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Everything posted by LFOD

  1. Very nice!
  2. I would wait. If it is a panel mount, you will be able to get a hell of a deal on that 430 you are looking to install.
  3. Looks great; quick question: Is it covering up those spaces for the rocker switches below it, or is that just the angle of the picture?
  4. http://www.gazette.com/articles/crashed-110012-reportedly-colorado.html M20 with an AF officer and his wife.
  5. I took out my co pilot seat when I was doing charity flights. Made ingress and egress infinitely easier for the passenger.
  6. Quote: Parker_Woodruff About 13 flight hours over a 18 hour period. 3pm central to to 7am Pacific. Crossing the Rockies at 4 am in Montana with the sun rising behind me is something I'll never forget.
  7. I have been going to salvage yards for some time with excellent results. After seeing the current state of the Mooney factory, I am not surprised about the lack of parts availability. Perhaps after they get done "winterizing" the factory so to speak, it will get better.
  8. Thanks for posting those pictures. Looks very sad.
  9. Around $45K... My best uneducated guess.
  10. Are you kidding? They still won't let you stream music?
  11. Congratulations! Great job.
  12. Can you give us anymore information on your mission profile (number of people/baggage)? For that price point, a turbo normalized F would be your best bet.
  13. Quote: 201Pilot This is not a big deal to many, but I prefer the split/removable rear seats in the 80's Mooneys. This might have been introduced in '82 (mine is an '82). I allows me to have more room for bags, easy access to flight bag, and is easily set up for use as a 2 place, 3 place or 4 place aircraft. Since it is usually just me, or my wife and me, I leave configured as a 2 place unless I know I will be taking passengers. This is not a big deal, but it is a feature I really like.
  14. Here you go.... http://www.mooneyevents.com/chrono.htm
  15. If you can go on the AOPA website and post this question, I know one of the regular posters there flew a Turbo Bullet for a few years. He doesnt have good things to say about the conversion, but he can help you out.
  16. Quote: hansel Gold Beach, OR and Rogue River jet boats for us! Beautiful flight along the north coast of California. Doubles as our 1st wedding anniversary too! Very excited!
  17. I took a test flight in a rocket after I bought my J. It was a mistake. Not knowing is much better.
  18. Quote: GeorgePerry Will the JPI 830 serve as a FAA approved, TSO'd replacement for factory MP/RPM, Fuel Presure guages? I've heard different answers from different folks.
  19. Quote: tablor If you've still got the original Rochester gauge, you may need to get the conversion kit from Mooney (~$2700) or buy a new gauge & transducer from Electronic International. Ronnie at Dugosh knew something about this, you might give him a call. The part from Mooney uses the same gauge as what's in there, but you change the transducer and add an amplifier. Mooney should have the kit with all the parts necessary to make the conversion.
  20. After a generally uneventful annual, we have run into a snag. Apparently my fuel transducer is bad causing an inaccurate reading on the fuel pressure gauge. Apparently, there is a conversion that is done due to this being an issue for several aircraft of my vintage. Has anyone heard of this or experienced this nut roll before? Part number for the transducer: PDCR 821-0662-30 Thanks.
  21. That was my experience with Brittain. I was lucky enough to be within driving distance of KTUL when i took the aircraft there. They were responsive and a pleasure to deal with. Glad you are back up and flying and it is working well.
  22. I will echo everyone else. I made that mistake with my first bird.... Needed a lot of work, avionics, etc. I lost my ass on that plane. I didnt make that mistake on my second one. I dont think I have put one nickel into upgrading the plane and I am much happier that way. I suspect you will be as well.
  23. Looks great Parker and great bang for the buck.
  24. Congratulations. You will not be disappointed.
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