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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. This is the first year model 210, and it has four seats, not six. The W&B says 1090 Useful load. The cabin is the narrow version but the baggage space is large. The back seat actually has less head room than the F's and J's that I have sat in recently. Shoulder to shoulder is hardly any better than Mooney for this model Cessna. Without a pre-buy done yet, what would everybody offer for this bird? David
  2. "Just remember that the purchase price is only half the equation... owning, operating and insuring is the other half, so make sure you know all about those costs on the C-210 side vs. a good M20. You'll probably have a plane similar in capability in terms of XC performance of a good M20E or F, but at 50% more fuel burn. Insurance might be more expensive too." This plane is able to do 135-142kts under LOP operations so I am told. We test ran her to 150 Kts, 13.5 GPH 10 LOP. I was told these numers by one of my buying partners who was in the plane. I agree to the E and F analogy. Insurance will be $2800-$3000 for the partnership. I do want the Mooney but the other two partners are ganging up on me. 'If it makes prepurchase , 36K is all the money , Is he leaving the tray in for the gps , what model gps.... Could be a deal breaker...... ' 36K is all the money...what? All that you would pay? It was a Garmin 500 something. A $15,000 to install Garmin I was told. I don't know for sure the model but can find out. There is a cover over the hole now. Don't know if there is a tray there or not. Oh. and it is not in Six Pack configuration the instrumentation, but it is not terrible either. FYI When it comes to money, my concen is obviously the 1500 TBO and 2000 hr Prop. What are we talking here? $25,000 or more for the engine if you go all the way? How much for the prop? I don't know. We will need to install some kind of GPS $$$??? I will need 20 hours with 10 being instrument for the insurance so there is $1000 for the CFII. Same probably for one of the other partners. We would pass the 1500 TBO in less than a year I would predict. Again. $36,000 Is it worth it?
  3. IO-470, 1500 TBO Continental. Four Seat, narrow bodied, Strut Winged, LOP operated,
  4. 1960 Cessna 210 5225 Hours TTAF 1350 engine on a factory reman, 1500TBO Cylinders have 400 or less hours on all six, King KMA 24 Audio King KX155 Com/Nav with KL 29 VOR?LOC/GS head King KY97 com KN 64 DME King KT 76C Transp w/Encoder 9/2014 Centry IIB AP w/GPSS BFG WX 900 Stormscope JPI EDM 700 w/ fuel flow Pilot and Co PTT Radio Master switch McCauley D2A34C58-0 w/ 1825 hours on it Standby Electric horizion Pulsing Landing lights Soros Vents Rosen Visors Tail Strobe Verticle Compass Heated Pitot Rear Vents OAT Annual Due 07/13 ELT Due 07/14 1090 Usefull Load $36,000 Paint is in good condition. The interior if workable. The bird has been cared for. Flown for the last 3000 hours by the owner and maintained by the same A/P for the same amount. All AD's supposedly completed not that I can tell that easily. No GPS as the owner took it out to put into his new Centurian. Advice is welcome. Sarcasm also
  5. Unrelated Question: To bleed the brakes from the caliper, do I have to unscrew the nipple a little or do anything else to "open" it? Bleeding brakes is not a one person job (On my Suzuki maybe but not reccomended.) Not insulting intelligence as if you are changing oil, you probably know this. Open your reservoir and fill completely with fluid. As your helper has pumped up the brakes and holding them firm, you gently loosen the bleeder to allow trapped air to escape. On the bleeder you have attached clear flexible tubing so you may observe the escaping fluid, looking for air bubbles. The helper allows his feet to move with the escaping fluid you just released, but he/she does not pump again untill you close the bleeder. Repeat pump and bleed untill you have solid firm brake feel, and no air escaping (even tiny bubbles) from the bleeder. Don't let the fluid reservoir empty as this allows air to enter. If the fluid is really dark and ugly looking. keep adding fluid through the reservoir untill the fresh fluid is coming out of the bleeder. This can take a while. Don't let the brake fluid touch any painted surface and I don't care if it is DOT 5 or 500. Use a box end wrench with the clear tubing threaded first through the wrench so the wrench will stay in place if you take your hands off of it, ie refilling the fluid reservoir. Piloto, did I get this right? Sincerely David
  6. I live vicariously through you plane owner guys, for now.
  7. all parts available at Radio Shack?
  8. learning all the time. Yes, working toward that/an F. Parker, Insurance. Three VFR Pilots, 700 hours, 200, and 120 me being the lowest hours, on a Ray Jay F?.
  9. Does anyone file a VFR flight plan on a consistent basis? Flight following if granted is superior, is it not? Just learning, David
  10. It go zoom zoom?
  11. Big congratulations. Sorry for the pocket book hit, but your enthusiasm lessens the pain I hope.
  12. Yes the plane is nice. No it doesn't have a gee-whiz interior but it is completely functional. Paint, same thing, functional. No it doesn't have an AP. No right side brakes. No one piece belly. No 201 windscreen. JUST SAYING! :) I crawled under it, around it, in it. Going to set an appt to look at the logs. David
  13. I have seen it. It is close to me. Plane is clean. Couple of nit-pick issues of the personal nature, that is all. There are F's out there with 430's, comparable times, etc, no turbo obviously, for considerably less money. There are J's of lesser quality, for the same money....... Ah, justification. Don't you love it. Yes I want an AP. David
  14. I have viewed the plane, as it is close to me. I am working the figures, the likes and dislikes. For the money, I will look at other F's and older J's. Wish it had an auto pilot. DF
  15. Ray jay is manual, pilot turns it on, or leaves it off. M20 not so. R J parts are harder to come by, M20 is a newer design, obviously. Maxwell said 30 plus hours to install M20!!!!!!!! I wouldn't kick either out of bed, as each makes a capable aircraft, that much more so.
  16. No auto pilot is a negative to me, for a plane of this capability. It would take what, $15,0000 plus?
  17. Asking you guys with experience, about AA's F model. http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/MOONEY-M20F-EXEC-21/1968-MOONEY-M20F-EXEC-21/1253903.htm?dlr=1&pcid=17527 What do you say about it, please. Sincerely David
  18. I am needing the same exact scenario, but in Kerrville or Fredericksburg. Good luck. David
  19. Where are you hangared? David in Kerrville.
  20. Congratulations to both parties.
  21. If you let your wife sit in the Bo, first or at all, your plane of choice, may no longer be your choice
  22. which models have those? are they pretty accurate?
  23. One of my instructors has crashed and died with a student of his on Saturday. He was in the students two seat Grumman doing manuvers or t&g's. The details are sketchy and they were at a neighboring airport when it happened. Both pilots dead at the scene. This was as close to home as it has ever been for me, and it is a weird feeling to say the least. David
  24. I am actively searching to partner with a current plane owner. My mission is VFR, Kerrville to Houston 260NM every third week. I would also train IFR. Sincerely David 830-377-2752
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