
  14. Both mechanics that I've asked about my air-oil separator told me that if it isn't causing a problem "don't mess with it"......That never made much sense to me but I followed their advice. I think I'll clean mine out with my next oil change....Thanks for the info !! mike
  15. I too, had good luck with the fellow in Troutdale Or.
  16. I'm one of those guys who sprayed some electronics grade contact cleaner on the switch from both sides and moved it up and down a bunch and sprayed again , multiple times.......That was about 8 years ago, haven't had a problem since..... I bought the contact cleaner at radio shack for less than $10 bucks..... ymmv !
  17. It certainly looks like a good deal. Corrosion , both air-frame and inside the engine, would be a major concern for me. I'd insist on a very thorough exam and an oil analysis on the pre-purchase inspection . (Some places have a flexible fiberoptic scope that they can insert down the oil dipstick.) If that checked out OK....I would certainly consider it. I'm not familiar with recent market prices, but it seems like it's priced kinda low....make sure you understand why ? Good luck ! mike
  18. Thanks guys for the help and info ! The folks at Wilmar ( Minnesota) were gracious to loan me the tools. (They're obscenely expensive to replace, btw....) Thanks !! mike
  19. Hi guys, My sad story ...... The smoke in Idaho diminished enough yesterday for me to get my Mooney to my mechanic for it's annual. I had planned to bite the bullet with this annual and get new landing gear donuts. Lasar sells them and a month or so ago , they told me that they were about 2 weeks behind in sending out the tools . Well, today , I was going to order the donuts and tools and have them sent to my mechanic. Lasar has the donuts but the wait for the tools was 3 weeks to a month or so..... Does anyone know of another source for the tools ? ( I'd buy the donuts from them , too) There was a fellow who used to rent aircraft tools , but he is closed due to illness. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks, mike
  20. Hello to Par ! Just curious if you've found out anything more about your problem ?? If you do , please let us know....any info on Mooneys is valuable ! Thanks, mike
  21. My 2 cents.... I'd double check to make sure that there are no leaks around those senders. I'd also make sure that the mechanic had done a very thorough job of cleaning up the residue from the previous leaks. I suspect that you may be smelling residue. Are your carpets easily removed ? If so, I'd remove them and then go for a ride. Not speaking from experience , just my opinion. Good luck...mike
  22. I don't believe that our Congress could agree on which way is up.... I'm only 59 and healthy ...but I firmly believe that I'll be dead and gone before any change is made. AND.....Aopa and EAA will still be asking for money and saying that "we're almost there".... Yes, I have contacted my representative and Senators...they "yessed" me and assured me that they would do everything they could and then put me on their mailing list to ask for money...... What part of this story should be encouraging ??? I really do wonder what would happen if pilots just quit getting their flight physicals ( 3rd class).......How could the FAA enforce this ? I certainly know of a number of folks who don't have them and have had no problems. Of course they don't carry insurance on their planes. If enough people refused to get a medical, I'd bet that an insurance company would create a policy to pick up this part of the market. ( It would be a pretty safe bet for the insurance company , as it has already been proven that folks without medicals are NOT falling out of the sky)
  23. I'm turning into a skeptic..... I wonder if both the AOPA and EAA are just using this issue as a way to collect more money. I'm becoming very disillusioned with both...... so far nothing but talk followed by fund raising and then...more fund raising. I'm seriously considering not supporting either of these groups until I see results....maybe that will motivate AOPA and EAA...mike
  24. Unfortunately, you are absolutely right.
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