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Baker Avionics

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About Baker Avionics

  • Birthday February 27

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    Southern Oregon

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  1. Make sure the selector knob isn't loose as in the shaft of it and make certain it turn with some sort of click. If not, then the u joint for that is stripped or cracked. It is a common issue with this system. If you need one, they are about $80-100 and we generally keep 3-5 in stock for this reason. If you need help, let me know. Love to help any way we can!!!!
  2. Shoot an email @ gbaker@bakeravionics.com with year and model.
  3. Thank you Steve! The cost for the parts are about $7k-7.5k and labor will vary depending on shop rates. PS, I replied to your email....
  4. Not trying to pick your panel apart, but I believe you are missing the RAD Light to be in accordance with the STC of the JPI you have installed. Just an FYI. The panel looks amazing, however!!!!
  5. Great question! It is the Alternate Static Port
  6. Oh Skip you comedian!!!!!!! LOL
  7. Plane was down for about 3-4 months and there were several additions to the work scope along the way. Cost we about $80k all together. We hade to replace the speedbrakes to the electric version and replaced the fuel probes as well.
  8. Of course!!!!! No, the customer had it that way for the pilot that was flying it is all.
  9. Well, another great transformation on a K model! She is ready to go and get back in the air!!!! What a transformation and beautiful panel she is!!!!
  10. Steve, call Geoff Watkins at BAS Parts Sales. They bought Lasar's parts Geoff Watkins Research & Listing Manager BAS Part Sales 970-313-4823 Office 970-414-7154 Direct geoff@baspartsales.com baspartsales.com
  11. We are out of them here, don't forget that you can use these as well: UMA N/A T1EU70G Fuel Pressure → UMA T1EU70G (0-70 PSI) Interface Only UMA N/A T1EU70G-CS Fuel Pressure → UMA T1EU70G (0-70 PSI) Interface Only
  12. Shoot me an email with what you are looking for please.
  13. I have a drawing for an E model. I am traveling currently but can get it for you if you still need it.
  14. Sorry for the delay. We took the entire crew to the NW Aviation Trade Show and Conference and it was AWESOME!!!! Met up with Skip while we were there and it is always great to meet up with folks from here to put faces with posts. LOL. There are ways to put the Speed brake switch on the yoke. They have extensions that give you more real estate on the yoke horns and that may be needed. As far as moving the gear handle, easy peasy. Be aware that if you move the stack to the left, you may need to contend with the V Bar in the front of the instrument panel, depending on the model. We have done it and it is a tedious process, but you can definitely do it. Any questions you have, feel free to email as that is the best form of communication for me. I will help as much as I can!!!
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