A clearance is a clearance is a clearance. Comply with the clearance. You may have to prove you are flying the assigned clearance but that’s a rare occurrence and radio tapes and radar tracks will prove your adherence.
About a month ago LA Center asked me what SID I was flying. I responded with both the SID and the fix to which I was navigating. He responded with a vector to a different fix and a phone number to call for a possible pilot deviation. That gets your attention! Their claim was that I was supposed to have been flying a different departure. Fortunately I had the actual PDC issued by Clearance Delivery. I took a picture of it and sent it in to the folks at the other end of that phone number. I was told I could follow up in a few days and I did. Their finding was that there was no pilot deviation, which I knew anyway.
The issue was that TMO had issued a route change to LA tower 3 minutes after our time-stamped PDC. LA tower was supposed to advise us of the change but didn’t do it. The Feds verified all this by listening to the radio tapes and the investigation fellow also acknowledged my picture of the PDC.
The moral of the story is that you can get in trouble even when doing everything right, but so far at least if you have done everything right you will be vindicated.
I had received a clearance, had complied with that clearance and that was the end of it. It is certainly prudent to check for TFR’s, but if you fly through one while adhering to your ATC clearance, the bust is on them.