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Everything posted by cliffy

  1. On the Brittian system a big issue is the alt hold "eyeball" There are 2 different ones - a black plastic housing and a brass housing. The eyeball line needs to be exactly in the middle of the window to be a good "used" unit. IIRC the brass eyeball housing is the better one but check with Brittian. Remember it only works if you still have your vacuum pump installed.
  2. Age and treachery beat youth and looks any day of the week! :-)
  3. If McFarland doesn't have your cable in p/n stock they will make one with YOUR participation in the design process as the owner of the airplane. THIS IS THE OPP (owner produced part) PROCESS. You fill out their :design" sheet that they supply and then you have them make the part using their "approved" manufacturing methods. You then sign the airframe log as owner and having participated in the design and supply of the part after which your A&P will sign off on the installation of the OPP part - IF he likes the process and the part. Keep a copy of the design sheet in your logs just in case BTDT
  4. On the ailerons and flaps one can come close just by clamping a wooden bar across the top of the control wheels and then aligning the balance weights of the ailerons to match the top of the wing skins (taking care to account for aerodynamic forces pushing up on the ailerons) and while those two are clamped secure, adjust the flaps to match the ailerons. One would still have to make a few trim control check flights and adjust the up stop of the flaps to counter any small roll tendencies. The aileron balance weights generally run about faired with the top of the wing in flight ( w/ flight loads) Then use a Devil level to check the control throws. Always check the ball both on the ground and in the air for perfect center (in flight adjusted with rudder tab) When doing the pitch controls you do need some sort of board to set the stab to the correct angle in relation to the C/L level position of the fuselage (3 1/2 degrees LE down on some) in order to get the correct deflection angles on the elevator. One can clamp the elevator weights to the stab and then make a board that keys on the LE and TE and has a flat parallel top to the LE/TE notches and then use a Devil Level to set the correct nose down angle
  5. Lets digress a little here- Yes an A&P can make some "parts" that conform to some "approved" method. (accepted? -) In the two items you cited, ribs and cables both are covered by the "approval" of 43.13 Accepted Techniques and Practices But even with that there is the limitation of- This advisory circular (AC) contains methods, techniques, and practices acceptable to the Administrator for the inspection and repair of nonpressurized areas of civil aircraft, only when there are no manufacturer repair or maintenance instructions. This data generally pertains to minor repairs. It goes on to state - The repairs identified in this AC may only be used as a basis for FAA approval for major repairs. The repair data may also be used as approved data, and the AC chapter, page, and paragraph listed in block 8 of FAA form 337 when: a. the user has determined that it is appropriate to the product being repaired; b. it is directly applicable to the repair being made; and c. it is not contrary to manufacturer’s data. SO while yes an A&P CAN "make" some parts they are always made to some kind of approved or accepted data. And it is always in the realm of "REPAIRS" to a particular airframe. No A&P can make parts (say a rib) in bulk and sell it on the open market. A&Ps do repairs - they don't "manufacture" parts. The connections you cite for P&W and GE are way beyond the scope of this forum. We are confusing "parts" for repair and parts for manufacture and sales. The "Type Design" package that describes every bolt and nut on any complete airplane is the property of the Type Design holder. That "package" of data is submitted to the FAA for approval so the manufacturer can make exact copies of the airplane for sale. Every airplane made is compared to that data package to make sure it "conforms" in every way to the approved data ""Type Design" Any changes to that data require some sort of approval. Every part, item, screw or nut in that package is verified to the approved design on every produced airframe. Each part has a drawing describing exactly how that part is to be made. What material, what process, what heat teat, etc. If you don't have access to that approved data you can't make a part conforming to the approved data. One can always hire a DER to design a part and APPROVE a part and that also works when the original drawing is not available. As I noted in some instances the FAA will open a Type Design package for a request to make a part available but this is a rare occurrence. In short = the Type Design package that the holder owns is protected property by the FAA and not usually released As to the PMA holders- YES they can make any part they have the capability to make YET they still have to make it to an "approved design drawing". they can't just pull the design out of thin air, It has to have 'traceability" back to the original drawing OR be approved by some other manner such as a DER. Think of a PMA as approval of your quality control process rather than an approval to make a particular item. A PMA approves the process and not the part.
  6. I don't know if they still do that. Haven't needed it in years. Mine still works fine :-)
  7. That is basically the OPP route with them YOU take a part in designing the cable via their paperwork I did mine that way. They then make it using their APPROVED manufacturing procedures. YOU have to sign the log book that you took part in the design of the part (saving the order form) and then your A&P can install it a sign it off.
  8. The Type design DRAWINGS are protected Univair bought type designs from the old manufactures in many cases and could make parts to those drawings. That is why you can't just "make a part" that qualifies to the approved type design unless you have the drawing. Even if you hold a PMA On OPP you have to show some kind of reference to an approved drawing or reverse engineer the part (DER). The FAA can't release the drawings as they are controlled by the Type Design Holder. You can't just "make" a short body elevator spring bungee without reference to the drawing that Mooney made it to- unless you get a DER to sign off on a reengineered bungee design (just a case in point). As to PMAs- They only allow someone to manufacture aviation parts - NOT a specific part unless it comes from someone's approved drawing. A PMA and Approved Parts are two different animals. In the case of a dead manufacturer you can in some cases petition the FAA to release the protected drawings.
