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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. which models have those? are they pretty accurate?
  2. One of my instructors has crashed and died with a student of his on Saturday. He was in the students two seat Grumman doing manuvers or t&g's. The details are sketchy and they were at a neighboring airport when it happened. Both pilots dead at the scene. This was as close to home as it has ever been for me, and it is a weird feeling to say the least. David
  3. I am actively searching to partner with a current plane owner. My mission is VFR, Kerrville to Houston 260NM every third week. I would also train IFR. Sincerely David 830-377-2752
  4. For anyone that does not have meal plans for Thursday or Friday evening, I will offer something special at the Steak House. I will have a dinner planned just for you, with special pricing and a wine selected. Last year I was not prepared, but I will be this year. In my past life, I was a pretty good chef so feel comfotable I will have a good plan. Not trying to lure anyone away from Ms Becca or Bryon's planning, but if you are without plans, or running single, or are in Kerrville with nothing to do, Come by the steak house and I will take care of you. Sincerely David Sorry for the tread hyjack, just offering an alternative. Will remove if needed.
  5. There are drawings circulating, so you you can have them manufactured yourself. Let's search the forum. They are here somewhere.
  6. PARKER! Mamacitas is just average Tex/Mex. You have been in Florida too long! No offense to Florida or it's inhabitants!
  7. Need opinions please on pricing out this C model. I am looking for a plane to build time and train IFR. Thoughts on avionics and everything else would be appreciated. http://www.mooneyspace.com/index.cfm?mainaction=posts&forumid=7&threadid=5610 Sincerely David
  8. Is the Master a 'D' model, and this plane has been converted to a 'C'?
  9. Thanks everyone for all the insight. I am going to consolidate all the opinions and make a spreadsheet. I would like more thoughts/opinions about owning the plane as opposed to renting during the training. I know on this sight of at least two that did their IFR training in their Mooney.
  10. This would be good in a Flying Club. David
  11. Ditto, all David
  12. Hurry up with that report Scott. Oh, you are still in the air, probably.
  13. "and FWIW, I'm also a lawyer." "Well George, by training, I am a lawyer," "I'm not a lawyer either, just a simple fighter pilot..." "I'm only an engineer..." Well. I just want all of you to know that I slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night. :) Okay, I just couldn't resist. Sorry As for the OP. I will take it with a grain of salt, do my own due dilligence, and move on. Sincerely, David
  14. Not that I would kick either one out of bed, but the 310hp Ovation is a heck of a N/A traveling machine. You get the gross weight increase with the 310 STC if I remember correctly. If you don't run it at 2700 rpm, you get fuel burns equivilant of the Eagle, but you can carry more. It is yummy. I think the O3 was marketed and the fastest N/A GA four seater.
  15. so, uhm, do, uh, so, do you fly by wire?
  16. So the Aluminum is one tick lower, but the iron count is quite a bit lower. Hmmmm. What do you suppose you attrubute that to? I would venture to guess the washing of the engine the avgas did make a difference. A bigger difference in the iron than the aluminium?????? Six months between this test and the last, but a year's time between the previouse two could also explain some of the differences. Hope your next one stays in the geen. Good luck. David
  17. I will add to this discussion. Is this a wise choice, to purchase a plane for the mission and for the IFR training? Would you rather spend $xxxxx.xx on a trainer IFR equipped and not put the hours on the bird you will fly your mission with? Personally, to me, it seems you would increase your skills in the bird you will fly the most and be a safer pilot, in that bird. Just asking. David
  18. Personal question. If you were going to buy a plane, a plane that does fit your intended mission and not a trainer, and you have decided to train for your IFR in that plane, what would be your personal IFR equipment requirements be for said plane? Yes I know what the FAR/AIMS say, but I want to know personally, what would you want, more than the minimum. Sincerely David
  19. I got Orvil and Wilbur in the mail on Friday. I was excited to hold it in my hand. Working on a plane. David
  20. Goodness! I think you need to do something about that number.
  21. This plane has a 30 hour new engine and Prop, inoperative auto pilot, 47 year old paint, average interior, and dated radios. No GPS. I will get a full rundown on Monday. Don't yet know why the brand new engine. David
  22. Check the Notams for Fredericksburg everyone. They are doing work on the field, and it is only open on the weekends with restrictions. Not sure when the completion date is. David
  23. So if I am reading that correctly, in late 1971 with 1500 hours, the gear collapsed because of running off into the grass/mud/dirt, whatever. 40 years later, it is still flys. Time to do some due dilligence
  24. I am going to start a flying club. At least that was my first impluse thought.
  25. How do you look up damage history? N5953Q is the Mooney in question. FAA REGISTRY N-Number Inquiry Results N5953Q is Assigned Data Updated each Federal Working Day at Midnight Aircraft Description Serial Number 3193 Type Registration Individual Manufacturer Name MOONEY Certificate Issue Date 04/04/2012 Model M20C Expiration Date 04/30/2015 Type Aircraft Fixed Wing Single-Engine Status Valid Pending Number Change None Type Engine Reciprocating Date Change Authorized None Dealer No MFR Year 1965 Mode S Code 51731312 Fractional Owner NO
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