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Sue Bon

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Everything posted by Sue Bon

  1. It's confused actual altitude with selected altitude. And... 73kt tailwind... Wow! Where was that?
  2. This makes sense, together with his comment, "I'm not ok." The guy clearly needs help.
  3. The suicidal/homicidal FO was a Germanwings flight https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanwings_Flight_9525 There was another incident of a FO locking the PIC out of the cockpit, although it was to seek asylum in Switzerland, and not to kill people. It was almost 10 years ago, but kind of funny. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26222674# This one got a lot of press in Switzerland because the hijacking took place outside of "office hours" (before 8am), so French and Italian jets needed to be scrambled to escort the plane. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/swiss-air-force-finally-on-call-around-the-clock/46253116#:~:text=While Italian and French military,laughing stock around the world.
  4. True. It's amazing how they tuck their wings in and just drop.
  5. Do you have photos of the eclipse?
  6. It certainly is for me! At my last IR check flight, I was so nervous that I made a couple of really stupid mistakes that I would never make flying solo. For example, I didn't read the part of the SID chart which said to contact XYZ immediately after takeoff. I passed, but I honestly didn't feel like I deserved to, given my performance. Here's another fun fact: Due to my extreme test anxiety, I was super nervous before my English proficiency exam. We need those here in Switzerland. I am now Swiss, but I spent the first 29 years of my life in the US and got my PhD from Boston University, so I think my English is ok. When I got into the room, the Swiss guy judging my English learned his English in New Zealand. His accent was so strong and so strange that I couldn't understand him at first. I thought for a second, "I'm actually going to fail this thing!"
  7. He said that he couldn't identify JOSRU without his iPad. In the other thread, they said that he had a Garmin 430. If he had a Garmin 430, he could load the RNAV approach, and go direct to JOSRU.
  8. That's exactly what I said in the other thread! Great minds...
  9. We are required to have two iPads with charts loaded in order to not have paper charts on board. If we only have one iPad, we must have paper charts. From this discussion, it seems that you don't have any such requirement. Is just one iPad and nothing else (not including the Nav equipment/instruments) enough?
  10. I've flown between Stockholm and Gibraltar at FL80-100, but minimum IFR over the Alps is FL140, I think. Maybe even FL160. Of course, you can slalom through the passes at 9500 feet VFR.
  11. When I saw the WT, I thought of @RoundTwo and how Whiskey Tango sounds like another fun hobby
  12. On Topic: That was painful to listen to and I am glad that he survived with his skills and BKN 016. Off Topic: In Flightaware, I clicked on Aircraft Type Photos and found this beaut!
  13. I would recommend ADSB - at least out. If you're going to be flying IFR, I would very strongly recommend to upgrade your Century Autopilot to a GFC500. If you're going to be doing major surgery anyway, that would be my number one priority. I got the EDM 730 and am happy with it. I also have two G5s, which are awesome.
  14. @Urs_Wildermuth is this something for you??
  15. BTW, for anyone interested... When I updated my subscription with my new GTN650xi, it didn't include 3D Track Logs. So... when you do a panel upgrade, 3D Track Logs might not be included. Research ongoing...
  16. @EricJ @N201MKTurbo Should I jump on these?
  17. Hi Pierre, You can try Mécanair in Switzerland. They do all the French Air Force piston engine overhauls, so I think they could do it for you. https://www.mecanair.ch Hope it works out for you. Sue
  18. I have somehow managed to delete the 3D option for Track Logs in Foreflight. Does anyone know how to get it back? I just had an awesome descent from FL100 to 2500 ft at 1000 fpm because ATC refused to let me down until the very last minute, and then I landed with wind at 210/22 for RWY 17 and I want to bask in my own glory
  19. It was. We all are so lucky and privileged to be able to do stuff like this.
  20. Flew to southern Germany today for lunch with a flying buddy. We were routed south of Zurich for a nice view of the city. At our destination, the Zeppelin was taking off as we were waiting for our departure slot. He named the photo, "the fast and the fat."
  21. Too bad they put a guy in the pilot's seat It even has my new Com1 antenna, installed in 2021.
  22. ATC 1: Contrails going off today. ATC 2: Dude, hold my Red Bull! (Photo taken from my bathroom window)
  23. I'm really feeling the "Pilots Now." As I was studying the Jeppesen Charts for my next mini-adventure, they disappeared before my eyes! Now all my Jeppesen Charts are gone and I guess I must die.
  24. Staring right up China Airlines's skirt on the taxiway leaving Prague yesterday. There is another commercial airliner holding short to lineup, one landing, and one behind me. I wish the guy behind me could have taken a picture and somehow found a way to get it to me. It was like being a guppy in a shark tank.
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