  9. To add to the GA Cash Cow mantra one only has to look at the proliferation of RAMP FEES. When one or two operators take over an entire airport (at the sponsors approval) we have no choice but to "pay up" at the point of a virtual gun. Until regulations change it will remain so BUT - there is a reason why GA certified Standard category aircraft have a better safety record than Experimental Regulation change (or loosening) is a two edged sword, do you accept the inevitable increase in accident rate or don't you? The two are concomitant with each other By being locked into a "Type Design" where every part down to the smallest screw is called out for in that APPROVED Type Certificate and that design is a protected product for life (maybe a sunset law on how long a type design is protected -much like the life of a patent) we are stuck with what we have. Question= Why is Type Design protected more than a patent?
  10. Just as an aside note- The Capt of that Valuet was a very close friend of mine. I gave her eulogy. She was a good pilot an a great person to know. Just one of several friends that are no longer here because of various accidents in this game we call "flying" It is the main reason why I sometimes become pedantic in my postings trying to stress safety and following the rules in aviation. It saves lives! Sorry for the drift
  11. No different than the guy who "reserved" all the short N numbers and now sells them online One of those "why didn't I think of that" moments
  12. Using the Dynon built in non-WASS GPS Don't need WASS and GPSS steering for my flying I learned a long time ago the shortest distance between two places is a straight line- "Direct To" works good for me. I've done all the ice, 200 & 1/2s and CAT IIIs I ever want to do. SE IMC holds nothing for me at this juncture in my life. The next day is always clear skies. What part of RETIRED don't you understand :-) I do a lot of flying at 1500 AGL Like Sun n Fun to Santa Fe NM 2 years ago. The next owner can install something if he wants as I left room just for that occasion.
  13. When I did my Dynon flush I was able to negotiate it at 90 hrs. They told me they wouldn't go that low again. They did the removal of ALL the old equipment and the complete install - HDX 10", comm., xponder, ADSB, Audio panel, STBY Horz, EMS system and retain Comm #2, everything! Just the initial programming will take a few hours.
  14. NO the GPS LPV is as good as the ILS ever was ! :-) Even a CAT I ILS (200 & 1/2) can be hand flown to 50 feet (CAT III mins) easily with practice- just in case. We all do remember that CAT III ILSs are actually electronically different than CAT Is Correct?
  15. The failure mode of the spring was one of the "ears" breaking off due to minute cracks in the bend area in a production run of springs. It had something to do with the heat treatment. The new springs SEEM to be exact clones of the historical design. Once the failure mode was determined subsequent production runs didn't seem to have any failures IIRC. Historically, as noted, very few springs failed but if it does you have a real problem in flight.
  16. Yes But I actually flew one approach on the old AN Range system! :-) In a Cessna 140 to boot- With a hood on! They also got tired of listening to 'GANDER GANDER POSITION REPORT GANDER GANDER" all night long before SECAL Keeping the head clamps on and hearing the HF hash all night long got tiring But it was always interesting at night WAY out over the water FAR beyond land based transmitters to look down at the transponder and see it being interrogated by SOMEONE down there on the water :-) Did you ever get the feeling you was being watched? :-)
  17. Some owners are required to comply with every SB published by regulation. If yours breaks and you don't wreck your airplane on landing how much is a spring worth to you now if your airplane is now just a big paper weight without it? Part it out? Have any of you priced parts new from Cessna or Beech lately? Parts are not priced on production costs but are valued in relation to what the new airplane costs NOW not 40 or 50 years ago. What does a new 4 place airplane cost today? $900,000? As an example - just the minerals that have to be mined that go into making wind generators have gone up @90 percent in the last year or so. I find it interesting that here on this forum we talk constantly of spending $25,000 to $50,000 dollars to flush our panel and install the newest and fanciest avionics with nary a complaint on the price and yet $3K for a landing gear part seems to raise the hackles on many. And yet in many instances the same equipment meant for the experimental market is priced at 20% of the certified stuff with no similar complaint on pricing, The price is what the price is. You buy it or you don't. Its a cost of entry to the world of aviation. CB need not apply. This flying game isn't for the faint of heart. Many owners waste 3 times that much on buying a new airplane acquisition in their first annual because they didn't heed the warning about a proper pre-buy. Seems to me the cost of this part is minor if the airplane is a boat anchor without it. $3000 vs. $80,000 Hmmmmm.
  18. We never had auto-throttles in the 727s I flew I guess I didn't realize I really needed them I had a new copilot in the 757 once from JFK to LAS We had all the A/Ps INOP'd by MEL (back before RVSM) I flew the first 45 mins and gave it to him. He flew 30 mins and gave it back to me saying he was not going to fly it again in this condition. I asked him what he was going to do if he was CAPT and he got another MEL'd A/P airplane? He said he'd refuse to fly it. We got rid of him on IOE. I flew the rest of the way back home. We had Prima Donnas back then also.
  19. IIRC Australian airplanes have to comply with factory service bulletins
  20. This should interest Mooney owners down in Australia as they are on the ground once the time limit is reached for the NB spring from what I understand.
  21. Question- Why do buyers always look for an airframe that hasn't sat in a coastal area or even one that has no Florida residency in its history? Maybe a year won't hurt it but then maybe a year there might impact the sales price later on.
  22. I like the double flash synchronized at night the best.
  23. If you read the Lycoming manual for the 4 cyl engines it says min safe oil level is 2 qts and the consumption can be 0.8 quarts per hour for the O-360 and 0.89 quarts per hour for the IO engines. This was even published by Mooney in one version of their Service and Maintenance Manual Way lower and way more than most think and still be considered OK by Lycoming. Don't have the 6 cyl numbers handy
  24. I may have missed the Dynon A/P as I am talking Aerocruze 100 Reading late at night after along day has its problems with comprehension :-) Reading English is a skill easily lost! Sorry But for those thinking of the BK 100 my thoughts ring true For so long we had nothing and now we are flooded with possibilities- so confusing :-) OH well back to the drawing board!
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