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Everything posted by LFOD

  1. Quote: Buster1 Guys, great words, thanks. Matt, I am in the military, but the wife is not. I'm an F-16 pilot with 1200+ hrs, as well as another 700 as a T-38 inctructor and about 330 civilian hrs, with a glider rating too. Very cool. I respect your thoughts on buying too much airplane if seldom used for the family. I also see us flying more whent he wx is good, so TKS may be something I can avoid getting to save some cost. Recently, after looking at finances more, I am gravitating toward a 231 vice a 252, but we'll see. There are some EXCELLENT buys out there right now for 231s. Hell of an aircraft for the price. Additionally, I just got "checked out" in a 172S up at Ogden. My first civilian flying in about 10 years! it was a blast and worth the high costs of some Dual time. The intent is to now get the family airborne a little and actually see if it works or not. If not, I may go back to the Lancair Legacy dream. But if they are really into the Cessna, I think a Mooney purchase wont be too far off. That being said, the wife now says she thinks we should just rent for the rest of our lives...arghhh! Talk to her about the safety issue of renting. You dont know who flew it last, you dont control the maintenace, you dont want to risk her life in a plane that you don't know, blah blah.
  2. Outstanding pics. I flew the grand canyon on my way to Vegas about a year ago. It was absolutely beautiful. My pictures did not come out nearly as well as yours. BTW, I am going to be down in Vegas the middle of January, would love to check out the plane.
  3. I fly about 120-150 hours/year... I try to stick to a monthly budget, but if a trip comes up, I fly it and figure it out later. I probably end up filling the tank twice during the month and budget accordingly. When I want to gly more I just go 22"/2200 and burn about 6 GPH. Great fuel burn for a lunch run.
  4. Quote: Buster1 Michael, I see what you are getting at. Thanks for the thoughts from you, and everyone. This is just what I need to hear. I mean, I want TKS cause is sounds like a little safety net, but the cost, complexity, speed tradeoff is something I'm trying to get my head around...and if I'd even really need it. Here's my deal. I want to fly the family around the country to see friends and family as well as take weekend trips and the like. My kids are currently pretty young, and would probably NOT want to wear a mask or cannulas...so staying low may be my only option at times. I realize that this may be an issue if I HAVE to climb over mountains and such...so that's still something to look at. As they get older (and bigger) we may still fly as a family, but I do realize the space and weight limits in a Mooney as well. Kinda why I'm looking for a 252 Encore with the extra 10 HP and 200+ weight increase. I honestly think we'll fly mainly day VFR, but I worry about that low undercast that contains ice that ATC makes me hold in until setting up for the approach. I suppose that I could plan my mission on days where that wouldn't be a factor, and just stay on the ground if icing is forcast. I think I'd do that anyway. Flying into known ice with the fam is NOT the plan for me. But it's the unknown ice that comes out of nowhere on our day VFR trip that worries me.
  5. Wow, I had no idea that was so expensive to overhaul....
  6. Quote: Jeff_S BTW, anybody have comments on All American Aircraft Sales? They seem to have a stable of aircraft that they're fixing up and trying to sell at a higher price with the mods. I know a few outfits in the Piper world that do this and are really just slapping lipstick on a pig and trying to make a buck. Is All American a reputable shop?
  7. This should help. http://www.mooneyevents.com/chrono.htm
  8. Great looking panel. Do you have any in flight pictures?
  9. Ahhh, but you get the discount.
  10. Quote: triple8s What's up with this engine (TSIOL-55AIG liquid cooled) and whats the difference between the rocket versus the missle?
  11. Quote: Parker_Woodruff Sweet plane, but if you're gonna upgrade for speed, I'd go for an Ovation or M20K (252 or Encore). You get the same speed (185+ KTAS) and you can get FIKI...which you and I would both like. In the mean time, you and I both know we have one of the lowest cost per mile airplanes out there...and much less expensive overhauls.
  12. I thought the same thing about the 201 Jim. I should not have taken the flight in the Rocket it spoiled me. I will have to wait until my income catches up to my desire for pure, unadulterated speed.
  13. That would only give me a Missile conversion Jim. Must... Have.... Rocket....
  14. You and me both my friend. I almost traded in my M20J for it right then and there. I told my wife that within five years, we should be able to get one...
  15. I took a .5 hour flight in a Mooney Rocket this weekend and I can't get the damn smile off of my face. Unbelievable performance (and fuel burn)! The engine was so smooth and climbing though 14K at 1300FPM was quite an experience. We then leveled off and accelerated to 190KTAS. I could get used to that...
  16. I really hope weather cooperates and I can get over there... Look forward to meeting with everyone.
  17. All good points. This is certainly a hypothetical as I could find better uses for that kind of money. Thanks guys.
  18. A hypothetical: Would you pay the 30K price tag to put TKS on a 1984 M20J? I had an encounter with icing a few days ago that took a few years off my life. I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with TKS in a non-turbo aircraft. I was always under the impression that it is silly to have one without the other. As for the aircraft, as much as I would love a turbo, I think this J is going to meet 90% of my mission requirements for at least five to eight years. I.E. I wont install the TKS and then sell the plane two years later. What say you?
  19. Thanks. Someone does not need to be a registered user to check out the photo galleries?
  20. Is there a way to download images from the galleries? I can only save the small thumbnails, but not the larger images. I have a buddy who is an LSU fan that is going to freak out when he sees one of the paint jobs that was posted. Thanks. Matt
  21. I owned an F before I bought the J. I am very happy with the purchase. The updated fuel system, one piece belly, ventilation system (HUGE DIFFERENCE), electric flaps, interior, split seats have all greatly increased my satisfaction and utility over the F model. You could certainly add all of those things to an F, but you might as well buy the J in the first place.
  22. Total pain in the ass to get them in there, but it is possible. Some disassembly is required (both wheels depending on how much you want to wrestle with it. Makes me wish I bought an A36.... nahhh.
  23. Call the salvage yards. I have had excellent luck with the usual suspects.
  24. Looks terrific... Tell Don I said hello.
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