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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. Oh, I had the time. But Tower sure didn't have the time for me!
  2. My 1990 M20J-AT did not have speed brakes. After the max weight increase, the useful load was 1035 lb, IIRC. One nice feature was the cowl flaps were not electric (one less motor to break).
  3. If you are teaching at University of South Florida, I would recommend Tampa Executive (VDF). It's a fairly short drive between the airport and the campus. Gas is not cheap - recommend ZPH, BOW, GIF, and LAL for fuel.
  4. Does your plane have a single-probe EGT instrument?
  5. I ended up finding a pre-owned PowerTow 40EZ and buying the Mooney adapter from the manufacturer. So far, so good.
  6. First, your airplane is a Mooney M20C. Assuming it hasn't been converted to a fuel injected engine, you will likely have difficulty running LOP with the carb. Next, do you have an engine monitor or fuel flow instrumentation? I'll refrain from giving detailed leaning advice until that question is answered. Finally, you can't bump up the RPM by 50-100 RPM because your plane has a constant speed propeller. Regardless of the mixture setting, your governor will maintain a constant RPM as set by the prop control.
  7. times a'changin but at least I'm still flying a lot these days.
  8. If I've got time to go to the airport and pull the plane out of the hangar to ground run it, I've got time to go take it for a quick local flight or a few trips around the pattern.
  9. ATC response to my taxi request: "It's going to be a long time till we can actually let you move. We weren't prepared for this busy of an arrival. Suggest you shut down, park in the grass, and monitor the radio, if able."
  10. Going on an all-night fishing trip on the Skyway Pier for a bachelor party the night before...I'll be there if I'm not sleeping through lunch.
  11. I fly on business about 1-2 times per month. I fly for personal flights at least once per week, but generally 2 times per week. A lot of x/c flying, that's for sure!
  12. That's a debatable statement in Florida. Phil is great and I have heard good things about Eddie (no firsthand experience). Other than that, most of Florida "Mooney A&Ps" are a bunch of self-proclaimed Mooney experts.
  13. Lakeland tower wasn't expecting the level of traffic for the arrival into the BBQ fly-in at Sun 'n Fun, so they wouldn't even let me taxi to the self-serve fuel tank...and especially wouldn't let me depart. Good to see an active fly-in, but disappointed I couldn't go meet up.
  14. So are you crabbing into the wind in coordinated flight, are you skidding, or are you slipping? Is it possible to be coordinated when you are crabbing into the wind? What would happen if you were flying without the autopilot on? Would the fundamentals of flying with a crosswind (the yaw and bank of the airplane) change with the autopilot off, or would you still have to use some bank into the wind? We want you to be a competent, safe, and knowledgeable pilot as you're busting along at 225+ knots.
  15. I'll be there
  16. I'm hoping this sinus congestion goes away...
  17. I wouldn't be as concerned if there was a small window of time where the logs were missing, but it could be proven through invoices that the airplane was flying frequently.
  18. Ocala would probably work. I need some plans to firm up for Saturday first, but I give myself a 90% chance of being there at this point.
  19. I'd probably be down for a quick drop-in.
  20. It sounds like you might have a rigging problem. The sheet metal on your Mooney does not know it's flying in a crosswind. Big difference between rolling on the ground with a crosswind and flying with one.
  21. But entirely worth it for a big purchase like this. Mine came to Maxwell from near Phoenix Arizona. I got the owner a plane ticket home on American Airlines. He agreed to pay for a/w squawks and I'd cover the flat rate labor. A nice long flight is a good thing to do before sending a plane in for Pre-purchase inspection.
  22. This is true. It's also true that good airframes across all M20 variants move pretty quick.
  23. CDK is fun. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/32281-/
  24. The seller should have a pretty good idea of if the airplane is up to snuff. I've found some sellers are unwilling to submit their a/c to the A&P of my choice (whether it be G-Force, Don Maxwell, or Top Gun, or one of the few others). I generally run from those planes. As a buyer, if a prebuy on a $30,000 aircraft showed $30,000 in squawks, I'd probably eat the prebuy cost and walk away. Something else to build into the purchase agreement.
  25. I'd just send it over to Don Maxwell Aviation in Longview (903-643-9902) and have him do your pre-purchase inspection. Pay for the inspection and have the seller agree pay for any squawks affecting the airworthiness of the aircraft. If the seller walks, then the inspection price is on him/her.
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