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DCarlton last won the day on January 31

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  • Gender
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    Carlsbad, CA
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  • Model
    1967 M20F
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  1. Yep; nothing close to the beauty of a weep no more job. I'm trying to convince myself the extra 10 lbs of sealant will provide a cushion between the bladders and any sharp edges; along with the foam provided in the STC kit.
  2. So far so good with my F's bladder install. Access plates removed; vent tubes drilled out and removed; fuel cap adapter ring drilled out and removed; fuel senders removed. Removing the fuel pickup tubes should be next. Several types and layers of sealant built up over the years from patches. More to come...
  3. Aviation is knowhow intensive. Mooneys seem to draw a tech savvy crowd; engineers... technicians because they admire the design. Engineers and technicians appreciate the value of good schematics... thus the interest. The future of aviation for the tech savvy crowd is experimental and for the ones that don't have the knowhow, agree, they'll have to be wealthy.
  4. To me, Tri-Flow smells much better than anything else you can use in the cockpit and you can buy small cans. I took mine out, cleaned it on the workbench, wiped off the lubricant and put it back in. Works fine now.
  5. Since you're open to input, I don't care for dark colors on the upper cowling or the gear doors and belly. I prefer white (or lighter colors). On a newer really straight and smooth Acclaim it might be OK but I prefer white with accents, especially on an older bird. As far as the images posted I prefer the top rendering. On the other renderings the wider slash above the N5 draws your eye immediately to the slash and away from the plane. For me, the top rendering elongates the plane and makes it look sleek (which it is); I see a fast sleek plane and not the slash.
  6. Anything ever happen with this? Looks like someone else is looking for seals today on Mooneyspace. Appreciate the effort.
  7. There was someone on Mooneyspace just a couple of months ago trying to get enough people with interest to put in an order for servo boots (actually called seals). I'm not sure what happened with that. I bought the last known new one from Kevin Westbrook. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/49966-torn-brittain-servo-boot/
  8. Four SHAW 431-9 fuel caps for sale with Gallagher Aviation Fluorosilicon o-rings. $100 each for the two without the Marsh Washers (SOLD). $140 each for the two with Marsh Brothers Fuel Cap Washers. Notes: I prefer the Marsh washers but the latches do tend to pop up a little easier if not adjusted properly. I can send the original metal washers with the caps to use if desired. I have a new set of o-rings for the red cap. I'm currently installing bladders and no longer need these caps. Relisted under Parts / Classifieds. PM to discuss further. Thanks.
  9. My '67F is 105. I try to get well below that if I can. Occasionally I wish it were higher.
  10. Spalling due to? Corrosion?
  11. I'm no expert but a 7% difference between the left and right side doesn't sound like much. It'll be interesting to see what the engine experts say.
  12. Working when removed in 2024 for panel upgrade. Still has the Sigmatek seal and production stamp from 2008. Recommend bench testing or overhaul before installation. Returns accepted. $250.
  13. on the inside edge of the plastic trim that goes around the windows (against the plexiglass). it closes the gap and makes it look a little better finished.
  14. Plane Plastics calls it "Window Beading" but it looks like they only have beige. Perhaps searching that term.
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