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Everything posted by docket

  1. Come on down, like the paint job on your C. My hangar is always open to a Mooney compadre.
  2. I did factory direct models with the full interior -- its awesome.
  3. Quote: Cris I want your hanger & the stuff that goes with it !!!
  4. Depends on your definition of a good deal. This was a collector purchase since the car only has 169 miles.
  5. I know that I baited the kudos but given how much cash I parted with for this car I needed a pat on the back. This car has 169 miles on the odo and I am ready to add a few more. Here are its other hangar mates. I am glad to put this behind me and get back to flying -- these new GTN radios are awesome )
  6. Just to spice it up around here I thought I would upload a picture of 56FM's new hangar buddy.
  7. I buy touch up paint from Aero Touch Up dot com (or something close to that). It is amazing what you can do with going lighter on the hardener and using a good brush. I repainted one of the exhaust covers, gave it a wet sand and a buff and it looks like the OEM job.
  8. At my airport which is KHOU the lease has a covenant against storage of any motor vehicles unless they are associated with aircraft movement. Vehicles can be kept in the hangar only when the airplane is out and only on a temporary basis. I assume that the lease covenant was required because there was no other FAA restriction that was self-evident. With that said, the irony is not lost on me that my hangar has a garage door for vehicle entry. You can see the door in the back of the picture. It sure makes it easy to keep a car there
  9. When that has happened to me I delete everything on the card and reload.
  10. Don always says it like it is.
  11. I want to add an electric door motor to my existing hangar. My hangar has 6 doors, have bottom rollers, and the doors are about 15' tall by 10' wide. I saw a retrofit solution from Door Engineering but I was curious if anyone has experience in doing this. Door Engineering's solution is expensive ($10K for the part alone). Any advice/experience on this subject would be appreciated.
  12. SVT on my G500 was $4500 which was nothing more than an SD chip that unlocks the software. I got SVT as an early adopter, maybe the price has come down. This is one of those things that is in the "you don't need it but you want it" category. You can fly fine without it. But on a heavy IMC day, all kidding aside, its nice to know that the PFD shows where the runway is. It gives you one extra cross check.
  13. Quote: AustinPynes I tried a patch job with the best -- Don Maxwell. It worked great for a year. We tried again and that patch job worked for another year. Don gave me good advice and said go somewhere and get it resealed. I took the plane to Wilmar and resealed. It seems like the problem is totally solved.
  14. I want a new Mooney with pressurization and a PT 6.
  15. Probably the best answer is fiy whatever way feels most comfortable. I never land with the speed brakes out but maybe that is just me -- they do nothing at that speed except to make a go around harder.
  16. I don't land with the speed brakes out because, in my opinion, that is a crutch just to conceal a bad effort at speed control. I only use the speed brakes to get slowed and to descend with more power.
  17. I don't think you can stay in business for a long time if you don't introduce a new product. The 696 (which I have and really like) is now four seasons old. I don't blame Garmin for leveraging the touchscreen technology because it is the way of the future. I just wish they made the 796 in the same shell as the 696 so it would slide into the AirGizmos bracket. Looks like we wont be that lucky.
  18. Even though Don is the best on annuals and stuff like that it would be a no brainer to fly up to Wilmar and do it there. Paul will do it right and you can tour the Mall of America. I did mine up there and have been leak free for several months -- a record with my Eagle since the day she left Kerrville. I know it is a pain in the rear to get up there but after the hassle of making it there you know the bird is in good hands.
  19. I don't think you can configure it to display that data in the settings menu. I am no expert, however, as I only have about two months of experience behind the 750/650
  20. I dont wanna know -- it would not be pretty. I just fly.
  21. At 17 GPH, 2550 RPM and 23.1 on the manifold my S will show 183 kts TAS all day long at 9000 ft with 75 gallons on board and just myself. At 18.6 GPH, 2700 RPM and 24 on the manifold the plane will show about 186 kts TAS at the same altitude and conditions. It won't run LOP worth a damn although i have not put in GAMI's.
  22. A hangar came available today at KSGR which is about the same distance from my house as KHOU. The hangar's were built two years ago and are pretty much state of the art with electric doors. The only bad part is that they won't let you change your oil in the hangar and you are required to go to an old hangar across the field to do that. Also you can't use a hose to wash the plane. In any event, anyone have any stories about KSGR? Just curious in case I decide to move. It is a difficult decision since I have been at Hobby for almost 30 years.
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