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Sue Bon

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Everything posted by Sue Bon

  1. I've written this and deleted it a couple of times now, but I'm just going to put it out there... I learned that the plane coming from the right always has the right of way. I also learned this in paragliding. If an aircraft is approaching at your 12 o'clock and not moving (i.e., coming right at you), both aircrafts turn right. If only one aircraft turns right, the situation is still avoided. This happened to me once in my Mooney and once paragliding. Both pilots turned right and it was over. A bit scary, but over. If you are on a collision course with another aircraft at the same altitude, it's up to the one coming from the left to avoid. That's also why the lights at the tips of the wings are red on the left wing (coming from the right) and green on the right wing (you have the right of way). Is this not the case in the US?
  2. I didn't do that. I think I did what we are discussing here - just without the hold. Right around the first waypoint of the MAP from the first airport, I went to Procedure and from there loaded the new approach at the new airport and then did a DCT to the IF as directed by ATC.
  3. I would totally do this
  4. And what a day to practice
  5. I just got back. As today was the first and last nice day in many weeks, I was not the only one practicing between our three IFR airports. Poor ATC. They never even let me enter the hold of the MAP due to traffic and routed me directly to the next airport while I was on my way to the first waypoint. I just went to Procedure, loaded the airport and the approach et voila! It worked!
  6. I'm off to practice this right now. Three airports, three MAP, two diverts, one landing. Wish me luck!
  7. No problem. Usually I love to see pictures of my plane. It's just strange to see it coupled with the word "crash" as it is in this thread (and not the other one). Sorry to all of you that lost a friend/colleague/flying buddy. I don't mean to distract from that.
  8. Not sure I love having a picture of my plane in this thread.... :-/
  9. I'm bringing this thread back because I have a related question that is just barely touched in the post above. What if I want to divert to a different airport? Let's say that I make an approach, go missed, and then want to divert. Can I just add the new airport to the bottom of the flight plan? That was not possible in the 430. Is it possible in the 650?
  10. I suspect in this case that the kid's enthusiasm for aviation in general (aspiring professional pilot), and desire to fly his new baby in particular, got the best of him.
  11. I cruise at 2400 rpm at 8-10k and have a TAS of 148 (ROP).
  12. I wasn't, but the kid was just 21 years old. He was alone in a plane that was new to him. According to the link, he had to delay his departure to wait for the cloud base to lift from IMC moments before departing. I don't think he had any idea what he was getting himself into. Poor guy. I remember how terrified I was in my first IFR lessons in low clouds with an instructor next to me. I was not at all prepared for how disorienting it is, and how quickly it happens.
  13. Only Samedan/St. Moritz, LSZS. It's the highest airport in Europe at 5600 feet. DA in the summer can be tricky, which is why you need to do an online pilot briefing before you're allowed to land there.
  14. I was going to make this argument, but as I'm on Team J, I thought it might fall flat...
  15. Isn't Russia a bit tricky these days?
  16. Haha! You almost covered my goal for next year. I want to fly around the Alps, including those places plus Croatia and Slovenia It will take a bit longer than going over them
  17. Yikes! I'm glad you survived
  18. Haunted how? Ghosts of people killed in irresponsible boating accidents?
  19. You have no idea what it takes for me to hold myself back when these topics come up! But, like I said, it's all relative and increasing costs always hurt. On the good side, I increased my hull coverage from 100k to 150k and my premium only went up by CHF 45.-
  20. Yeah. Welcome to Switzerland. It's all part of the "it costs 2-3 times as much to own a Mooney over here" thing.
  21. Mine is CHF 5500.- for a hull coverage of 150k. Economies of Scale would explain it. But no matter what you're paying, if you're used to X and suddenly you have to pay X+20%, it hurts.
  22. Mind if I ask approximately how much you guys pay for insurance? I think I remember someone saying around $1200 per year or so.
  23. It's confused actual altitude with selected altitude. And... 73kt tailwind... Wow! Where was that?
  24. This makes sense, together with his comment, "I'm not ok." The guy clearly needs help.
  25. The suicidal/homicidal FO was a Germanwings flight https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanwings_Flight_9525 There was another incident of a FO locking the PIC out of the cockpit, although it was to seek asylum in Switzerland, and not to kill people. It was almost 10 years ago, but kind of funny. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26222674# This one got a lot of press in Switzerland because the hijacking took place outside of "office hours" (before 8am), so French and Italian jets needed to be scrambled to escort the plane. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/swiss-air-force-finally-on-call-around-the-clock/46253116#:~:text=While Italian and French military,laughing stock around the world.
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