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Everything posted by LFOD

  1. I am heading for KFLV for about three years. Really looking forward to the move, we'll have to link up at some of these legendary BBQ joints I keep hearing about.
  2. Oops...It was actually $850. Basically I needed a $27 circuit of some type, but Autopilots Central has a flat labor fee of some ridiculous amount. Not sure how I feel about this, but understanding the alternative, I will pay it (and they know this). At least I wont have to make my flight from WA to KS handflying the damn thing.
  3. Looks like today may be my lucky day. Autopilot Central fixed my autopilot for about $850. 2 hours to reinstall and I am going to get this taken care of for less than 1 AMU. Drinks are on me.
  4. That looks great. I wish they would release a G250 since you no longer need the MFD portion after installing the GTN.
  5. We have another thread going about auto pilot woes. Unfortunately, it is never simple when it comes to these things. Just bite the bullet and have an avionics guy look at, but I would suggest doing it after your checkride. Placard it inop and drive on with your training. Good luck!
  6. Can you get an analysis from Blackstone despite being located in Germany? I am mechanically challenged; I am surprised I even figured out how to start my plane. Blackstone gives a great narrative when they do an analysis. Really breaks it down.
  7. I had an excellent experience with them. They were very straightforward with me and I feel like I got a very good M20J at a fair price. The involvement of Don Maxwell in my deal only made it more pleasant.
  8. Quote: jerry-N5911Q My 1983 IBM PC with 64K and dual floppy drives cost me $3000 new back then, and now the darn techs tell me it will cost that much to repair it! Where do they get off!?! They say it would be cheaper to buy something new...come on guys, the stuff in our Mooney panels is OLD, it can cost major money to fix and yet more to replace. Flew my 65C today from LA to SF in 3.1 hours and the Brittain wing leveler worked great now that I've rebuilt the yoke cut-out switch. Still, a $12K S-Tec 30 would be far, far better. Etc.
  9. So far, only $250 for removal, testing and shipping to Autopilot Central. I do agree with Mazerbase, that an STEC 30 would be a major step down from a 200. Just chasing after problems with APs can get difficult, not to mention expensive.
  10. Will do... I really hope your problems are on the low side of their estimate. 5K to fix a 20 year old autopilot is quite a gamble.
  11. This is a timely post. My KAP 150 is DOA and I just shipped it out to Autopilots Central for repair. I will let you know how it works out. In fact, one of the first things that I checked when I bought my current plane was the operation of the autopilot. Gave me a good 18 months of service before it dumped on me. Oh well.
  12. Good info Randy. How in the hell did that passenger survive an inflight breakup like that?
  13. Quote: flyboy0681 After two and a half weeks in the shop, here are the results... The only issue is the angled cradle for the Aera 510. It's blocking the right panel and the KX-165 under it.
  14. Probably for a more economic weather solution. Looking forward to hearing some pireps.
  15. Quote: Awful_Charlie My KC192 went back to BK as it wouldn't pass the self test (just kept bleeping forever after the test button was pressed). Came back to me with an invoice for GBP455 (+taxes & shipping) Better than the new battery in the 480 by Garmin, for which they hit me for GBP600 (again, + extras)
  16. Damn.... Sounds like quite a ride.
  17. Quote: THASE If it's the computer, about $2K plus re-installing. Each servo maybe $800 That's my guess from recent work.
  18. Of course it isn't an easy power fix. Autopilot is off for repair. Any bets as to what this will cost?
  19. Thanks. Im tracking those guys and I had a great experience with them on my other aircraft about three years ago. It's in the shop in WA today. The thought of flying all the way to KS without the AP is not fun. I've done it before and it gets exausting.
  20. I used Odyssey last time. Absolutely no issues and they were a pleasure to deal with.
  21. Didn't look at it that way... I am hopeful that since it is a total failure it may be straight forward.
  22. Abslutely no power to my KAP 150 during my IPC. Can't wait to see what this is going to end up costing. Of course this thing goes TU two weeks before my 1300NM to Kansas.
  23. To live in close proximity to the biiggest Mooney broker around... Don't think I could stand it.
  24. Quote: Skywarrior Tell ya what... just make it simple for yourself and hoof on over to AAA in San Antonio and find one from Jimmy and David's inventory. No TX sales tax for you. They were very up front with me, and I got a great bird at a good price. And no B.S. You can hire someone to help bring it back home for you or one of Jimmy's staff can deliver it to you. Chuck M. '91 Bravo
  25. KMDW. I flew in there with my Mooney and had a great experience. They have a shuttle to the orange line and I remember the prices being reasonable for an airport of that size/location.
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