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  1. I have had buttons not working properly on Garmin 530w and sprayed Deoxit on them and worked buttons a few times, problem solved.
  2. When flying an RNAV approach with autopilot (King 225) in APP mode, after passing INF the APP button will begin to flash. I push it two times and it then captures the GS. When my Garmin 530 was updated to WASS they had to add a wire from the autopilot directly to the back of the 530. Before they added the wire I could not capture the GS.
  3. In a FIKI Mooney the full heat requires the plane to be in flight. Simuulate flight by putting a hose on pitot tube and squeeze it slightly until your airspeed indicator moves up to about 70 knots. Then your stall vain and pitot should get very hot.
  4. If it happens to be the relay, new relays are available from Peerless Electronics on L.I. Available and much less expensive than from Mooney. 2 years ago about $450 They are made in Germany and are exact replacements.
  5. A rectifier between positive terminal and ground at the alternator. This will ground the spike that occurs when you turn off the Alt field circuit.
  6. I had the same problem on 2003 Olvation when I upgraded to WASS. Initially the extra wire from the KING 225 the autopilot was not added. When that was corrected I found that if I waited to hit approach mode after being aligned on final the autopilot would capture the GS. It was not necessary to make any other inputs to 530. I later found that if I activated the approach mode too early, the approach mode button on the 225 would begin to flash when when it saw the GS and I could just press the Approach button again and it would capture the GS. I have never had to enable autopilot outputs on the 530 to fly GPS approaches.
  7. I had the same problem with my 2003 Ovation. I sent the box in the tail and the dimmer control box to Kenneth at International Avionics in Texas and he was able to fix the dimmer control box by replacing the two dimmer rheostats. He tested everything and returned it for$600, It works perfect now,
  8. The speedbrake controller located in the aft-belly will cause an ok speedbrake to retract if the opposite speedbrake does not deploy properly. Peciseflight will tell you to send back both speedbrakes and the controller for repair. I did this and it turned out the controller was the problem.
  9. Put some lube on slide pins for brakes. It's best not to use parking brakes but if you must, don't push down so hard on them when setting.
  10. I think you are correrct.
  11. My servo was just replaced with an overhauled unit. It was located in the right wing very outboard. There was an inspection plate there and avionics guy was able to fit his hand in and make the necessary connections and bolt it in.
  12. I had my roll servo changed in my 2004 Ovation and it simply was unscrewed and replaced in 15 minutes.
  13. I had stall horn inop and was able to remove it and clean it with contact cleaner. Now its works.
  14. I have the spinner from 3 blade McCauley that was installed on my Ovation. You pay the shipping and its yours free. Propeller Model 3A32C418-C I don't know the spinner model. It's in great condition.
  15. I have a new switch with Mooney packaging but it looks slightly different than the Laser part. Marking is the same on face. Text me and I will send you pictures. 631-804-9677 Part No. 930023-215
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