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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. With Jesse at the pointing the wrong (correct) way tail.
  2. And Bennett takes the lead
  3. "I have 2 oximeters and a SkyOx setup in my M20E which I use even at 8000 if it's for 3-4 hours. But I'm really old." Above is a recent quote by @Bob_Belville. It got me wondering him is the oldest here on MS? Who is the youngest? Just wondering
  4. I have been offered time in a clients 172. I offhandedly offered to buy time to fly it as he flys infrequently. When I thought about it, I don't truly knows what that buying time actually means. What does buying time mean? How do you calculate, or charge? Renters insurance or added to the existing policy? please advise df
  5. Did she sell?
  6. Welcome to the forum. Please post a "hello" on the general board and tell us about yourself. Thanks for finding us here at Mooneyspace. Mcstealth
  7. It's pretty neat flying over the oil fields. Fort Stockton has some, but just 50 miles north is Pecos, Tx that is thick with rigs right now.
  8. Was it a three engine Falcon? Oh the Shame.
  9. I'm not in town, but go by the steak house tomorrow night. I will buy you a dessert. Tell Lori or Linda that I will pay them Sat night. they hate it when I do this kind of stuff..... He he he. Congratulations David. Edit for spelling. Not that anyone would care.
  10. Just my memory, but something to do with the actual tubing that makes up the landing gear, is a different thickness, or spec, and therefor excludes some J's....... This from memory banks only. Going to research tonight.
  11. I'm not so sure of this statement Going to do some research.
  12. This probably won't help, but there is a company on the field in Midland Odessa that rents a nice O2 ($220 wet?) and has CFII'S.
  13. Step away from the ............
  14. Too far and the wrong direction I'm afraid.
  15. I forgot the title of the thread. I was thinking 252 and not Encore. GSXR is next.
  16. Wow. That is an impressive UL for that model.
  17. Thanks to what you do for the fleet.
  18. Any of us at KPEQ, Pecos Tx, KINK, Winkler County Tx, or even KCNM Carlsbad NM?? I will be living in the oil fields of West Texas for the foreseeable future and would like to buy time with like minded Mooney owner. David
  19. Welcome to the forum. Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the group. Pleas go to the main page and say hi. Thanks for Joining.
  20. My pick didn't win. I'm so sad well. Not really. He he.
  21. http://www.mooney.com/en/choose.html My first poll. Hope I did it right.
  22. They tried to pressurize a roll cage instead of starting with a mostly fresh design. They had to put a lot of dope in the angular areas just to keep the pressurization. This made the bird heavy, and more expensive. Many, including my dad, had drawn up a new, rounder, easier to pressurize fuselage, but the powers to be claimed the Mooney roll cage was a selling point and had to be maintained. Yes it is a five seat, not six, had good room, and was fast enough for its time. First time you see one, you do a double take. df
  23. AaaRoooooo.AaaRooooooooo. hehe. Couldn't resist.
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