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DCarlton last won the day on January 31

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    Carlsbad, CA
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    1967 M20F
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  1. Mine is broken too. Guessing every one you find will be broken... but perhaps repairable. It wasn't a very robust design (those metal tubes hanging off the plastic piece).
  2. How long did they say your PT would be? I hurt my shoulder loading a toilet into a truck. Couldn’t even lift my arm to tune the radio. Even with surgery, Dr said It was unlikely that I would get full range of motion back. PT therapist said the same thing. She pushed me for weeks and I finally got my range of motion back. PT is essential. However long that is estimated to take after surgery might be your answer.
  3. Ailerons line up fine. Take a look at my MS profile pic. Zoom in and look at the right wingtip from the front. Installed decades ago.
  4. Offset and climb? Or offset, climb and turn to downwind ASAP?
  5. Help me out here. Not a corrosion guru. If all the paint were stripped away down to bright metal, where would the worst corrosion be?
  6. Recommend better pics; those loaded with very poor resolution.
  7. I ordered a new three blade McCauley spinner and backplate through Ottosen Propeller in Phoenix about a year ago. McCauley had to make it; couldn't find one anywhere. Took about a month. After having my backplate come apart in flight, I went with new. BTW, lesson learned during the search; don't rely on anyone's web site showing they have stock; call them to verify stock before ordering regardless of who you deal with.
  8. I'm no expert but the market does seem to have slowed with inventory growing. Does it help to have put 10-20 hours on it after the overhaul to shake out any issues? A buyer might need confidence he can get the plane home for interior and avionics work. Perhaps a bit more info about the engine overhaul shop; pics with the cowling off, etc. The plane / price did catch my eye when you posted it.
  9. Would be interesting to ask the tank reseal shops if they have ever encountered corrosion inside a fuel tank or under the sealant. They've seen thousands. Someone with a good line of comms with Paul at Weep No More should ask. My gut and no more says that's an unlikely location. In the case of a bladder install, I like the fact that the old sealant covers the sharp edges inside the tank in addition to the materials and procedures provided in the STC.
  10. Not a great example of how to seal or patch tanks. I'm sure the folks at the tank strip and seal shops have seen it all. The new bladder STC install procedure calls for removing the sealant from inside the tank around the sender holes 1/2" wide; it doesn't call for stripping the tanks.
  11. Yep; nothing close to the beauty of a weep no more job. I'm trying to convince myself the extra 10 lbs of sealant will provide a cushion between the bladders and any sharp edges; along with the foam provided in the STC kit.
  12. So far so good with my F's bladder install. Access plates removed; vent tubes drilled out and removed; fuel cap adapter ring drilled out and removed; fuel senders removed. Removing the fuel pickup tubes should be next. Several types and layers of sealant built up over the years from patches. More to come...
  13. Aviation is knowhow intensive. Mooneys seem to draw a tech savvy crowd; engineers... technicians because they admire the design. Engineers and technicians appreciate the value of good schematics... thus the interest. The future of aviation for the tech savvy crowd is experimental and for the ones that don't have the knowhow, agree, they'll have to be wealthy.
  14. To me, Tri-Flow smells much better than anything else you can use in the cockpit and you can buy small cans. I took mine out, cleaned it on the workbench, wiped off the lubricant and put it back in. Works fine now.
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