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Everything posted by 0TreeLemur

  1. carusoam and Mlm20C- excellent input- Thanks. Guitarmaster- does the jpi use the existing fuel level sensors, or did you have to replace them? I've read a few negative comments about that. I do like the idea of removing old instruments for lots of reasons as mentioned above.
  2. Thanks for your comment. I'm comparing JPI vs. EI offerings. Guitarmaster, did you get any of the options like fuel pressure, carb. temperature, or fuel levels? Any recommendations/warnings? I'm thinking about mounting the engine monitor in place of either the MP/FP or Tach, possibly getting rid of both. Does the EDM900 have optional warning lights like the EI CGR-30P does?
  3. Carusoam, thanks for the wisdom. I'm re-thinking. Not having had a failure, I don't think of them Just like earthquakes- I've never felt one so they don't happen... Need to consult my co-owner about expenditure. Much appreciated.
  4. Takair's solution is what I'm leaning towards. It seems like I could just leave it on the hottest EGT. The blank hole will be covered by a Dynon D2. We recently acquired this M20C, and focus is on maintenance/repair not upgrades at this point. Most of the instruments have been sent for OH. I've looked at the EI E-4, but 0.65 AMUs gets me a quarter of the way to an engine monitor that will go into replacing the tach on the right-hand side of the panel someday.
  5. I've embarked on a panel-redo, and I've hit a snag and need some advice. My 67C had a shotgun panel that featured an EGT gauge and 4-cyl selector right in the middle of the panel. I plan to finish my IR this year, and want a six-pack instrument arrangement. The a/c has a Radair 4-cyl EGT with a single gauge and a selector switch. The panel mount rotary switch is 2-inches in diameter, about 2-1/4" dia. with wires attached. It is in the middle of the photo resting atop the TC. The single-channel EGT gauge itself is just below the AH. Re-designing the panel to have a six-pack arrangement, with CDI and Dynon 2 EFIS between the six-pack and radio stack, the 2-1/4" EGT gauge must go to the left side below the key/master sw. There is no place left for that huge selector switch because of its 2" diameter. The switch is made by Shallco. I also include a diagram of the new layout. Any suggestions? Does anyone have a smaller switch idea? I assume that the red/yellow wires on the EGT are the dissimilar thermocouple wires and I need to be careful about cold junction error when selecting a switch. I have been scouring the interwebs looking for smaller switches, but have not had any luck. It seems that this calls for a 2-pole, 2-deck, 4 position switch. Son #1 has access to a water-jet cutter and he is going to be cutting the new panel next week. :-)
  6. Great- found them. -Thanks!
  7. N201MKTurbo, where did you find the rubber panel mounts mentioned in your post of Nov. 21, 2017 in response to the thread titled: "Vibration on instrument panel board" I'm re-doing my panel on my 67 to create a six-pack, and the rubber mounts are shot. -Fred
  8. Great info from all. Hank, we stopped both ways at TQH which is half way to our destination, LAA, and where fuel was $3.68/gal. Self serve, and on the ground no more than 20 minutes each way. They have a pump with a finicky leak detector. It requires ~30 sec. of no-flow to provide more than a trickle. We were flying at 7500' on the way back until about Little Rock where we had to descend to 5500 because of a SIGMET for icing. N201MKTurbo -good advice about the dish towel. We'll have to try that next time. -Carusoam, I read the article about the Mooney pilot in Minn. who landed while unconscious due to CO poisoning last Feb. and bought a SensorCon CO monitor based on that thread. It is nice to know that I have a plane that can land itself.... But I don't want to try it.
  9. Hi everyone, My wife and I made our first long cross-country this weekend: 1600 NM round-trip to Colorado and back from Alabama. On the return with favorable winds we did the 800 miles in 5.0 hours. The trip out took 6.5. With the PC system and properly trimmed, it almost acted like there was an autopilot on board. Sweet. My only complaint- cold knees. My wife had a heavy coat she used for a blanket. I didn't. The central duct put out a nice jet of hot air, as did the two ducts pointing towards the rudder pedals- just not enough of it. The door seal is pretty leaky in the bottom front corner. Probably need to look at that before the next long cold flight. We think we really like this aircraft. Smiles all around.
  10. So- I sat in the a/c with the seller this past weekend talking about the panel. I brought up the dead Davtron clock/timer. He remembered there being a battery, yet there is no battery on the clock. I unscrewed the clock bezel and pulled it off the yoke. The seller pulled the black foam out (see photo above), and there behind it sat a dead 9V battery to which the clock power leads were connected. One new 9V battery and the clock now works.
  11. David, thank you for posting this photo set. Simultaneously inspirational and scary (the last one). You have definitely got me thinking.
  12. Hi Shadrach. Thanks for the experience-based advice. I called Davtron- they asked me to send it in. Repair will cost about $70 (est) or replacement of electronics $120 (est). Will do when able.
  13. The electrical system is 12V, with 14.1 during charge. I am not familiar with the MSC system. What is it? Photo attached. Notice the custom tab at the top that covers the entire opening in the center of the yoke. I'll check voltage when able and contact Davtron. Thanks, Fred
  14. Hello everyone. We purchased a 1967 M20C Nov. 1,2017, and are getting to know it. The Davtron M800M clock that is mounted in the pilot's yoke is inop. I suspect that the second "M" in the model number is for "Mooney". I took out the two mounting screws to look behind. I has no backup battery and is connected by two wires to what I assume is 14VDC. The unit displays nothing. Looking online, the M800M in the M20C is different shaped than the M800 (no second M) currently being sold. The one in my yoke has two mounting screws and a protuberance in the vertical direction to match the shape of the yoke, while the ones presently for sale are just square, and have holes for four mounting screws. Does anyone here know who might fix this or have one for sale? I want to start doing IFR training in this beast, but need a functioning clock. Thanks. I look forward to receiving some guidance.
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