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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. Well crud. In my faded memory, I "thought" I remembered that some serial numbers in the 231 line would qualify.
  2. Okay. Let's look up the Encore requirements.
  3. Check to see if you van go the Encore route.
  4. 231 or 252?
  5. Set an appointment wit DMax
  6. Lance, you have too much time on your hands.
  7. I vote this most succinct post of the year, so far.
  8. Show us a picture please
  9. According to Andy, there should be dozens of these available with only 150 hours total time.
  10. Guys. Quit feeding the troll.
  11. Believe in the @Piloto!!!!!!!
  12. What's better than an E?
  13. Come on guys. Until Mooney starts selling new planes anywhere close to the rate Cirrus does, Andy can crow, and crow some more. The Cirrus is less efficient, slower on 30 more horsepower, and though looks are subjective, is not as handsome as a Mooney. Everyone knows this. The engineers at Cirrus had a clean sheet design and over 35 years of newer engineering knowledge to work with, and still could not make a plane near Mooney's performance numbers 'accept' for carrying stuff. Good for them. Congratulations. No more to see here. Move along citizens. We as Mooney fans need to hope (pray) that now that the certification has been issued, Mooney sells all the units already assembled, has more orders waiting in the wings, and keeps selling until their next upgrade (whatever that may be). If that doesn't happen......... Congratulations to Mooney on the achievements. Good luck to the future. I Wish I could buy 10 new Ultras. DF
  14. Hmmmm. What ATC? He he
  15. I'm Joe average at 51. I certainly hope my brain power lets me fly another 25 years.
  16. Please clarify #4 for me please. By the way, watch out for @gsxrpilot, I think he is a closet CBR kind of guy.
  17. These young guys around here may not know Groucho or his brothers.
  18. @Oldav8tor @Old97 @oldbold @Oldcousin @olddan @Olddog @Oldflyer @OldFlyGuy @OldGlassMan .... How about these members?
  19. What about @Oldguy? He hasn't chimed in yet.
  20. With Jesse at the pointing the wrong (correct) way tail.
  21. And Bennett takes the lead
  22. "I have 2 oximeters and a SkyOx setup in my M20E which I use even at 8000 if it's for 3-4 hours. But I'm really old." Above is a recent quote by @Bob_Belville. It got me wondering him is the oldest here on MS? Who is the youngest? Just wondering
  23. I have been offered time in a clients 172. I offhandedly offered to buy time to fly it as he flys infrequently. When I thought about it, I don't truly knows what that buying time actually means. What does buying time mean? How do you calculate, or charge? Renters insurance or added to the existing policy? please advise df
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