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  1. yes I saw that as well but they are not ready to produce..they are now gathering the orders.. see this post for details.. also I have spoken with Jose Monroy couple days ago, and his sound was not good as I have spoken few months ago..I hope he will recover soon but not quite sure he will continue to produce the kits anymore.. actually I am looking for any idea for kits scheme/diagram/drawings to produce the kit from the start and pay Jose for the STC’s copyright.
  2. Thanks @carusoam and @Unit74 Also huge thanks to Avionics Source who introduce me with Dereck (Boxwell Avionics) they fixed the issue and I have got my G530W back! Thanks again!
  3. I am also waiting for Jose back to the fields, hope he will have full recover soon..on the other hand, I have contacted with someone name 'Shaune' via 'emapa.aero as and here is his reply about 'Monroy Tanks' 'Yes we are in the process of getting a new PMA. Will probably be ready to get these starting to fgo out in about 5 months. I can put your name on our list. Once we have our PMA, then we will take deposits in an escrow account. The order in which you are on the list will be determined by who pre-orders with money in escrow first. We have on customer in Germany who will be getting the first two kits.' 'The kits are $10,000.' I can understand price will go up as they did some invest in it but 10k...? I think it is way expensive.. Is there any more information or someone's experience about 'bladders type fuel'? Any pictures, schemes, more than welcome.. I need extra fuel tanks for my circumnavigate the world project.. Thanks so much
  4. Hi Ulysse Thanks for all the information! I am gonna use Turtlepack at the back (thinking to get 100 GAL) but I still need a Monroy tanks for the longest route from Hawaii to CA. On the other hand, FAA gives permission only 15% over gross weight, so.. That s a great trip, you should definitely fly over Turkey, will not regret. I can help you with the all details, pm me your whatsapp or email address whichever you prefer, but initially I must say the airport you looking for is LTBU, Corlu
  5. it was around 3 k
  6. Sure! I will definitely update here and share my whole experiences.. We are almost set - except the fuel issue.. By the way, if anyone has experienced this before, any ideas more than welcome..
  7. that s perfect news actually..of course I want to buy from Jose Monroy itself, however, if it is not possible anymore I want to try my shot.. I have been waiting like 2 years for that, and I need these tanks as I am preparing circumnavigate the world by the end of this year.. If anyone help me about this, I will be very glad..(I still pay want to Jose Monroy for the rights though..)
  8. I saw all that threads about ‘blue sky’ but this is called ‘emapa’ are those together? did not know - thanks for warning.. it is weird they posted ‘starting up again in 2022’
  9. Dear @Avionics Source Can you help me with that ‘screen crack’ where and how can I fix? Thanks a million Serkan
  10. hi everyone has anyone heard this? if it is true, can we say Jose Monroy started to production again? https://www.emapa.aero/Monroy-Mooney-Fuel-Increase-Upgrade-p/mooney-fuel-increase-upgrade.htm
  11. I wısh that too..I have talked with Mr.Monroy like 2 months ago..his sound was fine nut still struggling with the stroke for sure..not easy.. He said he might be able to do it next summer but no promises.. Hope he will be better soon.
  12. thank you soo much @spectre6573 I’ll advise my technicians see what we can do, but thanks so much again!
  13. hi guys thanks a million for your valuable time and your posts. unfortunately, there are not any garmin dealer in turkey (I have contacted them already but they have a very long process) can you guys suggest me any avionics shops in the states (does not matter where it is I will ship it anyway) thanks a million again, really appreciated seko
  14. hi everyone unfortunately, today I got very bad surprise with the picture below.. have no idea how did it happen, but probably someone dropped it off while working on the panel.. anyway..do you guys know any avionics shop to fix/repair this issue as Garmin is off. thanks a million in advance seko
  15. hi everyone, thanks for your help again. @PT20J do you also remember the PSI figures when you were on the ground, especially like first start, like the way I do? today we measure with manometer in case of any gauge failure etc, the values around 28 to 29 PSIs. Please see video attached: IMG_8956.MP4
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