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flyboy0681 last won the day on June 9 2020

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    : Boca Raton
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    '83 J

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  1. Which only added to the pilot's confusion. Listening to the recording, he was confused from the first transmission from ground and it only continued on from there. It was pretty cringeworthy.
  2. So what happens to the Flexjet guy?
  3. Let's not forget those that had the presence of mind to record the evacuation. Important stuff you know.
  4. Speaking of which, whatever happened to the drone stories from last November? Every media outlet carried coverage of them 24/7 ad nauseam, wall-to-wall coverage of the mass hysteria. It got to the point where the Fox crawler was reporting each reported incident. Now nothing.
  5. The good news is that as of two days ago, Notice to "Airmen" has been reinstated. Gone is the term "Air Missions".
  6. What you and Andy said backed up what I've been saying all along. To listen to some in the media and blogosphere would lead one to believe that they are hired solely based on race and gender, with skills and knowledge taking a backseat. When something goes wrong, the knee jerk reaction is always "DEI hire".
  7. I know there are a lot of ATP's on MS and have the following to ask.. Much has been mentioned about DEI, and early rumors were that the CJR pilots were DEI hires, which I don't think is true since they were both white men. American has come under fire for the past few years for their DEI program. My questions is, for those of you captains who fly for carriers that have an active DEI program, have you experienced any first officers who were DEI hires, and if so, did they turn out to be flying turkeys who didn't know how to fly? Or did they pass every stringent test from primary, to instrument all the way to ATP based on skill?
  8. Nice to see MS is up and running again.. I'll assume that there are some Army helo pilots here. When wearing night vision goggles, do you have have full peripheral vision or straight ahead, tunnel vision?
  9. I flew last week with a friend who recently subscribed to ForeFlight. Other than displaying the map, I could not figure anything out. We successfully connected it to FlightStream, but could not figure out how to configure traffic. I guess it boils down to what you are used to.
  10. I haven't seen any posts mentioning what I'm about to ask.. Your panel is outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment and I assume that, like my dinky GI-275, that it's capable of displaying wind speed and direction. I've made it a habit of checking it while on final and it almost always agrees with what the tower and/or AWOS are reporting. Did you reference it?
  11. I think obscurity has arrived. is this even a thing anymore?
  12. He's always doing the flying. Does she have her ticket?
  13. I ordered the last two that LASAR had in stock on 8/16/22 for my J, and am glad I did. A month later, one flew off the wing. I knew at the time how rare it was to find one in stock (let alone two), prompting me to purchase them.
  14. Phenomenal trip. How many hours did you log and were there any mechanical issues along the way?
  15. It hasn’t happened in the subsequent flight, so at this point it remains a complete mystery.
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