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flyboy0681 last won the day on June 9 2020

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    : Boca Raton
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    '83 J

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  1. During my takeoff roll today the Aux Bus circuit breaker popped. This caused the JPI to shutdown and the GTN to flicker for a few seconds. Would a voltage surge typically cause this?
  2. Headline News is to news what Travel Channel is to travel, Discovery Channel is to science and History Channel is to history,
  3. I've had several Sensorcon's and around the two year mark (of leaving it constantly on) it flashes "EOL" for End of Life.
  4. Another thing, many of the “experts” say that the drones are on clandestine spy missions only under the cloak of night. If true, why aren’t the spymasters removing or blocking out the lights?
  5. I saw a story and the "drone" was clearly a 737 or Airbus, right down to the green starboard navigation light and strobe. I agree that this "major" story will fade into obscurity. Remember when the media was broadcasting stories ad nauseam about using cell phones near gas pumps?
  6. The beeps originate from a Sonalert located near the speaker.
  7. What alert is the KFC-150 capable of other than the self-test beeps?
  8. The adjustable frame was an expensive option in the early 80's and not many buyers opted for them. They are near impossible to find in scrapyards because they are grabbed up immediately once a Mooney meets its maker.
  9. This is the most sought after part for a Mooney and I'm surprised they haven't been sold yet.
  10. Excellent point. Although I do still keep my 9600 baud modem within arms reach when I yearn for that all to familiar screeching noise.
  11. After all of these decades, why is it still such a cryptic system? Data is cheap.
  12. Just when I was getting used to 300% insurance hikes per year.
  13. Just when I was getting used to 300% insurance increases.
  14. "A review of data obtained from a J.P. Instruments EDM-700 unit onboard the airplane at the time of the accident showed an excessively high No. 6 cylinder head temperature reading about 17 minutes before the unit stopped recording data." I wonder what "excessively high" means.
  15. I've had two biopsy's and can emphatically say that their not as bad as advertised. For the first one, my anxiety level on a scale of one to ten was a good eleven, but the procedure proved to be a solid four and the discomfort scale, which led to the second one being a breeze. Now don't get me wrong, it's no pleasant, but it's over in a few minutes. What a newbie must be prepared for is the the aftermath, which I won't get into. Both procedures, ten years apart found - nothing.
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