Then you are between the proverbial rock and a hard place!
Actually, your point is well taken. As a relative newbie to GA and small airplanes compared to the vast experience on this forum, I am very interested in this discussion. Many good points have been made and I am taking them all under advisement as I plan my own fuel management strategy. So far, my strategy has been to top off at every stop. My wife and I don’t like to fly more than 3 hour legs so I always land with plenty of fuel. However we would like to at least take some shorter trips with another couple. My UL is 930 lbs so I will launching with no more than 50 gallons or even less. This will make fuel management critical.
I totally get the wisdom of having enough fuel in the landing tank to safely cover a go around which implies by default that the cruising tank is going to be sucked down much further than the landing tank. I know many excellent pilots on this forum speak of actually emptying the cruising tank, but that’s a little rich for my blood. As you pointed out if something should go wrong and you are out of gas in one tank and can’t access the other, you will probably say a bad word!
I’m thinking that landing with 12 gallons in one tank and 5 in the other is as risky as I want to go. Of course that is not written in stone, and I certainly welcome further insight from the group.