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Scott Aviation

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Everything posted by Scott Aviation

  1. I've posted pictures all along my adventure in my gallery. I've got the latest photos on the main gallery right new as the most recent or my gallery under Scottaviation
  2. Well after 3 gruelling years of balancing work, life and plane restoration it is finally done, the icing on the cake was my C of A was issued this week as I imported it from the US. into Canada to breath some new life into neglected 201. Barely having 30 hours on it since 1993 nearly everything was overhauled, replaced, painted, cleaned or redone. I just wanted to thank you all for answering my occasional question and without mooneyspace member knowledge I dont think the project would have gone over so well. I look forward to my maiden voyage next week when I get home. Its ironic I've owned a mooney for 3 years but have never flown it. Chris.
  3. Hey Jose, during my interior redo my 201 had no headrests so I used all 4 headrests for my project.
  4. Just a note I posted on a previous link, not all auto headrests will fit, specifically toyota headrests fit the spacing in the seats perfectly, but not all are the same. I picked up 4 - toyota 4 runner headrests from a salvage yard for $50 for all, as they are just a simple metal u-channel shape with a support piece and slip perfectly into a slotted piece of foam without a bunch of plastic frame pieces etc. Airtex interiors built me 4 leather mooney headrests with foam for $50 a piece spacing matched perfectly and were velcro underneath to stay together. Hope this info helps Chris
  5. Quote: jetdriven Cant you just disconnect the flap jackscrew and run the flaps up manually, then reconnect it? Mooneys land better flaps up than they cruise with flaps down.
  6. So came time to do my weight and balance on the plane and didnt have time to drain all the fuel so I filled it to the bottom of the triangle indicator in my 64 Gall. fuel tanks in my 201 which clearly states its 25 Gallon mark. Does anyone know off the top of their head if this is a true representation of 25 gallons or 25 plus the 2 gallon non-usable level? etc. Any insight would be great, other than draining my tanks again I have no way of telling. Thanks. chris
  7. Philip, try this http://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/cspages/exteriorplacards.php I just ordered a set http://www.highergraphics.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=13&products_id=121&zenid=fvu4u4cj8ocnbu4tlvathbqad0 How come you painted your plane it looked great before?
  8. So I got the word from the engine shop today, the engine ran perfect, pulled good power and was very smooth, the only issue was when they went to shut it down it would not stop and had to be killed with the mags, they said there was some fuel coming out of the fuel servo and likely needs to be overhauled, I can't find anywhere in my engine log more recent than 1982 that it was replaced so going on that its 30 years old and needs to be overhauled now, so I called a place in B.C. and they want close to $2000 for the overhaul, I called another shop in Michigan that said $1500 for the servo, divider overhaul and injector testing. My question to you guys is does anyone know of a place to get a fuel servo setup sent out for overhaul that is dependable and a better price than that. Please advise and thanks in advance. Chris
  9. Well the engine was a joint effort between me and the shop and they were finishing it up, so any problems are on my dime, I just dont know how to read the comment, and ya I dont understand the mag cap's either I've got the dual mag d-2000 on mine, and a yellow tag in my logbook stating the mag was a replacement refurb just 40 hours ago, I did not expect them to be bad so soon, agreed there needs to be some more conversation happening, I just think it was a lousy email leaving me pondering how the run went.
  10. Hey Guys, So I get an email from my engine shop that is testing my io-360 after rebuild, "apparantly" my mag cap's are toast after only 40 hours so that was $300. So after that repair they ran the engine yesterday. Then I get an email today saying, "Hi... We ran your engine Friday. So give us a call Monday sometime and we can discuss how it ran. ..." So how does a person take that? Good, bad? Am I over analyzing it, of course they went home and now I am left to stew all weekend as to whether my engine ran good, or its a bag of crap and needs to be torn apart again.. any comments would be appreciated... you know in todays world of emails, body langauge and tone of voice are completly left out of the equation. Thanks for any input Chris
  11. After visiting mooneyspace for 2.5 years now I have to say this is my favorite and most insightful forum topic to date.
  12. PPL @ age 22 Citabria/joint with dad also did restoration @ age 23 My first official plane- Mooney 20J @28 bought and paid for. Hopefully will have it back in the air after my 3 year restoration in June. Working on my A&P licence @ 24- ongoing
  13. http://www.aircraftdealer.com/aircraft_for_sale_detail/Mooney/1985_MOONEY_M20K_231_/36107.htm They did a good job on the repairs, you can hardly see the sh$%t stain on the pilots seat from the incident anymore....
  14. Minority Report
  15. My preflight always starts by pulling the plane out of the hangar by the prop, then cracking open the fuel tanks to make sure theres gas, then I kick the tires and light the fires....haaha. sorry just had to say it. oh and my plane is 4 years older than I am.
  16. I have an "A" model and did quite a bit of homework 2 years ago when i replaced my hub/ prop and spinner with the new scimitar top prop. I have to agree that the 2 blade is the way to go. As noted some planes do fine with the 3 blade and some have a noticeable vibration. I also picked up 5 pounds of useful load and 1 inch of ground clearance with the 2 blade. ( It does not sound like much but i have to taxi on grass to get to the hanger.)
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