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Scott Aviation

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Everything posted by Scott Aviation

  1. Quote: Capt_CrashN_Burn And what Jose said is true. Even if they could build a modern J at a decent price, they're still stuck competing against themselves with all the used J's on the market. This is what doomed the International Scout. No one wanted to buy a new Scout because used Scouts were cheaper and almost as good.
  2. Barnstormers.com HARTZELL PROP HC-CYK-1BF • $2,900 • AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE • 74" const spd prop. Hub p/n HC-C2YK-1BF, Blades p/n F7666A-2, 470 SMOH blades in exc cond. $2900 • Contact Jerry Esquenazi located Senoia, GA USA • Telephone: 770 599-0820 • Posted October 21, 2010 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad
  3. I had a look at Jelswicks gallery it appears to be painted in rounded windows, it looks good but not quite the same effect as the mooney mse's. I was thinking that doing the rounded window sheet metal work before painting, so its done. Leave the old iinterior square panels in for now, but down the road upgrade them, they are second hand anyway, but atleast the exterior would be complete. you never know when a salvage company gets in a newer mooney and are parting out the interior. Just my thoughts, Im just trying to plan ahead, but then there are other things to consider like the dorsal fin mod and the list keeps going. The fact of the matter is I've got a blank canvas to work from, doing all my own work as an aircraft mechanic app. so labours free, I guess it really boils down to personal preference.
  4. Chuck: Its only the back 2 windows that are tinted and its a medium grey tint only. Front 3 are just grey. Russ: Ha Ha, if I only had your money.....
  5. I am in the process of restoring my 77 M20J, have it stripped down, getting ready for a new paint job, have bought all new glass for the aircraft 1/4 all the way around, dark grey back windows and smoked grey fronts, toying with the idea of buying new pillar skins and door skin to update the look of the plane. The price $850. I know others have done it and have no interest in painting rounded corners on or installing little inserts to me, do it right or not at all.... Just looking for opinions, am I wasting my time or is it a good idea.
  6. Could this be then end of XM weather if they create an APP for the iphone or other devices that have cellular Wi-fi to take full advantage of this.. perhaps an option for the IPAD? I just got emailed this link from a co-worker so I haven't read too much into it, just that google has not yet released it as an APP just for the PC so far. Here's a link http://www.techi.com/2010/07/weather-now-available-in-google-earth/ If its not the end of xm weather its a good poor mans version potentially....
  7. I hate to mention this like everything else Canada already pays more for avgas than the U.S. but to register an aircraft in Canada is $110.00 to issue a special mark is another $140.00 bringing my aircraft registration to a grand total of $250.00 with no yearly renewal fees.
  8. I had real trouble getting the yokes off my 201 for powdercoating, after pulling the main bolt and removing the lower set screw the co-pilot side the yoke would spin on the shaft like you described but not come off, after gently prying on it for a bit I realized there was another set screw in the top and had to remove that and it came off, the shaft was a bit scored after that due to the set screw spinning but it cleaned up ok. I guess the quick answer would be to triple check that the shaft is free of set screws, it seems with aviation brute force isnt always the best route
  9. Thats funny, Im in the process of redoing my interior and my 201 was without headrests aswell, I tried my 2006 Rav 4 headrests and they fit great aswell, I think its a common width and size, I was just going to go to an auto wrecker and get 4 nice looking headrests and get them recovered to match the interior, I don't see any airworthiness issues with them. Whos gonna care really? Probably get 4 from a wrecker for 40 bucks.??
  10. Quote: 201Pilot Are you doing the entire stripping yourself? Where will the paint be done? What are you going to do with the panel? This looks like a lot of fun to me!
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